Course code Ķīmi3002
Credit points 2.25
Total Hours in Course60
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours28
Date of course confirmation30.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Ķīmi2004, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry I
ĶīmiB005 [GKIMB005] Physical and Colloidal Chemistry II
Students acquainted with the theoretical basics of Colloidal chemistry, physico – chemical analysis methods their possibilities for using in the control of food product quality and development. Students learn the use of the obtained data in various calculations and analysis of the obtained results.
Students are able to demonstrate their knowledge of the colloidal and macromolecular solutions and skills in performing practical calculations. Students are able to analyze information and solve scientific problems using the given information – lectures and test.
Students are able to independently perform practical work and make conclusions using the acquired knowledge of colloidal and physical chemistry - practical works and presentation of laboratory reports.
Competence to be able use of the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills to plan the use of various methods of physical - chemical analysis in the evaluation of food quality, analysis and drawing conclusions – practical works and laboratory works reports.
1.Introduction to colloidal chemistry. Surface phenomena. Surface tension (Lecture – 2h). Adsorption from solution onto solid surfaces (laboratory 2h)
2. Types of adsorption. Chromatography (Lecture –1 h). Adsorptions: liquid – gas. (Laboratory work – 2h)
3. Colloidal systems: formation and purification (Lecture –1h). Formation of colloidal solution (Laboratory work – 2h)
4. Properties of colloids - optical and kinetic properties. Coagulation threshold. (Lecture –1h). Foams. Swelling. Clotting (Laboratory work – 6h).
5. Electrokinetic properties of colloids. Structure of the micelle (Lecture –1h). Electrophoresis (Laboratory work – 2h).
6. Emulsions (laboratory 2h). Viscosity of solutions (Laboratory work – 2h).
7. Determination of the isoelectric point. (Laboratory work – 2h).
8. Test on the properties of colloidal and macromolecular solutions. (Lecture –1h)
9. Basics od disperse systems (Lecture –1h).
10. Nephelometry and turbidimetry. (Laboratory work – 2h)
11. Summary. Calculation of final grade. (Laboratory work – 2h).
To receive a final grade, students must perform the following criteria:
•Students must perform all laboratory works and submit laboratory reports (at least 4);•Answer to theoretical questions which are based on the background of the experiment, write tests during the semester (at least 4).
Preparation for tests, performing tasks of independent work, processing of laboratory work reports, processing of results obtained in laboratory work.
The assessment of the study course consists of evaluations of tests and the presented laboratory reports in both parts of the physical and colloidal chemistry (I and II). The student must obtain a positive assessment of each written tests and presented laboratory report, i.e. at least 4 points.
The final grade of the study course is calculated using a marking scheme:
•tests 30%;
•colloquiums 50%;
•laboratory reports 20%.
To recieve a grade in this course, student must do all the criteria written above.
1.Kolasinski, Kurt W. Physical Chemistry: how chemistry works. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley, 2017, 726 p.
2.Engel T., Reid P. Physical Chemistry. San Francisco etc.: Pearson Education, Inc., 2014. 1040 p.
3.Kūka P. Koloidālā ķīmija. Metodiskie norādījumi un laboratorijas darbu apraksti. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 89 lpp.
4.Atkins P. W. Physikalische Chemie. Weinheim etc.: VCH, 1996. 1106 p.
5.Alksnis U., Kļaviņš Z., Kūka P., Ruplis A. Fizikālā un koloidālā ķīmija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1990. 424 lpp.
1. Petrucci R., Herring G., Madura J., Bissonnete C. General Chemistry. Principes and modern Applications. Toronto: Pearson, 2016. 1325 p.
2. Zumdahl S. Chemistry. Belmont: Brooks Cole, 2014. 1085.
3. Food Emulsions. Edited by Friberg S., Larsson K., Sjoblom J. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004. 640 p. Tiešsaistes piekļuve CRCPress. Pieejams: 4. Engel T., Reid P. Physical Chemistry. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 1103 p.
1. Food Quality and Preference. Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN: 0950-3293. Pilni teksti Science Direct datubāzē.
2. Food Science and Technology International. Published by Sage Publications. ISSN (printed): 1082-0132. ISSN (electronic): 1532-1738.
3. Zinātnisko rakstu meklētājs "Google Scholar Beta"
Obligatory course for students of the second-level professional higher education study program "Food Technology".