Course code PārZP018
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Independent study hours162
Date of course confirmation13.04.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Students acquires knowledge of quality management systems in various food companies, develop profiling production technologies for specific food products, as well as the principles of technochemical and microbiological control of the quality of raw materials for products.
Students acquires knowledge of quality management systems in various food companies, develop production technologies for specific food products under the guidance of profiling lecturers, as well as the principles of technochemical and microbiological control of the quality of raw materials and finished products - practice in the company.
Students acquires knowledge of quality management and logistics systems in various food companies. Acquires skills to be able to independently describe the technological processes of specific products, their quality control and management system - practice in the company.
Students are able to analyze and explain the need for a quality management system in the technological schemes of selected products, the operation of the logistics system - the defense of the practice report.
1. Excursion to food production companies with the aim to get acquainted with quality control and logistics systems.
2. Development of production technologies for specific products.
3. Evaluation of the main microbiological quality control parameters for selected products.
4. Evaluation of the main technochemical quality control parameters for the selected products.
5. Risk analysis for the production of selected products.
6. Market niche and competition research of selected products.
7. Legislative research related to quality control and management.
8. Establishment of a logistics system for the sale of selected products.
9. Students conclusions and suggestions.
The student credit without mark:
• if at least 70% of the practice tasks have been completed and reflected in the report;
• the practice report has been submitted and publicly defended.
1. Ražošanas prakses nolikums akadēmiskās studiju programmas „Pārtikas zinības” un profesionālās studiju programmas „Pārtikas produktu tehnoloģijas” studentiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 24 lpp.
Compulsory internship for full-time students of the second level professional higher education study program “Food Technology”.