Course code VadZ3024

Credit points 4.50

Basics of Enterprise's Management

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation11.10.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science

Course developers

author Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts

Līga Jankova

Dr. oec.

author lect.

Vizma Kūlupa

Mg. sc. soc.

Prior knowledge

VadZ3017, Team Management

Replaced course

EkonB015 [GEKOB015] Basics of Corporate Management

Course abstract

Students acquire basic knowledge of the essence, content and role of management in the process of interaction between the company's internal and external environment. Acquires the history of management theory development, management methods and functions and the need for their delegation. During practical classes, students develop the skills, competences and way of thinking required for the entrepreneur and manager.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Know and understand: the nature and phenomena of management processes, methods for analysis and organisation management of management processes (test, practical work, workshop).
• know and understand the nature, concepts, types of recruitment. (practical jobs, test).
• know and understand the identification and analysis of their leadership and leadership potential, the necessary competencies and skills in the management of the group, team and organisation (group work, situation modelling, problem solving, workshop).
• be able to rightly choose and successfully analyse the management processes within the organisation using the management method tools (practical work, group work, test, own-initiative work).
• be able to perform personnel planning in line with the needs of the company, organise recruitment and evaluation (practical jobs, group jobs, test).
• be able to obtain information and develop a simulation of the business management process (practical works in groups).
• be able to communicate with entrepreneurs for information on business management issues (own-initiative work).
• be able to: plan the tasks assigned responsibly, make reasoned and reasonable conclusions on the methods and functions selected for the management of the company (practical work, group work, discussions, situation modelling).
• be able to work effectively on the team, delegate and coordinate the performance of duties. Is able to take responsibility for the results of the groups' work (working in groups).
• be able to self-formulate and critically analyse the processes and problems of management a company, understand and be able to apply management methods and functions (own-initiative group work).

• be able to choose and apply the necessary competencies, teams, teams, and organisations to a particular driver (practical tasks).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The basics of management theory. Management functions and methods (lecture 1 hour).
2. Management theories, their historical development (lecture 1 hour).
3. Management an organization. Organisation culture. (lecture 1 hour, practical works 6 hours)
4. Planning, nature and types (lectures 1 hour, practical work 2 ours).
5. Test 1 (practical 1 hour).
6. Motivation and motivation (lecture 1 hour).
7. Information and information exchange - forms of communication and role in companies (lecture 1 hour).
8. Control, nature and importance of the decision implementation process (lecture 1 hour).
9. Personnel management, its nature, politics (lecture 1 hour).
10. Decisions, nature, types. Team-building principles and management (lectures 1 hour, practical works 4 hours).
11. Conflicts, their nature, types, and options for resolving within the organization (lecture 1 hour).
12. The role and nature of the manager in the organisation. Social responsibility of the driver. (lecture 1 hour, practical works 4 hours).
13. Guiding style, types, effectiveness (lecture 1 hour)
14. Power and authority, nature and influence in the management process (lecture 1 hour).
15. Quality management (lectures 1 hour).
16. The role of driver, leader in the process of change and innovation (lecture1 hour).
17. Stress and self (time) management (leceture1 hour).

18. Test 2 (practical job 1hour)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Exam:The mark consist of:
• Test 1 (15%);
• Test 2 (15%);
• Independent group work (20%);
• Activiry durig practicals (10%)
• Examination about all themas (40%).
10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.

A mark of at least 4 has to be acquired in the practical works, seminar, test must be credited positive.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Material studies on the management of staff.
Internet materials studies on the management of staff.
Preparations for practical works, seminars and independent group work.

Preparation for test and Multiple choice test .

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

An examination assessment shall be the accumulating mark from the assessments of the results to be achieved in the study course.

Compulsory reading

1. Praude V. Menedžments. 1.grāmata. Rīga: Burtene, 2012. 497 lpp.
2. Praude V. Menedžments. 2.grāmata. Rīga: Burtene, 2012. 306 lpp.
3. Vadīšanas pamati. LLU. Sast.: U. Ivans, S. Ruskule. Malnava, 2006. 502 lpp.
4. Vadīšana. LLU. Sast. S. Ruskule. Jelgava: Jelgavas tipogrāfija, 2005. 456 lpp.
5. Barnard F. Agribusiness Management. 4th ed. London; New York: Routledge, 2012. 467 p.
6. Ukulovs V., Mass A., Bistrjakovs I. Vadības teorija. Rīga: Jumava, 2006. 246 lpp.

Further reading

1. Forands I. Menedžmenta autoritātes. Rīga: LIF, 2007. 214 lpp.
2. Forands I. Personāla vadība. Rīga: Latvijas izglītības fonds, 2001. 189 lpp.
3. Renģe V. Mūsdienu organizāciju psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 215 lpp.
4. Ārmstrongs M. Kā kļūt par izcilu menedžeri. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 344 lpp.
5. Hogans K. Ietekmēšanas māksla. Rīga: Arka, 2006. 275 lpp.
6. Dombrovska L. Cilvēkresursu kapitāla vadība. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 212 lpp.
7. Goulmens D. Tava emocionālā inteliģence. Rīga: SIA J.L.V”, 2001. 462 lpp.
8. Starlings G. Valsts sektora pārvalde. Rīga: Valsts administrācijas skola, 1999. 616 lpp.
9. Templers R. Menedžmenta likumi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 224 lpp.
10. Kurson K., Giuliani R. Leadership. Miramax, 2005. 409 p.
11. Edeirs Dž. Kā izaudzēt līderus. Rīga: LID, 2008. 186 lpp.
12. Edeirs Dž. Iedvesmojošais līderis. Rīga: LID, 2007. 233 lpp.
13. Edeirs Dž. Līderība un motivācija. Rīga: LID, 2007. 136 lpp.
14. Edeirs Dž. Līderība un inovācija. Rīga: LID, 2007. 126 lpp.

15. Pīrsija R. Laika menedžments. Rīga: Jumava, 2005. 200 lpp.


Faculty of Economics and Social Developmentfor Level 1 Vocational Higher Education Studies Programme “Commercial” and the “Agricultural” programme of the professional bachelor of AF.