Course code VidZ3006
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation08.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. sc. ing.
The aim of the study course is to get acquainted with the division of ecology as a discipline of biological sciences, populations, biocenoses and ecosystems, acquires knowledge and competencies about substance circulation, biosphere and ecosystem structure and energy processes in ecosystems, trophic chains in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Students acquire skills on current environmental and nature protection issues, learn to understand global environmental protection problems, the causes of environmental pollution and methods of its control, the impact of agriculture on the environment, as well as the basic principles of sustainable development, get acquainted with environmental legislation and environmental policy.
After the course students will have:
1. Knows and understands the basic concept of ecology and environmental protection, current environmental protection problems, theoretical and practical issues in environmental protection and ecology - 1. test, written test (or exam) at the end of studies;
2. Can formulate, critically evaluate and coordinate aspects of environmental protection and ecology with the content of research, course and final theses of study courses of their specialty - report, written test (or exam) at the end of studies;
3. Is able to observe and practically apply the basic principles of environmental protection and sustainable development in study courses and researches of their specialty - 2nd - 6th test, written test (or exam) at the end of studies.
Full time intramural studies:
1. Environment as a subject of studies. History of environmental protection. Environmental characteristics and its description, 2h.
2. 1st practical work: Specially protected nature territories, 2h.
3. Ecology – a theoretical basis of environmental protection. Content and structure of ecology. Habitats of living organisms. Ecological factors, 2h.
4. Population. Characteristics, structure, and dynamics of population. Homeostasis of population, 2h.
5. Biocenosis. Properties of biocenosis. Ecological niche, 1h. 2nd practical work: Nature and biosphere reserves, 1h.
6. Ecosystem. Flow of substances and energy in an ecosystem. Productivity and dynamics of ecosystems. Biosphere, 2h.
7. Formation and development of human population. Urbanization, food security, diseases, 2h.
8. Environment and agriculture. Impacts of agriculture on the environment, 1h. 3rd practical work: National parks, 1h.
9. Natural resources and principles of sustainable use of natural resources. Energy resources. Minerals, 2h.
10. Water resources. Plant and animal resources. Land resources, 1h. 4th practical work: Nature parks, natural monuments, 1h.
11. Environmental pollution. Classification and characteristics of pollution. Environmental quality and human health, 2h.
12. 5th practical work: Protection zones I, 2h.
13. Water pollution. Wastewater treatment. Protection of water resources, 2h.
14. Air (atmospheric) pollution. Types of air pollution and outspread. Reduction of air pollution, 2h.
15. Waste and pollution caused by waste. Problems of waste utilization. Waste management, 1h. 6th practical work: Protection zones II, 1h.
16. Environment and society. Essence of sustainable development. Sustainable production. Code of good agricultural practice, 2h.
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
1. During the study semester six tests are successfully passed on the topics of practical works.
2. At the end of the study semester a written final test / examination about a theoretical part of the study course has been successfully passed.
The student should independently prepare for six tests on the topics explored within the practical works. The students should complete six tests by providing answers to ten questions in each test. The tests are recognized as passed if at least six questions are answered correctly. Each correct answer is evaluated with one point. The total score obtained during all tests is multiplied by a factor of 0.7 and included in a cumulative evaluation for this study course.
At the end of the study semester the students have to complete a written final test / examination about a theoretical part of the study course by providing answers to 50 questions. The written examination is recognized as passed if at least 25 questions are answered correctly. Each correct answer is evaluated with one point and the total score is included in a cumulative evaluation for this study course. If the students did not provide correct answers to at least 25 questions and thus did not passed the written examination, the examination should be completed repeatedly. The points obtained in all written examinations are summed and divided by the number of writing times.
In addition to practical works and theoretical studies, students can conduct an in-depth study related to a topic of environmental protection by writing a report. This report should consist of at least 12 pages and should be prepared according to generally accepted technical and content requirements. This report can be evaluated up to ten points and included in a cumulative evaluation for this study course.
If the study course is graded as a Formal test ("Pass/Fail" assessment), the student passes if at least 70 points are obtained.
If the study course is graded as an "Exam," the final grade depends on the number of points earned.
Grading in the 10-point scale:
< 40 points - 3 (unsatisfactory)
40 ... 45 points - 4 (almost satisfactory);
46 ... 55 points - 5 (satisfactory);
56 ... 65 points - 6 (almost good);
66 ... 75 points - 7 (good);
76 ... 85 points - 8 (very good);
86 ... 90 points - 9 (excellent);
> 90 points - 10 (with distintion).
1. Ekoloģija un vides aizsardzība : mācību līdzeklis. 2006. J. Švarcbahs ... [u.c.] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Vides un ūdenssaimniecības katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 225 lpp.
2. Dabas aizsardzība. 2011. Oļģerta Nikodemus un Gunta Brūmeļa redakcijā; Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 287 lpp.
3. Vides zinātne. 2008. Māris Kļaviņš ... [u.c.] ; Māra Kļaviņa redakcijā. [Rīga] : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds,. 599 lpp.
4. Vide un ilgtspējīga attīstība. 2010. Redaktori Māris Kļaviņš un Jānis Zaļoksnis. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 334 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-45-220-3
5. Fundamentals of Environmental Studies. 2016. Mahua Basu, S. Xavier. Cambridge University Press. Pages 450. ISBN 978-1-107-53617-3.
6. Environmental science. 2003. L.Ryden, P.Migula & M.Anderson. The Baltic University Press. Uppsala, Sweden. P. 824.
7. Environment and sustainable development. 2010. Edited by Māris Kļaviņš, Walter Leal Filho, Jānis Zaļoksnis ; Riga : Academic Press of University of Latvia, Pages 300 . ISBN 978-9984-45-234-0
8. Ecology and Animal Health. 2012. Editors Leif Norrgren and Jeffrey M.Levengood, Uppsala Universitet. P. 382. ISBN 978-91-86189-12-9.
9. Sustainable Agriculture. 2012. Editor: Christine Jakobsson. Pages: 505. ISBN 978-91-86189-10-5.
1. Living in the Environment. 2002. G.Tyler Miller. 12th edition. Thomson learning. USA. Pages 758.
2. Environment. 2001. P.H.Raven, L.R.Berg. Harcourt College Publishers. USA. Pages 612.
3. Sustainable Water Management course that includes 3 textbooks in english and russian.
4. The Waterscape. Editor: Lars-Christer Lundin, Uppsala University, 2nd revised edition 2000 Pages: 207. ISBN: 91-973579-3-6;
5. Water Use and Management. 2000 Editor: Lars-Christer Lundin, Uppsala University, Second revised edition. Pages: 240. ISBN: 91-973579-4-4;
6. River Basin Management. 2000. Editor: Lars-Christer Lundin, Uppsala University, Second revised edition. Pages: 244 ISBN: 91-973579-5-2;
7. Atpazīsti īpaši aizsargājamās dabas teritorijas Latvijā, spēle, Kristīne Valujeva, 2023.
This study course is compulsory for all the levels of undergraduate study programs at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.