Course code LauZ3156
Credit points 7.50
Total Hours in Course200
Number of hours for lectures48
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours120
Date of course confirmation09.04.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Dr. agr.
Dr. agr.
Mg. biol.
Mg. agr.
Mg. agr.
LauZ3154, Animal Husbandry Production I
LauZ4093 [GLAU4093] Pig Production
LauZB025 [GLAUB025] Animal Husbandry Production II
Students have been introduced with importance of animal husbandry in national economics, characterization of branch and development perspectives in Latvia and other countries. Students get knowledge in species and breed of domestic animals, their forming history, different animal breeding technologies, methods of estimation of productivity, organization of pedigree recording system in Latvia.
Students get knowledge of the different species of livestock and poultry biological traits, breeding and feeding technologies, animal products and quality assurance principles. Succesfully written test works.
Students have skills to evaluate of appropriate farming technologies for different species and groups of livestock and poultry, to fill out the required documents, to evaluate the indices of product quality. Succesfully did practical works. After completing of course students are competent to assess the conformity of livestock and poultry for production, to evaluate the applied breeding technologies. Successful grade in the cumulative exam.
1. The economic importance of cow breeding and the characterization of the sector in Latvia. .The evaluation of economic importance of dairy farming. Lectures 2h.
2. The criteria for production of quality beef. The economic evaluation of beef production. Lectures 4h, practical works 3h.
3. Herd cirulation of dairy and beef cattle. Lectures 4h, practical works 4h.
1st test. Economic justification of qualitative milk and beef production.
4. Economic significance of pig farming and its development in Latvia. Sex cycle, pregnancy. Lectures 3h, practical works 2h.
5. Factors affecting pig fertility, milking and growing. Pig breeds. Herd structure. Lectures 4h, practical works 2h.
6. Theoretical and economical principles of pig fattening. Types of fattening, factors affecting it, quality of pork. Lectures 3h, practical works3h.
2nd test. Theoreotical and economical principles of pig production.
7. Horse breeding sector, situation in Latvia. Uses of the horse. Classification of horse breeds. Registration and identification methods of horses. Horse description by colour and markings. Lectures 3h, practical works 2h.
8. Basic principles of horse housing, care and nutrition. Lectures 3h, practical works 2h.
9. Selection work in horse breeding. The economically important traits of horses, their evaluation methods. Horse breeding and its economic principles. Lectures 3h, practical works 2h.
3rd test. Basic principles of horse breeding, housing, care and nutrition.
10. Sheep breeds in Latvia, their economic importance. Keeping sheep, care. Lectures 2h, practical works 2h.
11. Creation and structure of sheep floks. Lectures 3h, practical works 2h.
12. Sheep production, factors influencing its production, determination of quality. The economical evaluation of sheep production. Lectures 4h, practical works 2h.
4th test. Economical principles of sheep production.
13. The situation in poultry farming in Latvia. National economy of poultry. (L-2 h)
14. The most suitable breeds of poultry, crosses for egg and meat production. (L-3 h)
15. Incubation, its technological peculiarities. (L-3 h) Quality of poultry production and basic economic principles of production. Food egg production technologies. Calculation of gross margin for poultry egg production. (L-1 h; Pr.w. - 3 h)
16. Poultry meat production technologies. Calculation of gross margin for poultry meat production. (L-1 h; Pr.w. - 3 h) 5th test. Economical justification of poultry breeding.
Successfully did practical works, succesfully written test works and obtain the mark in the final cumulative exam.
The student independently studies popular scientific literature
Student can get a successful grade on the tests if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly. The practical work performed is evaluated according to the evaluation procedure specified in the practical task. The grade of the examination is calculated as the arithmetic average of the grades of successful tests. Without the successful completion of practical work, student cannot get the final grade in the cumulative exam.
1.Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. Priekuļa J. (red.) Jelgava: LLU, 2012. 240. lpp.
2.Džeimsone A. Videi draudzīgu gaļas liellopu audzēšana. Rīga: SIA "Gandrs", 2013. 55 lp. [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
3. Bērziņa Z., Kairiša D., Laurs A.,Priekulis J., Štrausa S. ,Veģe A. Liellopu un cūku mītnes: tehnoloģija un aprīkošana. Zemkopības ministrija, Rīga, Latvija, 2003, 198. lpp.
4. Ilsters A. Aprīkojums un izmaksas cūkkopībā. LLU Ulbrokas Zinātnes centrs, 2001, 171. lpp.
5. NRC. Nutrient requirements of swine. 11th rev.ed. The National Academies Press, Washington, 2012. D.C.,400 pp.,
6. Patience J.F., Thacker P.A. and de Lange C.F.M. Swine nutrition guide. 2nd edition, Published by Prairie Swine Centre Inc., Canada, 1995. 274 pp.
7. Vernon P.R., Forwel R., Baxter S, Smith B. The Growing and Finishing Pig: Improwing Efficiency. United Kingdom: Farming Press, 1996. ,273 p
6. Norvele G., Kairiša D. Rokasgrāmata aitu audzētājiem. Latvija: Biedrība "Latvijas Aitu audzētāju asociācija", 2011. 97 lpp.
8. Ozola E., Līkopa M., Nudiens J. Putnkopība. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1990. 295 lpp.
9. Pieci B., Pieci L. Vistkopība. Zvaigzne ABC, 2011.95.lpp.
10. Seržāns A. Zirgkopība. Rīga, Zvaigzne.1986. 222 lpp.
10.Warren J., Borton A., Hintz H. The Horse. – 2nd ed. – New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1997. 860 p.
11. Osītis U. Zirgu ēdināšana. Proventus Farms Plus LTD, 2006. 254 lpp.
12. Frape D. Equine nutrition and feeding. John Wiley & Sons, 2008. 664 pp.
13. NRC. Nutrient Requirements of Horses. 6th ed. Washington: National Academies Press. 2007. 341 pp.
1. Ciltsdarba programmas 2. Animal welfare and beef cattle production systems. [Online] [viewed 14.02.2019.]. 3. Guide to good farming practice. [Online] [viewed 14.02.2019.]. 4. Mājputnu avīze. Lauku Avīze. 1998. 77.lpp.
1. Populārzinātnisks žurnāls “Saimnieks”. Rīga : TEE BIO, 2004- ISSN 1691-1598.
2. Populārzinātnisks žurnāls “Agrotops” AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164.
3. Journal of Dairy Science [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.02.2019.].
4. Agronomy research, žurnāls, [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams
5. Science Direct database. [Online] [viewed 14.02.2019.].
6. Zinātniski praktiskās konferences "Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība" raksti. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 14.02.2019.].
7. Latvijas Lopkopis. Ozolnieki. LLKC. Apgāds.
8. Dzīvā sēta. Lauku Avīzes Tematiskā avīze Nr.1. (174), ISSN:1407-4338, Rīga, 2010. 62.lpp.
For study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification manager of an agricultural company