Course code MākZ1004
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes20
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation13.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. art.
Composition and Colour Studies includes the possibilitie of varieties in the rhythm of lines, size, and materials. Studing the basic compositional principles, different materials and possibilities of construction, modelling and visual element composing in environment and space.
Theoretically knows and understands the concepts, types and basic principles of composition, their application: black and white, graphic, colour, opart composition, interrelationships - theory Test.
Is able to work creatively and independently in graphic, linear, black and white, color variations and forms of expression in the plane and volume (sketches, worksheets, packaging designs and layouts, tablets, objects, etc.) - practical work.
Independently uses compositional knowledge and skills, makes practical works as prototypes of design thinking and possible reproduction materials: is able to think and act creatively, independently in composition; to analyze and evaluate the aesthetic quality and function of the work; reasoned reasoning, listening and evaluating each other and respecting the other's point of view; is able to apply ICT knowledge and skills in the development of compositions and presentations - independent Homework.
Full time intramural studies:
1.Introduction to Composition and Color Studies. Basic principles of composition, basic elements. 2h
(sketches, practical works - linearly depicted objects in graphic composition)
2.Means and types of graphic expression. Lines, types of lines, their variations. Line direction, character, application. Linear compositions. 2h
(sketches, worksheets, practical work and independent homework - company style, decoration design, labels, stickers)
3. Types of composition, structure, meaning. 2h
(sketches, practical works and independent homework, digital compositions with objects, small elements)
4. Geometric compositions. Circle composition. Square and triangle compositions. 2h
(object sketches, practical works, mandala, square compositions, layouts)
5. Optical art. Opart variations. 2h
(sketches, practical works and independent homework - oparts in the plane, in volume)
6. Black and white compositions. Graphics. Graphic design. 2h
(sketches, worksheets; practical works and independent homework- fonts, logos, labels, stickers, packaging layouts)
7.Natural elements, stylization, graphic representation. 2h
( sketches, practical work and independent homework - decoration design, packaging for coffee / tea cup, etc.)
8. Texture, texture, embossing / texture printing. 2h
(sketches, worksheets, practical works - textured / embossed on various surfaces
9. Relief, tectonics. The principle of the module. 2h
(sketches, practical work and independent homework - tectonic elements, modular principle)
10. Surface properties, materiality. Natural / artificial materials. 2h
(materiality sketches, practical works and independent homework - surface treatment / finishing, textures)
11. Paper plastic. Types of paper finishing / processing, paper relief in plane / volume. 2h
(sketches, practical works and independent homework - light object, work with paper, connections of spatial objects)
Theory Test. 1h
12.Spatial objects, elements in the plane / surface / volume. 2h
(sketches, practical work and independent homework - spatial subject, work with paper, cardboard)
13. Decorative elements, functional objects. 2h
(sketches, practical works and independent homework - box packaging design)
14. Use of used items / items / materials, recycling. 2h
(sketches, creative work and independent homework- “second life” of worn-out objects / things / materials)
15. Packaging development. Free task - group work. 2h
(group work - sketches, idea layouts, practical work - packaging design)
16. Exhibition of practical works. Composition in the square, subject environment, arrangement of objects / practical works in different planes. 1h
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Test with mark.
Requirements for passing the test:
1. Attendance classes.
2. Developed and creatively accomplished practical works according to the themes and tasks-defended during the classes (sketches, worksheets, tablets, creative tasks) during the classes, which will be evaluated with a mark of 10 points in the system.
3. Presenting and defending the independent home works, estimated with a mark of 10 points in the system
4. Pass theory test, which is estimated with a mark of 10 points in the system.
5. Participation in the work show and work on the exposition at the end of the semester.
Independently and creatively developed sketches, worksheets, packaging designs, layouts, spatial objects, tablets, creative tasks according to the course plan; compiled, used -informative resources; art, culture, contemporary art and design materials, artistic creativity, innovative creativity.
At the end of the course, a 10-point scale test is planned.
