Course code LauZ4031
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation22.11.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Energy carriers. Energetic machinery. Field, Horticulture and Animal breading mechanising technologies, implements and machinery for its introduction, principal schemes of machines, action, its place in the technological chine in the production of concrete products. Estimation of the quality of implements and machines, usage costs.
After finishing the course in animal farming mechanisation the student will:
1) know the peculiarities of milk production in modern milk cow farms, including the possibilities of application of robotised and automated machinery, solutions of introduction and usage of precise animal farming (management systems),
2) understand the solutions of milk farming modernisation, as well as obtain preliminary knowledge on machinery that is used for animal feed distribution, manure removal and ensuring of the microclimate in modern milk production farms. Six laboratory works, report and presentation of the work are scheduled,
3) understand the solutions in modernisation of pig farming and poultry breeding; obtain knowledge on machinery that is used in modern pig and poultry housings. Two laboratory works, report and presentation of the work are scheduled,
4) be able to summarise the latest information, using the journals, booklets and other materials in the branch for developing technological solutions for improvement of farm animal breeding and handling, as well as for different presentations. Two test.
After finishing the course in plant growing mechanisation the student will:
1) obtain knowledge on technologies, motor vehicles, machinery, equipment and the purpose of their application. Three laboratory works, three test.
2) understand the basic principles of plant breeding machinery structure and operation, types of working parts and their application. Two laboratory works, two test.
3) be able to summarise the latest information, using the journals, booklets, presentations, normative documents and other materials in the branch for developing technological solutions in plant breeding for corresponding cultivated plants – home work.
1. Breeding of milk cows, calves and young stock, insuring and improvement of animal housing microclimate in compliance with the welfare requirements for these farm animals -2h.
2. Modern technologies and machinery for preparation and distribution of animal feed mixtures for animals of different breeds - 2h.
3. Modern solutions for farm manure removal, storage and management - 2h.
4. Up-to-date machinery for milking and milk primary processing 2h.
5. Introduction and effective application of precise animal farming - 2h. Test 1: Modern machinery and technology in milk farming.
6. Latest trends in installation of pig housings and ensuring of pig welfare requirements - 2h.
7. Modern solutions of feeding pigs with dry and liquid feed. - 1h
8. Manure removal from up-to-date pig housings and manure storage - 1h.
9. Latest trends in breeding laying hens and other kinds of poultry: modernised cages, volieres. Up-to-date solutions for poultry watering, feeding, removal of manure, as well as ensuring of favourable microclimate for poultry -2h. Test 2: Modern machinery and technology in pig and poultry breeding.
1. Mechanisation of agriculture or technical supply, sources of energy used in agriculture, technologies and pulling machines used in agriculture. Soil cultivation machines. Soil cultivation methods, operating parts of soil cultivation machines, agrotechnical requirements for soil cultivation machines -4h. Test 1: Soil cultivation technologies and used machines.
2. Spreading machines. Kinds of sowing seeds, grain and fine seed sowing machines, precision sowing machines, potato and plant planting technologies and machines used, preparation of sowing material.
Plant fertilisation and chemical protection, mineral fertiliser spreaders and sowing machines, organic manure spreading technologies and machines used, field and garden sprayers, spray generators, environment protection requirements - 6h. Test 2: Spreading machines, their kinds and application.
3. Culmiferous plant harvesting machines. Grass forage, hay, haylage, silage, machines and equipment for preparation, mowers, rakes, press wrapping machines, choppers, pick-up balers, labour safety and protection of field fauna. Grain production technologies and technical means, grain harvesting Technologies and harvesters, grain primary processing technologies, grain drying and cleaning, usage of straw, machines and technological methods of harvesting straw. Test 3: Culmiferous plant harvesting technologies and machines used - 8h.
4. Grain and fine seed primary processing technologies and machines. Cleaning, drying, sorting and storage of grain and fine seeds, operating parts and operation principles of grain primary processing machines, grain drying and active ventilation, principles and used equipment for grain and other seed storage - 5h. Test 4: Grain primary processing equipment and machines.
