Course code LauZ5159
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation21.03.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
VidEM002 [GVIEM002] Specialized Technology
The aim of the course is to introduce students to specialized technologies in livestock, husbandry and other fields. Its are introduced to newer solutions used for keeping livestock, as well as with state-of the-art technologies and equipment for the preparation and distribution of fodder, removal and management of manure, milking and milk pretreatment, microclimate. The field crop technology contain in-depth studies in the horticulture sector, greenhouse, land reclamation, peat extraction and communal farm. Students can choose their preferred specializations.
Knowlwdge about the latest technological processes of livestock and agricultural production and modern technological equipment and machines of livestock and agricultural production.
Skills to include new technologies and technological equipment in the plans of new and reconstructed livestock housing, to include the latest agricultural and other equipment and machinery in modern production. Test.
Competences to use the acquired knowledge and skills, which are necessary for the development of a plan for new or modernized livestock housing and equipping them with modern machinery, for the inclusion of modern agricultural machinery in the production process. Independent work and work defense.
1. Lectures in the chosen specialization direction - 3h.
2. Lectures in the chosen specialization direction - 3h.
3. Lectures in the chosen direction of specialization - 3h.
4. Lectures in the chosen direction of specialization - 3h.
5. Lectures in the chosen specialization direction - 3h.
6. Lectures in the chosen direction of specialization - 3h.
7. Lectures in the chosen direction of specialization - 3h.
8. Test - 3h.
9. Submission of the independent work task in the chosen specialization direction - 3h.
10. Development of independent work in consultation with the responsible lecturer - 3h.
11. Development of independent work in consultation with the responsible lecturer - 3h.
12. Development of independent work in consultation with the responsible lecturer - 3h.
13. Development of independent work in consultation with the responsible lecturer - 3h.
14. Development of independent work in consultation with the responsible lecturer - 3h.
15. Defense and discussion of independent work - 3h.
16. Test - 3h.
A test with a mark can be received if the test has been successfully written and the independent work has been developed
Preparation for the test using the literature indicated in the study program and consulting with the lecturer of the study course
The evaluation of the study course test depends on the test task and the evaluation of the study course test. A student can obtain a successful grade for a test if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
The test mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the average results of the tests and independent work.
1. Advances in Agricultural Machinery and Technologies/ Edited by Guangnan Chen. eBook Published 5 March 2018/Pub. location Boca Raton/Imprint CRC Press/DOI, Pages 488 pages/SubjectsEarth Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Agriculture, pieejams tiešsaitē
2. Agricultural automation : fundamentals and practices / edited by Qin Zhang and Francis J. Pierce. Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013. xiv, 397 lpp. : ilustrācijas, tabulas ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781439880579.
3. Precision agriculture technology for crop farming / edited by Qin Zhang. Boca Raton [u.c.] : CRC Press 1 tiešsaistes resurss (13 datnes, 368 lapas) : grafiki, ilustrācijas, tabulas. ISBN 9781482251081 (PDF).
4. Emerging Technologies in Agricultural Engineering Edited ByMegh R. Goyal. Edition 1st Edition First Published 2017 eBook Published 1 September 2017 Pub. location New York Imprint Apple Academic Press DOI Pages 426 pages eBook ISBN 9781315366364 SubjectsEnvironment & Agriculture
5. Organic Agricultural Practices. Alternatives to Conventional Agricultural Systems. Edited ByKimberly Etingoff Edition 1st Edition First Published 2014 eBook Published 6 September 2014 Pub. location New York Imprint Apple Academic Press DOI Pages 418 pages eBook ISBN 9780429188602 SubjectsEarth Sciences, Environment & Agriculture
6. Automatic milking: a better understanding / edited by: A. Meijering, H. Hogeveen, C.J.A.M. de Koning. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2004. 525 p.
7. Dairy Farming Handbook. DeLaval. 2012. -305p.
8. Liellopu un cūku mītnes: tehnoloģija un aprīkošana. / J.Priekuļa red. - R.:Poligrāfists, 2003. - 198 lpp.
9. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. 2012. J.Priekuļa red. Jelgava: LLU, - 240 lpp.
10. Precision livestock farming applications : making sense of sensors to support farm management / edited by: Ilan Halachmi. Wageningen, The Netherlands : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2015. 326 p.
11. Priekulis J. Jaunākā lopkopības tehnoloģija un tehnika. LLU, 2018. 101 lpp. Pieejams: E-studiju kurss LauZ4031 Lauksaimniecības mehanizācija; un bibliotekas datoriem/Jaunaka_lopkop_tehnol_tehnika_JurisPriekulis_bibl_tikla.pdf (E-resurss) {Pieejams no LLU bibliotēkas datoriem}.
12. Priekulis J. Lopkopības mehanizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 355 lpp.
13. Organiskā mēslojuma izkliedēšanas tehnoloģijas / autori: Kalvi Tamm, Raivo Vettik, Peeter Viil, Taavi Võsa, Jānis Kažotnieks. - Rīga: Biedrība Zemnieku saeima, 2017 - 31 lpp.:
1. Mans lauksaimniecības tehnikas parks. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2019. – 65 lpp. (Aršanas smalkumi, kā izvēlēties smidzinātāju, smidzinātāja regulēšana, minerālmēslu izkliedētāja izvēle, kā samazināt degvielas patēriņu lauksaimniecības darbos).
2. Precīzā laukkopība. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2016. – 50 lpp.
3. Jaunākās tehnoloģijas Modernajās siltumnīcās. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2017. – 66 lpp.
4. Videi draudzīga meliorācija. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2018. – 46 lpp.
5. Precīzā lopkopība. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2016. – 65 lpp.
6. Kvalitatīvas skābbarības sagatavošana un uzglabāšana. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2019. – 50 lpp.
7. Kūtsmēslu krātuves mūsdienīgām fermām. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2019. – 65 lpp.
1. Agro Tops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164. Pieejams:
2. Saimnieks LV. Rīga: TEE BIO, 2004- ISSN 1691-1598. Pieejams:
3. Profi Latvija. Žurnāls par profesionālu lauksaimniecības tehniku. Izdevējs SIA Baltic publishing group. ISSN 2256-0130. Pieejams:
Compulsory subject for the sub-program "Agricultural Technologies and Machinery" of the Master's study program "Agricultural Engineering"