Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Latin Language I
Course code Vete1001
Credit points (ECTS) 1.5
Total Hours in Course 40.5
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 20
Independent study hours 20
Date of course confirmation 16/04/2011
Responsible Unit Preclinical Institute
Course developers
Dr. med. vet., Arnis Mugurēvičs

Prior knowledge
Vete2013, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals I
Course abstract
The terminology of veterinary medicine is developed on the basis of Latin language; therefore for successful studies of special subjects (anatomy, histology, pharmacology and pathology) knowledge of Latin language is required. Students must learn grammar of Latin language and to use correctly terms of veterinary medicine. In the study course Latin I students acquire a basic knowledge of Latin history, phonetics, nouns declinations, adjectives and basic principles of anatomical terms formation.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge of Latin phonetics and grammar basic principles, as well as understanding of formation of Latin anatomical, histological, clinical, and pharmacologic terms. Tests - 2 written tests
Skills to use veterinary terms in Latin of the special veterinary disciplines. Assessment - written assignments during lessons. Competence to assess and understand the relevance and usability of veterinary Latin terms in specific cases. Assessment - oral tasks during lessons.
Course Content(Calendar)
During the semester, the student learns the Latin language in 20 contact hours, arranged in two lessons in 10 seminars / workshops. Lesson Plan:
1. Introduction. Latin History. Development of terminology in medical and veterinary medicine.
2. Phonetics. Latin, Greek alphabet. Latin pronunciation and writing. Vowel pronunciation. Diphthong pronunciation. Consonant pronunciation. Classical and traditional pronunciation.
3. Anatomy-Histology Terminology. Concept of term. Terminology. Term formation. Analysis of term components. Body plane and direction terms.
4. Noun. Dictionary form of the noun. Definition of the root of nouns. Declinations. First declination. Suffixes.
5. Second declination. Diminutive suffixes. Third declination. Third declination conjugation groups. Suffixes of third declination of nouns. Formation of anatomical terms.
6. The fourth declination nouns. Abbreviations of anatomical terms used in plural. Formation of compounds.
7. Fifth declination nouns. Formation of terms with the help of suffixes. Muscle group names formation in Latin.
8. Adjective. Two groups of adjectives. Dictionary form of adjectives. Principles of noun adjective agreement. Adjectives of the 1st – 2nd declination.
9. 3. Adjectives of the 3rd declination. Conjugation of the 3rd declination adjectives. 10. Comparative degrees adjectives. The most common adjectives of comparative and superlative degrees in anatomical terminology, their use and peculiarities of meaning.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Successfully passed 2 written tests. Less than 20% of the total number of contact hours. If the unjustified delays are more than 20% of the total number of contact hours, the course must be repeated from the beginning.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Independent tasks are assigned, analyzed and evaluated according to the calendar of the study course. Independent assignments help students to master new names and terms, as well as strengthen the Latin language acquired during lessons.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Study course tests are evaluated on the 10-point scale, the score is scored from 4 to 10 points. Evaluation of a study course test depends on the presentation of practical and theoretical knowledge. Study course tests are answered sequentially according to the course plan.
Compulsory reading
1.Strads M. Latīņu valodas konspektīvā gramatika. Rīga, 2002. 91 lpp. 2.Latīņu-latviešu vārdnīca (veterinārmedicīnas studentiem un veterinārārstiem). Sast. A.Mugurēvičs. Jelgava, 2006. 55 lpp. 3.Вульф В.Д. Латинский язык и основы ветеринарной терминологии. Москва, 1998. 176 c. 4. Валл Г.И Латинский язык: Учебник для ветеринарных специальностей вузов. Москва, 1990. 190 с. 5.Латинский язык и основы медицинской терминологии. под ред. Чернявского М.Н. 2-с изд.дом. Минск, 1989. 350 c.
Further reading
1.Roba E. Lingua Latina pharmaceutica. Rīga, 1977. 183 lpp. 2.Roba E., Altemente J. Lingua Latinapromedicis. 2.izd. Rīga, 1973.298 lpp. 3.Latin grammar. Ed. by R.Maidhoff. Barrons. 2009. 268 p.
Periodicals and other sources
1.Latīņu-latviešu vārdnīca. Sast. A.Gavrilovs, Rīga, 1994. 520 lpp. 2.Čerfase L. Latīņu spārnotie teicieni. Rīga, 1992. 294 lpp. 3.Latīņu–latviešu vārdnīca. Sast. K.Veitmane, L.Čerfase, H.Novaceks, A.Apinis. Rīga, 1955. 1023 lpp. 4. – pieejamas: angļu- latīņu; latīņu- angļu; krievu- latīņu; latīņu- krievu vārdnīcas.
Latin language is compulsory course of study programme Veterinary medicine