5. Potato production technologies, potato planting machines, machines for potato field cultivation and harvesting, potato sorters, potato storage warehouses and equipment, storage requirements. Oil and fibre plant growing technologies, growing of flax, rape, turnip rape and hemp. Machinery for sowing and field cultivation, harvesting technologies and machinery used, vegetable harvesting machines and primary processing equipment - 5h. Test 5: Potato, vegetable, flax and hemp growing, harvesting machines, storage buildings and equipment.
6. Technologies in orchards and berry gardens, machinery and technologies for organising and cultivating orchards and berry gardens, fruit and berry harvesting machinery, buildings and equipment for fruit and berry storage, orchard and berry garden protection measures from unfavourable natural phenomena (frosts, hail, birds) - 4h.
Automatic pass, if all tests have got the average assessment not less than „8”. All scheduled tasks are finished and successfully defended.
Preparing for tests the literature sources used in lectures and practical works should be studied, consulting the teacher of the study course.
Assessment of the study course depends on the cumulative assessment of the examination task and study course tests.
Students can have a successful grade for the test and examination, if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
Examination grade is calculated as the mean average of the average results of the tests passed in the animal farming and plant growing mechanisation sections.
Augkopības mehanizācijā
1. Pinnis U.. Kultivatori un dziļirdinātāji. Ulbroka. 2006. – 55 lpp.
2. Vilde A., Ā. Ruciņš, D. Viesturs. Globālās pozicionēšanas tehnoloģijas lauksaimniecībā. LZTI. Jelgava. 2008. – 48 lpp.
3. – Zemniekiem noderīgas grāmatas: Smidzinātāji 2006; Sējmašīnas 2006; Arkli 2006; Kombaini 2006.
4. Ivanovs S., Lazovska V.. Linu novākšanas un pirmapstrādei sagatavošanas tehnoloģijas un mašīnas. Ulbroka. 2007. - 108 lpp.
5. Pankovs J., Ivanovs S., Viesturs D.. Zāles lopbarības sagatavošanas tehnoloģijas un mašīnas. Ulbroka. 2004. – 125 lpp.
6. Palabinskis J. Organisko mēslu izkliedētāji. Jelgava. 2004. - 64 lpp.
7. Organiskā mēslojuma izkliedēšanas tehnoloģijas / autori: Kalvi Tamm, Raivo Vettik, Peeter Viil, Taavi Võsa, Jānis Kažotnieks. - [Rīga] : Biedrība Zemnieku saeima, [2017] - 31 lpp. : ilustrācijas, tabulas ; 25 cm Lasītava - 631.3 ; 18/126 un
8. Kažotnieks J.. Arkli. Rīga. 2006. – 27 lpp.
9. Pinnis U., Kažotnieks J.. Sējmašīnas. LKIAC, Ozolnieki, 1999, 30 lpp.
10. Smidzinātāju rokasgrāmata. LKIAC, Ozolnieki, 2001, 144 lpp.
11. Skrīvele M.u.c. Intensīvas augļkopības rokasgrāmata. Dobele, 2000, 205.-233. lpp.
12. Profesionālā dārzkopība. APP “Dārzkopības institūts”, pieejams tiešsaistē:
13. E studiju materiāli:, e-studijas, TF.
14. Graudu pirmapstrāde un uzglabāšana. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla „AgroTops” bibliotēka 2013. - 50 lpp.
15. Advances in Agricultural Machinery and Technologies/ Edited by Guangnan Chen. eBook Published 5 March 2018/Pub. location Boca Raton/Imprint CRC Press/DOI, Pages 488 pages/SubjectsEarth Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Agriculture, pieejams tiešsaitē
16. Agricultural automation : fundamentals and practices / edited by Qin Zhang and Francis J. Pierce. Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013. xiv, 397 lpp. : ilustrācijas, tabulas ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781439880579.
17. Precision agriculture technology for crop farming / edited by Qin Zhang. Boca Raton [u.c.] : CRC Press 1 tiešsaistes resurss (13 datnes, 368 lapas) : grafiki, ilustrācijas, tabulas. ISBN 9781482251081 (PDF).
