Course code InfTP009

Credit points 24

Professional Qualification Practice I

Total Hours in Course648

Independent study hours648

Date of course confirmation17.11.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science

Course developer

author prof.

Gatis Vītols

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of Professional Qualification Practice part I is to apply in real world software development companies or organizations theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquired in study courses.
During practice student perform practical assignments under supervision of senior specialist from the company or organization. Students perform various complexity tasks described in software development methodologies.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knows about software development methodologies, processes and duties of various specialists in real software development projects (practice journal entries)
Is able to choose suitable methods and tools to solve tasks. Is also able to prepare software requirement documentation, design, code, debug and test software (practice journal entries, communication with practice supervisors).
Have competencies to solve assigned tasks individually or in group, propose and discuss solutions providing rationale for proposal. (practice journal entries, communication with practice supervisors).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Selecting the company for practice. Preparation and submission of practice documents. Conclusion and coordination of the practice agreement. (12h)
2. Acquaintance with the rules of the company's work schedule, safety equipment and work hygiene requirements, work protection and fire safety, as well as other rules. (8h)
3. Fulfilment of practice tasks according to the instructions and requirements of the practice manager. (600h)
4. Regular filling of the practice electronic journal. (20h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully completed assigned tasks during practice, regularly and successfully making entries in practice journal. Communication between supervisors in university and practice place and student are successful.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Honest completion of practice tasks and duties in accordance with the instructions and defined requirements of practice supervisors.
During the practice, the student must regularly fill in the practice journal using the ITF practice information system.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

To successfully complete practice tasks, students must pass all scheduled stud course in previous semesters according to study plan.Throughout the practice, the information entered by the student is controlled by the ITF practice supervisor and the supervisor assigned in company.
The practice supervisor of the company during I. part of the practice can provide reviews about assigned tasks and quality of execution by student during practice.
A student gets a positive evaluation if the following conditions are met: university haven’t received multiple complains about student absence from practice company and student executes tasks assigned by practice supervisor. Students also must complete entries in practice journal.

Compulsory reading

• Prakses vietas Uzņēmuma darba kārtības noteikumi un darba instrukcijas (Practice company or organisation internal documents on processes and work ethics).
• LBTU prakšu nolikums [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: (LBTU Traineeship regulation available at
• Tās valsts normatīvie akti, kurā prakse tiek īstenota (Regulatory documents related to execution of student practice at country where practice is executed)
• Programmēšanas inženiera profesijas standarts (Software engineering profession standard in Latvia). Saskaņots Profesionālās izglītības un nodarbinātības trīspusējās sadarbības apakšpadomes 2009.gada 17.jūnija sēdē protokols Nr.5 [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 10.03.2022.]. Pieejams:
• Pressman R.S. Software Engineering. A Practitioner's Approach. European Adaptation. 7th edition. Adapted by Darrel Ince. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010. 895 p.
• IEEE Computer Society SWEBOK Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute 2013. Fifth Version. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams (Available): [Skatīts 2022.09.08.]
• ISO/IEC 12207. Systems and software engineering. Software life cycle processes. 2008. (LVS Standartu lasītava) (Available at LVS Standard library)
• ISO/IEC 26514:2022. Systems and software engineering - Design and development of information for users, 2022. (LVS Standartu lasītava) (Available at LVS Standard library)

Further reading

1. IEEE Computer Society SWEBOK v3.0 Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge/ Project Management Institute 2014 [tiešsaiste]. Pieejamsīts 2022.03.12.)
2. ISO/IEC 12207.2008. Systems and software engineering. Software life cycle processes (LVS Standartu lasītava)
3. Troelsen A. C# 2010 and the NET Platform. Apress, 2010.


ITF professional education bachelor study program “Information Technologies for Sustainable Development”.