Valuation criteria for practical works, test work and independent homework:
1. Compliance with the terms of reference, format and requirements.
2. Applied materials, technical and compositional principles.
3. Creativity, creativity.
4. Technical and aesthetic quality of work.
5. Presentation skills.
6. Organization of work skills - inclusion in deadlines.
1. Kundziņš M. Dabas formu estētika. Rīga: Madris, 2006.
2. Hellers S., Andersone G. Grafiska dizaina rokasgramata. Riga: J. Rozes apgads, 2016
3. Kagaine Z. Radošā domāšana vizuālajā mākslā. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2006.
4. Briška I., Kadiķe I., Kalēja-Gasparoviča D., Rudovska M. Vizuālā māksla vidusskolām. 2.daļa. Rīga: Raka, 2010.
5. Briška I. Kompozīcija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007.
6. Zīmes un Simboli. No senajiem hieroglifiem līdz mūsdienu logotipiem. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2010. ISBN 978-9934-0-1268-6
7. Osorno L. Commercial Illustration. Design media Publishing Ltd: 2014. ISBN 978-988-15451-3-8
8. Lying W. Commercial Prints Design. Design Media Publishing Ltd: 2014. ISBN 978-988-12966-3-4
9. Commentz S., Ehman S., Klanten R. Papercraft. Design and Art with Paper. KG, Berlin: Gestalten Verlag HmbH@co, 2010.
10. Wiedwmann Ed.J. LOGO Design. Tashen: ISBN 978-3-8228-4622-3
1. Strupulis J., Burāne I., Šmite E. Jānis Strupulis. Atskats. Rīga: Medicīnas muzeja atbalsta fonda biedrība, 2019. ISBN 978-9934-19-746-8
2. Ēķe Gāga D. Gribu būt dizainers. Rīga: Biedrība Droši un koši. 2018. ISBN 978-9934-8565-5-6
3. Lake S. Botanical Style. RPS: London New York. 2016. ISBN 978-1-84975-713-3
4. Fiell C. P. Scandinavian design. Tashen: 2017. ISBN 978-3-8365-4452-8
5. Hudson J. The Design Book. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-78067-099-7
6. Lorenc J. Commercial Guide. Design Media Publishing limited 20/F Manulife Tower. Hong Kong, 2015. ISBN: 978-988-14124-1-6
7. Fiell C., P. Design Now! Eco-design to Design-Art 90 Designers from liro Ahokas to Michael Young. Tashen: 2007. ISBN 978-3-8228-5267-5
8. Martins A., Jehl E. Grand Stand. Designing Stands for trade Fairs and Events. Frame: thames and Hudson Ltd, 2018. ISBN: 978-94-92311-19-1
9. Jozus A. Ceļojums rūpnieciskā īpašuma pasaulē. Rīga: Eko Media, ISBN 978-0034-8730-0-1
10. Guan A., Wang A. Brand Image Design for Catering Services. Design Media Published Ltd 20/F Manulife Tower; 2010. ISBN 978-988-15660-1-0
1.Digitālais mācību līdzeklis, e-mācību kurss Spulle-Meiere I., Reimandova I. Kompozīcija un mākslas valoda. 2012.
2.Pastaiga. Mode Stils Kultūra Māksla. Rīgas Viļņi izdevniecība. Rīga, 2020. III/IV, V/VI. ISSN 1407-3277
3.Deko. Izdevniecība žurnāls „Santa”. ISSN 1407-7027
4. Tidskriften RUM. The Swedish magazine about Scandinavian architecture & design. 3/2019. ISSN1650-1330
5.Lilit Look. Lilit STILS&MODE. ISSN 1691-2012
6.L”OFFICIIEL. Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala. ISSN 1691-5135
7. RUM Design. Mode. Inredning. Konst. TIDSAM 4752-01, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
8.IN.Indhold.MODE/INTERVIEW/KULTUR/REJSER. 100 unikke julegaver. IN udgives af Aller Media A/S. 2020. UBD 5701837000151
9.HŪS OG HĪBYLI. ISSN 1021-8327