18. Emerging Technologies in Agricultural Engineering
Edited ByMegh R. Goyal. Edition 1st Edition First Published 2017
eBook Published 1 September 2017 Pub. location New York
Imprint Apple Academic Press DOI
Pages 426 pages eBook ISBN 9781315366364
SubjectsEnvironment & Agriculture
19. Organic Agricultural Practices. Alternatives to Conventional Agricultural Systems. Edited ByKimberly Etingoff Edition 1st Edition First Published 2014 eBook Published 6 September 2014
Pub. location New York Imprint Apple Academic Press
Pages 418 pages eBook ISBN 9780429188602
SubjectsEarth Sciences, Environment & Agriculture
Lopkopības mehanizācijā
20. Automatic milking: a better understanding / edited by: A. Meijering, H. Hogeveen, C.J.A.M. de Koning. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2004. 525 p.
21. Dairy Farming Handbook. DeLaval. 2012. -305p.
22. Liellopu un cūku mītnes: tehnoloģija un aprīkošana. / J.Priekuļa red. - R.:Poligrāfists, 2003. -198 lpp.
23. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. 2012. J.Priekuļa red. Jelgava: LLU, -240 lpp.
24. Precision livestock farming applications : making sense of sensors to support farm management / edited by: Ilan Halachmi. Wageningen, The Netherlands : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2015. 326 p.
25. Priekulis J. Jaunākā lopkopības tehnoloģija un tehnika. LLU, 2018. 101 lpp. Pieejams: E-studiju kurss LauZ4031 Lauksaimniecības mehanizācija; un bibliotekas datoriem/Jaunaka_lopkop_tehnol_tehnika_JurisPriekulis_bibl_tikla.pdf (E-resurss) {Pieejams no LLU bibliotēkas datoriem}.
26. Priekulis J. Lopkopības mehanizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. -355 lpp.
Augkopības mehanizācijā
1. Lauksaimniecības mašīnas. J.Ozola redakcijā. R., Zvaigzne, 1993. 414.lpp
2. Kalniņš A. Biodegviela – ražošanas un izmantošanas iespējas Latvijā. Rīga: LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2005. – 167 lpp.
3. S.Ivanovs, V.Stramkale. Linu audzēšanas un novākšanas tehnoloģijas, LLU Ulbrokas ZC, 2001., 191 lpp.
4. A.Lapiņš, J.Kažotnieks. Laukkopība. Ozolnieki, 2002, 129.-196. lpp.
5. 3. Ahmad, Latief. Satellite Farming : an Information and Technology Based Agriculture / Latief Ahmad, Syed Sheraz Mahdi. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, [2018] - xvii, 190.lpp.
Lasītava - 63 ; 19/76
Lopkopības mehanizācijā
1. Handbook of farm, dairy, and food machinery / edited by Myer Kutz. Norwich, NY : William Andrew Publishing, c 2007. 732 p. ISBN 9780815515388
2. Laurs A. Teļu automatizētā ēdināšana. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. -40 lpp. Pieejams:
3. Laurs A., Priekulis J. Mūsdienīga piena ražošana. - R.:LLU Ulbrokas zinātnes centrs, 2001. - 345 lpp.
4. Priekulis J. Racionāla tehnoloģija un mehanizācija piena lopkopībā. Jelgava, 2000, -148 lpp.
5. Priekulis J., Gulbis N. Lopbarības izdales roboti. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. -35lpp.Pieejams:
6. Kuhställe clever bauen. /Top agrar ratgeber. 2011. -128 S.
7. Melkroboter management. /Top agrar ratgeber. 2015. -110 S.
1. Žurnāls „AgroTops”,
2. Žurnāls „Saimnieks”, Rīga: Saimnieks LV, ISSN 1691-1598,
3. Žurnāls par lauksaimniecības tehniku „Profi“,
4. Firmu sagatavotās rekomendācijas un prospekti.
6. 3.
8. Aktuālie nozares normatīvie dokumenti
Compulsory course for the academic professional and professional bachelor study program of the faculty of Agriculture