Course code VadZ4038
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures48
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation19.11.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. oec.
Ekon1024, Microeconomics
Psih3010, Social Psychology
VadZ1018, Business Information Management
VadZ2043, Business Ethics, Etiquette
The course provides students with knowledge of the basics of the scientific school of management thought, builds up an understanding of management functions and how to perform the functions in organizations of various fields, analyses the main concepts and structures of an organization for the formation thereof. The course also builds up an understanding of decisions and management styles, leadership ethics and social responsibility as well as skills in planning and organizing the individual activities of a manager.
• Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the historical evolution of management theory and the interconnection of elements of the internal and external environments of an enterprise (discussions in classes, a test, an examination);
• Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of how to manage an organization and of the individual traits of a manager (independent group work, a test);
• Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the conceptions of how to form the structure of an enterprise (independent group work, a test);
• Identify management styles (discussions in classes);
• Apply management methods in an enterprise (independent group work, a test);
• Acquire information and develop a simulation of the management process of an enterprise (independent group work);
• Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given (independent group work, a test);
• Effectively work in a team, delegate and coordinate the fulfilment of responsibilities, assume responsibility for the results of the teamwork (independent group work);
• Present and explain to others the results of the work (presentation);
• Critically assess and reasonably discuss the evolution of management theory, the nature of management processes in the society, an enterprise or an organization (independent group work, an examination);
• Independently formulate and critically analyse management processes and problems in an enterprise, understand and apply management methods to perform management functions (independent group work, a simulation of situations);
• Reasonably describe the key kinds of work organization (independent group work, a test);
• Make judgements and decide on social responsibility and business ethics (independent group work, an examination);
• Actively participate in and achieve the expected results of a management process simulation (independent group work).
Course Plan/Content
1.1. Introduction – Leading, its nature. (lectures 1, practical 2 hours)
1.2. Management functions and methods. (lectures 1hour)
1.3. The formation of the scientific thought of driving. Guiding principles and legal relationships. (lectures 3, practical 2 hours)
2.1. An enterprise (organisation) as a management object. (lectures 1, practical 6 hours)
2.2. Information and communication management process. (lectures 2, practical 2 hours)
2.3. Problem solving and decision making. (lectures 2, practical 2 hours)
2.4. Scheduling management results for the company. (lectures 2, practical 2 hours.)
2.5. Organizing, building an organisation structure. (lectures 2, practical hours)
2.6. Cooperation in the organisation and powers. (lectures 2, practical hours 2)
2.7. Motivation, motivation and motivational theories. (lectures 3 hours.)
2.8. Command building principles and management. (lectures 1, practical 2 hours.)
2.9. Changes in organisation and organisation development. (lectures 1 hour.)
2.10. Assessment of the effectiveness of driving (control). (lectures 2, practical 2 hours)
Test 1 (Practical jobs 1 hour)
3.1. The role and nature of the driver in the organization (1 hour of lectures)
3.2. Content of the driver's action (lectures 1, practical hours 1)
3.4. Driver's Social Responsibility and Leading Ethics (lectures 1 hour)
3.5. Guiding style, their types, their effectiveness. (lectures 2, practical 1 hour.)
3.6. Power and authority, nature and influence in the management process. (lectures 1 hour)
3.8. The art of speaking, persuasion and influence (lectures 1, practical 2 hours.)
3.9. The role of driver, leader in the process of change and innovation (lectures 1 hour)
3.10. Stress and self (time) management (lectures 1 hour)
Test 2 (Practical job 1 hour)
Presentation of the theoretically created and developed company (Practical job 2 hours)
Exam:The mark consist of:
• Test 1 (15%);
• Test 2 (15%);
• Independent group work (15%);
• Independent group work apresentation (5%);
• Activiry durig practicals (10%)
• Examination about all themas (40%).
10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
A mark of at least 4 has to be acquired in the practical works, seminar, test must be credited positive.
Material studies on the management of staff.
Internet materials studies on the management of staff.
Preparations for practical works, seminars and independent group work.
Preparation for test and Multiple choice test .
An examination assessment shall be the accumulating mark from the assessments of the results to be achieved in the study course.
1. Praude V. Menedžments. 1. grāmata. 3. pārstrād. un papild. izd. Rīga: Burtene. 2012. 498 lpp.
2. Praude V. Menedžments. 2. grāmata. 3. pārstrād. un papild. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2012. 307 lpp.
3. Vadīšana. Mācību līdzeklis LLU studentiem un maģistrantiem un lauku uzņēmēju kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanai. Sastādīja S.Ruskule. Jelgava. 2005. 456 lpp.
4. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Menedžments. Otrais, pārstrādātais izdevums. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2001. 509 lpp.
5. Caune J., Dzedons A. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. 2.izd. Rīga, 2009. 384 lpp.
6. Ešenvalde I. Pārmaiņu vadība. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2007. 264 lpp.
7. Forands I. Menedžmenta autoritātes. Rīga; Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2007.
8. Daniel H. Pink Drive: the Surprising Truth About What Motivates US: Riverhead hardcover, 2009. 242 p.
9. Ries E. The Learn Startup: How Today’s Enterreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Crown Business, 2011. 336 p.
10. Larsson G., Larson W. B. Stress Measurement in Less Than One minute. 2012. 97 p. 978-87-403-0234-9
11. Patterson C. Management Brief – Management and Leadership Theory. Ventus Publishing ApS, 2010. 63 p. Pieejams:
12. Successful Time Management. MTD Training, 2012. 57 p.
1. Hendijs Č. Veiksmīgs darbs organizācijās. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 214 lpp.
2. Blančards K., Džonsons S. Efektīvas vadības noslēpumi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 117 lpp.
3. Karuters Ī. Kā ietekmēt cilvēkus un likt viņiem mainīt domas. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 2009. 124 lpp.
4. Fišers P. Jaunais boss. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 199 lpp.
5. Bakingems M., Kofmans K. Vispirms pārkāp visus likumus. Rīga: Izdevniecības nams Trīs, 2005. 211 lpp.
6. Pīrsija R. Informācijas menedžments. Rīga: Jumava, 2006. 253 lpp.
7. International Journal of Business and Management. Canadien Center of Science and Education. ISSN 1833-3850, ISSN 1833-8119 (Online)
8. Journal of Management and Strategy. Sciedu. ISSN 1923-3965, ISSN 1923-3973
9. Journal of Modelling and Management. Emerald, 2006-. ISSN 1746-5664
1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: Latvijas Biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri, 1992. ISSN 1407-2041
Sectoral professional specialisation course (Part B3) for the professional bachelor's degree programme “Commercial activities and company management”