Course code Ekon3049
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation29.10.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Mg. oec.
Ekon2120, Basics of Accounting
Ekon3113, Finance and Taxes
The course is designed to acquaint students with finance management in an enterprise, master a framework of finance management, the function of management and the performance of a finance director, the planning of finances and its control and accomplishment, the financing of an enterprise by borrowed and its own capital. Students master a financial analysis of a balance statement by paying attention to the goal of using the analysis data.
Students will be able to
1) demonstrate the understanding of financial management and the role of it in an enterprise - practical assignments.
2) Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the functions of financial management - test with calculations, an examination.
3) Demonstrate the knowledge of how to calculate the value of an enterprise, draw up a financial plan and a loan repayment schedule and do a financial analysis - test with calculations, an examination.
4) Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the activities of financial management in an enterprise - independent work.
5) Analyse and assess the activities of financial management - practical assignments, group work.
6) Independently draw up financial plans, assess the financial situation, draw up a loan repayment schedule and perform other calculations - test with calculations.
7) Reasonably explain and discuss financial management matters - group work.
8) Independently acquire necessary information for studying enterprise finance topics - independent work.
9) Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - practical assignments.
10) Present the results of group work and the calculations performed - group work, independent work.
11) Communicate with others and engage in group work - group work.
12) Independently and critically analyse the results of activities of an enterprise finance director and come up with proposals for enhancing the situation – examination.
13) Independently come up with solutions in various financial management areas - tests, practical assignments.
14) Make finance director decisions - pract
1. Financial theory – 2h (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
2. Financial management – 4h (lecture – 2 hour, practical tasks – 2 hour)
3. Financial planning - 6h(lecture – 3 hour, practical tasks – 3 hour)
4. 1.Test with calculations: Financial system, financial management, financial planning. (test – 1 hour)
5. Corporate financing – 2h (lecture – 2 hour)
6. Corporate financial strategy -2h (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
7. Lending – 3h (lecture – 2 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
8. The financial market – 3h (lecture – 2 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
9. Financial analysis – 3h (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 2 hour)
10. Financial risk management. (lecture – 1 hour)
11. Investments – 2h (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
12. 2.Test with calculations: Financing, lending, the financial market. (test – 1 hour)
13. Corporate forms of payment. 1 h (practical task – 1 hour)
14. Insolvency assessment, bankruptcy, liquidation 1h (practical task – 1 hour)
At the end of the course students has to pass an examination The exam consists of a test, questions about all the topics and tasks.
During the study course students have to pass 2 tests: 1 Financial system, financial management, financial planning, 2) Financing, lending, the financial market.
Independent work. Student has been working on a selected financial topic of the company (ten pages, within the specified time for submission)
To master and strengthen theory questions by studying literature and solving tasks. Prepare for tests and exam. Developed independent work on a selected financial topic of the company.
Assessment of the course is formed:
Examination (written) - 40%
Two Test with calculations – 40%
Practical assignments – 10%
Independent work – 10%
10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale
1. Rurāne M. Uzņēmuma finanses. Rīga: Apgāds “Jumava”, 2007. 266.lpp. Ir LLU FB 6 eks.
2. Finanšu vadības rokasgrāmata. V. Jerošenko u.c. Rīga: Dienas Bizness, 2004. LLU ESAF Ekonomiskās informācijas kabinets - Skaits: 1 eks.
3. Saksonova S. Finanšu informācijas un pārskatu praktiskā izmantošana uzņēmumu finanšu lēmumu pieņemšanā. I.K. “INFO TILTS”, Rīga, 2012. 313 lpp. nav LLU FB. Ir LUB
4. Saksonova S. Uzņēmuma finanšu vadības praktiskās metodes. Rīga: Merkūrijs LAT, 2006. 225 lpp. Ir LLU FB 1 eks.
5. Krogzeme H. Finanses un nodokļi. Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2010. 568 lpp. Ir LLU FB 5 eks.
6. Rurāne M. Finanšu menedžments. Rīga: Rīgas Starptautiskā ekonomikas un biznesa administrācijas augstskola, 2005. 384 lpp. Ir LLU FB 5 eks. 2006.g.
7. Rurāne M. Finansu pārvaldība. Rīga: Latvijas izglītības fonds, 2001. 281 lpp. Ir LLU FB 1 eks.
8. Ludboržs A. Apgrozāmā kapitāla vadīšana nelielos uzņēmumos. Rīga: SIA „Lietišķās informācijas dienests”, 2007. 287 lpp. Ir LLU FB 2 eks.
9. Diderihs H. Uzņēmuma ekonomika. Rīga: Zinātne, 2000. 515 lpp. Ir LLU FB 9 eks.
10. Hofs K.G. Biznesa ekonomika. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2011. 603 lpp. Ir LLU FB 6 eks.
11. Brigham E., Ehrhardt M. Corporate finance: A focused approach. 2nd edition. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western [Required], 2006.
1. Januška M. Firmas finansiāli ekonomiskā stāvokļa analīzes metodika. Rīga: 2002. 40 lpp. Nav LLU FB. Ir LUB
2. Krogzeme H. Komersantu darbības analīze un kontrole. Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2013. 348 lpp. LLU ESAF Ekonomiskās informācijas kabinets - Skaits: 1 eks.
3. Kālis I. Finanšu vadība. Rīga: LU, grāmatvedības institūts, 2002., 227.lpp. LLU ESAF Ekonomiskās informācijas kabinets - Skaits: 2 eks.
4. Saksonova S. Uzņēmuma darbības plānošanas paņēmieni. Rīga: SIA Izglītības soļi, 2004. 105 lpp. Ir LLU FB 8 eks.
5. Zīriņa V. Finanšu plānošana uzņēmumā. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009., 105 lpp. Ir LLU FB 5 eks.
6. Subatnieks K. Komercsabiedrības naudas plūsma: Naudas plūsmas absolūto un relatīvo rādītāju izmantošana uzņēmuma finanšu analīzē. Rīga: SIA Drukātava, 2008. 100 lpp. Ir LLU FB 1 eks.
7. Kurjanovičs V. Biznesa novērtējums. Metodika un organizācija. Rīga: SIA “Merkurijs Info”, 2012. 189 lpp. Nav LLU FB. LLU ESAF Ekonomiskās informācijas kabinetā ir 2010. gads
8. Jaunzems A. Risku analīze un vadīšana. Ventspils: Ventspils Augstskola, 2009. 361 p. Ir LLU FB 5 eks.
9. Rupeika–Apoga R., Zelgalve E. Finanšu tirgus un tā analīzes metodes, Rīga: LU, Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2009. 117 lpp. Ir LLU FB 2 eks.
10. Praude V. Finanšu instrumenti. Rīga: SIA Burtene, 2009. 446.lpp. Ir LLU FB ~60 eks.
11. Бланк И. А. Финансовый менеджмент: Учеъный курс. Киев: Ника–Центр, Эльга, 2002. 528 с. Nav LLU FB. Ir LUB
12. Glen A. Corporate Financial Management. 3rd edition, 2005. Harlow: Parson Education Ltd. 1160 p. Nav LLU FB. Ir RISEBA
1. Laikraksts Dienas Bizness: Latvijas biznesa avīze. Rīga: Dienas Mediji, 2005-. ISSN 1407-2041.
2. Bilance: grāmatvedība, likumdošana, finanses: žurnāls par grāmatvedību, likumdošanu un finansēm. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2005 - ISSN 1407-5709.
3. Elektroniskais žurnāls “ifinanses”. Pieejams:
Compulsory study course for the academic Bachelor's study programme “Economics” of the Faculty of Economics and Social Development