Course code BūvZ5036
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
Students are introduced by quality as an economic and technical category, by technical and management factors that affect it, as well as European Union and national laws that assess the safety and quality of goods and services. Students are acquainted with the principles of conformity assessment systems and institutions, the basic principles of standardization, as well as with specific of conformity assessment of structures and construction products.
By completion of the study course students:
1) have knowledge about quality systems, conformity assessment systems and quality (safety) control standards and quality control options of construction products and structures; Test with mark
2) be able to operate with databases of normative documents and apply the provisions of the FIDIC Contract conditions; Test with mark
3) be competent to apply Latvian national and European standards and evaluate the conformity of construction products. Test with mark
1. Quality as a technical and economic category. Quality systems – 2h
2. EU regulatory framework. European standardization system. Global Approach. New Approach directives – 2h
3. Building Products Regulation 305/2011 and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2002/91 / EC. – 2h
4. Standards as technical specifications. Latvian National Standardization system. Latvian Building regulation system – 2h (pr.w.)
5. Assessment of performance and conformity of construction products – 2h
6. Conformity assessment bodies. Mutual recognition of conformity assessments within the EU – 1h
7. National Program for Quality Assurance. Sector Quality Management Systems – 1h
8. Quality management systems. ISO 9000 series standards. Quality management systems of construction companies (contractors) – 2h
9. Quality manuals of companies – 2h (pr.w.)
10. Quality assurance of services – 2h
11. Personnel conformity assessment and qualification certification
12. FIDIC Construction Contract conditions – 2h + 2h (pr.w.)
13. Building control and supervision in construction– 1h + 1h (pr.w.)
14. Technological control of the quality of construction works – 2h
15. Discussion of test tasks – 2h
16. Presentation of credit test report or written quiz – 2h
In order to get check with rating and the credit points students shall prepare report and present for an object linked with a master’s thesis or pass a written quiz
Students independently acquire knowledge by studying of technical literature to prepare report and presentation or to prepare for a written quiz
The assessment is based on the quality of the report and its presentation or the result of the written quiz
1. Standartizācija. Buklets tapis sadarbībā ar BO VSIA "Latvijas standarts". Rīga: Personāla sertifikācija institūts, 2003. 58 lpp. 2. Druķis P. Jaunā un globālā pieeja. Rīga: Personāla sertifikācijas institūts, 2003. 86 lpp. 3. NANDO datu bāze. [tiešsaiste] Pieejams: 4. Starptautiskās inženierkonsultantu asociācijas FIDIC rokasgrāmatas par būvniecības līguma noteikumiem (anotācijas) [tiešsaiste]. Latvijas Inženierkonsultantu asociācija. Pieejams:
1. Latvijas Nacionālā standartizācijas institūcija „Latvijas Standarts”(LVS) vietne. Pieejams 2. Latvijas Kvalitātes asociācijas vietne. Pieejams 3. Goetsch D. L., Davis S. B. Total Quality Handbook. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. 320 p. 4.Būvizstrādājumu aprites regula 305/2011. Pieejams: vai 5. Christdoulou S., Griffis F. H., Barrett L., Okungbowa M. Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) For the Procurement of Professional Architectural-Engineering (A/E) Services. Brooklyn: USA Polytechnic University.
Žurnāls „Kvalitāte”. ISSN 1407-7671.
Course of limited option of Professional higher education Master's degree program „Civil engineering” and Academic higher education Master's degree program of Environmental, Water and Land engineering