Course code PārZ3079
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures4
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Independent study hours69
Date of course confirmation21.03.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
PārZ1011, Fundamentals of Food Science I
PārZ1012, Fundamentals of Food Science II
PārZ1013, Food Law
PārZ3089, New Food Product Development
Understanding the importance of research for new product development and quality assurance plays an important role, therefore the aim of study course is provide knowledge about the research progress, analyze scientific literature, actuality in food industry and science. In study course students design, modeling and mapping, simulate and create a new product design.The prepared material is used in the development of the bachelor's thesis.
After the course work, students will have:
Knowledge and understanding of the development of new products from a research point of view. Is able to analyze and understand the regularities of the most important concepts, and to use it for further research work
Skills for modeling research work using statistical simple mapping and simulation methods. Able to demonstrate a scientific approach to the development of new products
The competence to independently obtain, select and analyze information in the development of new foods, solve problems by applying critical thinking and teamwork.
1st lecture Recent trends in food science. Interdisciplinary and international research. Development of innovation strategy and conceptual vision. Determination of the aim and tasks of the research work. Workshop (1) on the latest trends in the food sector, assessment of ideas and profile creation. Selection of informative materials for the analysis of scientific literature (2h).
2nd lecture Methods of analysis of scientific literature - Narrative review, Systematic review. Selection, compilation and evaluation of scientific literature. Seminar (2) on the evaluation and analysis of scientific literature (2h).
3rd lecture Creation of the Scheme profile. The choice and justification of the methods required in the study. Workshop (3), discussion on the development of a research scheme (2h)
4th lecture Modeling of research work using statistical simplified mapping and simulation methods. Seminar (4) on the choice and justification of the materials and methods necessary for the development of the new product, the relevance and importance of the research scheme to the stated purpose and objectives of the work (2h).
The evaluation of the course work consists of the assessment of the quality of the written work (quality requirements included in the course work plan), presentations and work in the seminars
Independent work No.1. Preparation for the first seminar. Working in the group analyzing the latest trends in a particular food field by reviewing scientific articles and summaries of topical trends developed by various institutes. Make an idea assessment (submitted electronically in the form of a presentation).
Independent work No.2. Preparation for the 2nd seminar. Make an initial analysis of the literature using the systematic review approach and prepare a presentation on literature analysis. Present the goals and tasks of the work.
Independent work No.3. Preparation for the 3rd seminar. Develop a research scheme and prepare a presentation
Independent work No.4. Preparation for the 4th seminar. Prepare a presentation on the selection and justification of the materials and methods necessary for the development of the new product. Development of the course work and final presentation
The grade of the course is calculated as the weighted average score based on the assessment of the written course work (70%), the final presentation (15%) and presentations in seminars (15%).
Moskowitz H., Porretta S, Silche M. Concept Research in Food Product Design and Development. Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. 612 p. ISBN: 978-0-470-28999-0 New product development. C. Berenson, M. Iansiti, T. J Kosnik u.c.e.all. 2nd ed. Boston, Massachusetts (ASV): Harvard Business publishing, 2002. 159 lpp.
Kotler P. Kotlers par mārketingu: kā radīt, iekarot tirgu un dominēt tajā. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007. 269 lpp. ISBN 9789984995267.
Noformēšanas vadlīnijas,
Zinātniskās datu bāzes:
3. Web of Science,
Limited currency study course in the academic bachelor's programm "Food Quality and Innovations".