Statuss(Aktīvs) | Izdruka | Arhīvs(0) | Studiju plāns Vecais plāns | Kursu katalogs | Vēsture |
Course title | Logistics |
Course code | VadZ3038 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 4.5 |
Total Hours in Course | 121.5 |
Number of hours for lectures | 24 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 24 |
Independent study hours | 72 |
Date of course confirmation | 18/09/2019 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Business and Management Science |
Course developers | |
Mg. oec., pasn. Rita Rozentāle |
Prior knowledge | |
Ekon1024, Microeconomics Ekon2029, International Economic Relations Ekon2081, Finance and Credit VadZ1018, Business Information Management |
Replaced course | |
VadZB001 [GVADB001] Logistics |
Course abstract | |
The course provides students with theoretical knowledge of the concept, nature, historical evolution and role of logistics, the aspects of the economic performance of logistics systems and logistics management at an enterprise and builds up an understanding of and skills in key logistics functions, the way the functions are performed, the instruments used as well as the basic types of logistics and related functions. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
1.Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge of the history, evolution and nature of logistics and relevant concepts - report, practical assignments, a test
2.Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the basic types of logistics, the mechanisms and instruments for logistics management - report, practical assignments, a test 3.Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the modes of transport and the infrastructures needed therefor - practical assignments, a test 4.Demonstrate the knowledge of the factors affecting the logistics environment and of key costs of and the legal framework for logistics - assignments with calculations, a test, an examination 5.Identify economic and management mechanisms and instruments for a particular basic type of logistics for enterprises - practical assignments, a test, an examination 6.Analyse the endogenous and exogenous factors that compose the logistics environment - report, an examination 7.Determine supply chain capacity and find solutions to increasing it - practical group assignments, a test 8.Manage the supplier selection process - practical group assignments 9.Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - practical group assignments, independent work 10.Effectively work in a team, delegate and coordinate the fulfilment of responsibilities, assume responsibility for the results of the group work - practical group assignments 11.Present and explain to others the results of the work – presentation 12.Independently identify the types of logistics costs, how the costs arise and how the costs could be lowered - assignments with calculations, an examination 13.Understand the supplier selection process and independently determine supplier selection criteria - group work, a presentation |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
1.Concept of Logistics, definitions and historical development (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 2 hours)
2.Key Cost Groups in Logistics and their Optimization Tools (lecture – 2 hours, practical k- 3 hours) 3.Logistics Environment. Internal and external factors affecting logistics environment (lecture – 2 hours, practical - 3 hours) 4.Basic Logistics Activities and mechanisms and tools of their ensuring (lecture - 2 hours, practical - 1 hour) 5.Logistics Specialist (lecture – 1 hour) 6.Transportation. Assessment of modes of transport, quality and conformity (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 6 hours) 7.The calculation of Supply Chain capacity (practical - 3 hours) 8.The Supplier Selection process and Justification (practical - 3 hours) 9.Inventory Management (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 4 hours) 10.Warehouse Management (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 2 hours) 11.Legal and regulatory framework of international transactions (lecture – 2 hours) 12.Logistics topicalities in Latvia and global (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 2 hours) 13.The test - Basic Logistics Activities and mechanisms and tools of their ensuring. Inventory Management and Supply Chains (2 hours) 14.The Presentation of report (2 hours) |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
Examination. The Mark consist of:
•Examination about all the topics (40%) •Report and a presentation (20%) •Practical assignments, calculations (10%) •Group work and a presentation (10%) •Test - Basic types of logistics, the mechanisms and instruments thereof. Stock management and supply chains (20%) 10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
The preparing and presentation of report.
The preparing and presentation of practical assignments. The preparing for test and examination. |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
Examination grade is a cumulative grade from the assessment of the learning outcomes of a course. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1.Praude V. Loģistika (teorija un prakse). Rīga: Burtene, 2013. 56 lpp.
2.Praude, V. Beļčikovs, J. Loģistika. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2003. 544 lpp. 3.Sprancmanis, N. Biznesa loģistika. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2003. 360 lpp. 4.Ķēniņš–Kings G. Modernā apgāde. Rīga: Valters un Rapa, 2000. 235 lpp. 5.Sprancmanis N. Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija. Rīga: RTU tipogrāfija, 2001. 284 lpp. 6.Sprancmanis N. Uzņēmējdarbības loģistikas pamati. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. |
Further reading | |
1.Christopher M. Logistics and Supply Chain Management. London: Prentice Hall, 2005. 305 p.
2.Harrison, A., Hoek R. Logistics Management and Strategy. London: Prentice Hall, 2005. 308 p. 3.Boyson S., Corsi Th. Logistics and Extended Enterprise. New York: John Wiley, 1999. 230 p. 4.Bowersox D., Closs D. Logistical Management: The integrated supply chain process. New York: The Mc Grow – Hill Companies, 1996. 730 p. 5.Ghiani G., Laporte G., Musmanno R. Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control. Great Britain: TJ International, 2004. 360 p. 6.Krūmiņš N. Rokasgrāmata loģistikas sistēmu vadīšanai. Rīga, 2004. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1.Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: Latvijas Biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri, 2005-. ISSN 1407-2041 | |
Notes | |
Field professional specialization study course (Part B3) for the ESAF professional Bachelor study programme “Entrepreneurship and Business Management” |