Course code JurZ3029

Credit points 3

Civil Procedure

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation21.06.2018

Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance

Course developer

author lect.

Ārija Vitte

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

JurZ2005, Basics of Law

Course abstract

The course provides students with knowledge of settling legal relations in civil cases. In the course, students gain knowledge about protection mechanisms for the rights offended and those protected by law, about preparing a lawsuit and submitting it to a law court, legal proceedings at law courts of the Republic of Latvia, verdicts and their execution, as well as about international. cooperation.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students will be able to demonstrate:
1) demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the substance and role of civil procedure in the legal system. Test.
2) demonstrate the knowledge of settling legal relations in civil cases. Test.
Professional skills to
1) demonstrate close familiarity with civil procedural laws. Independent work.
2) draw up procedural documents. Independent work.
3) protect the civil rights violated and the interests of a plaintiff in court.
4) Assess the process of legal proceedings. Educational litigation game.
Soft skills to
1) Demonstrate close familiarity with legal acts. Discussions in classes.
1) Independently analyse and assess civil procedural laws. Independent work.

2) Critically analyse the process of legal proceedings. Test.

Course Content(Calendar)

Lectures (16 hours)
1. Civil procedure, its substance and principles.
2. Composition of a court.
3. Procedural sanctions.
4. Participants in the case, their rights and obligations.
5. Evidence in civil court proceedings.
6. Court proceedings by way of action.
7. Securing a claim.
8. Trial of a civil case.
9. Court judgment and decision.
10. Examination of certain categories of cases. Special trial procedure.
11. Procedure of appealing against court judgments and decisions.
12. Procedure of appealing against court judgments and decisions in cassation.
13. Arbitration court and the way it operates.
14. Enforcement of court judgments.
15. Application of enforcement measures.
16. International civil procedural cooperation.
Practicals (16 hours)
1. Civil procedure, its substance and principles. Test 1 (2 hours)
2. Composition of a court. (2 hours)
3. Participants in the case, their rights and obligations. Test 2 (2 hours)
4. Evidence in civil proceedings. (2 hours)
5. Court proceedings by way of action. (2 hours)
6. Trial of a civil case, a court judgment and decision. Test 3 (2 hours)
7. Examination of certain categories of cases. (2 hours)

8. Procedure of appealing against court judgments and decisions. (2 hours)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The student must do three pieces of independent work and pass three tests.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student must independently do recommended reading. The independent work involves participating in a court meeting and analysing it.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The student is awarded a final mark based on the independent work done and the tests passed.
The final mark consists of the following pieces of assessment: a test on the composition of a court and participants in the case, their rights and obligations 25%; a test on the trial of a civil case, a court judgment and decision 25%; a test on the civil procedure, its substance and principles 20%; independent work on civil procedural law, drawing up procedural documents and enforcement of court judgments 30%.

Compulsory reading

1. Civilprocesa likuma komentāri. Autoru kolektīvs. Prof. K.Torgāna vispārīgā zinātniskā redakcijā. Trešais papildinātais izdevums. Rīga: TNA, 2016, 976 lpp.
2. Civilprocesa likums [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 26.03.2018.] Pieejams:
3. Latvijas Republikas Civillikums. Rīga: Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2017. 495 lpp.

4. Līcis A. Prasības tiesvedība un pierādījumi. Rīga: TNA, 2003, 127 lpp.

Further reading

1. Balodis K. Ievads civiltiesībās. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007, 383 lpp.
2. Juridisko terminu vārdnīca. Rīga: NORDIK, 1998. 302 lpp.
3. Joksts O., Girgensone B. Terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca civiltiesībās (lietu tiesības, saistību tiesības). Rīga: SIA Drukātava, 2011, 144 lpp.
4. Latvijas tiesību sistēma (2017). Kolektīva monogrāfija. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 439 lpp.
5. Torgāns K. Civiltiesību, komerctiesību un civilprocesa aktualitātes. Raksti 1999 – 2008. Rīga: VAS „Tiesu nama aģentūra”, 2009.
6. Balodis K. Ievads civiltiesībās. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007, 383 lpp.
7. Juridisko terminu vārdnīca. Rīga: NORDIK, 1998. 302 lpp.
8. Joksts O., Girgensone B. Terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca civiltiesībās (lietu tiesības, saistību tiesības). Rīga: SIA Drukātava, 2011, 144 lpp.
9. Latvijas tiesību sistēma (2017). Kolektīva monogrāfija. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 439 lpp.

10. Torgāns K. Civiltiesību, komerctiesību un civilprocesa aktualitātes. Raksti 1999 – 2008. Rīga: VAS „Tiesu nama aģentūra”, 2009.

Periodicals and other sources



Restricted elective course for the ESAF academic bachelor programme Economics, specialisation Law, and an elective course for the bachelor programmes of ESAF and VBF.