Course code MatZP013

Credit points 3

Practical Training in Wood Processing

Total Hours in Course81

Independent study hours81

Date of course confirmation17.02.2015

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer

author lect.

Vilnis Jakovļevs

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

MatZ1002, Design Basics of Wooden Articles

MatZ2035, Wood Cutting Processes

MatZ2036, Wood Science

MatZ3028, Wood Processing Machinery and Tools

Course abstract

Rational methods of using carpentry-type woodworking machines and their use for the performance of various mechanical processing processes, which are acquired by researching the available woodworking equipment and processing wood materials on them.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - theoretical knowledge and understanding of the production of standard wooden products on item type equipment. (at the end of the semester, upon receiving the assignment, assess whether the student knows the appropriate equipment and is able to make a rational decision, based on knowledge)

Skills - independently works with carpentry type woodworking machines, which install and use safe work methods (at the end of the semester, demonstrating their skills available for woodworking equipment)

Competence - is able to independently use the knowledge of equipment and manufacturing parts specifications to make the right decision when processing the selection process. (at the end of the semester, demonstrating one's skills available for woodworking equipment in the context of receiving assignments. Competences determine what students are able to make a rational decision without the teacher's involvement)

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Sawing equipment, constructions, operation, setting, copying, working methods and examples, knowing the equipment. (6h)
2 Milling equipment, constructions, operation, setting, copying, working methods and examples, knowing the equipment. (6h)
3 Pressing equipment, constructions, operation, setting, copying, working methods and examples, learning about the equipment. (4 h)
4 Drilling rigs, design, operation, setup, copying, techniques and examples for exploring rigs. (4 h)
5 Hand tools, design, operation, setup, copying, techniques and examples for learning about equipment. (6h)
6 Practical operation of equipment, strengthening skills and safe working methods when processing wood materials (54h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

At the end of the semester, each student must present the skills individually, showing their ability to use the available woodworking equipment. The teacher issues a task and observes how the student chooses a machine tool, sets it up, applies work methods and performs the processing process itself. Students receive a negative grade if they are unable to independently perform the woodworking.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Permanent work takes place under the guidance of the lecturer, according to the course plan.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Evaluates the student's ability to work independently on equipment.

Compulsory reading

1. Nutsch W. Handbuch der Konstruktion Möbel und Einbauschränke. Verlagsgruppe random house GmbH izdevniecība. Regensburga: Friedrich Pustest KG , 2011. 415 p.
2. Nutsch W. Handbuch technishes Zeichnen und Entwerfen: Möbel und Innenausbau. Verlagsgruppe random house GmbH izdevniecība. Regensburga: Friedrich Pustest KG , 2013. 281 S. 3. Bablick M. Holz und Holzwerkstoffe. Verlagsgruppe random house GmbH izdevniecība. Minhene, Firmengruppe APPL, 2009. 167 p.

Further reading

1. Grīnberga, M. Materiālmācība galdniekiem. Mācību līdzeklis. Atļāvusi lietot Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija profesionālajai izglītībai. Rīga: Jumava, 2003. 192 lpp.
2. Ruks U. Kokapstrādes mašīnas, darba drošība pie kokapstrādes mašīnām: PHARE 2001 ESK programmas projekts "Jēkabpils Kokapstrādes uzņēmējdarbības parks". Atbildīgs par izdevumu SIA "Kokapstrādes tehnoloģijas centrs". Jelgava: 2004, 233 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Starptautiskie žurnāli "Baltijas Koks" ISSN 1407-6667
2. Koka nozares laikraksts "Holz-Zentralblatt" ISSN 0018-3792 3. Žurnāls "Timber Industry Magazine" ISSN 1740-701X


The study practice is included in the full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor's study program Woodworking at the Faculty of Forestry.