Course code BūvZ4044
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for laboratory classes8
Independent study hours24
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ3078, Structural Analysis II
BūvZ4105, Metal Structures I
BūvZB016 [GBUVB016] Metal Structures
Design of single-storey steel frame of industrial building is mastered taking into account moving load and dynamical effects. Specific of large span and multi-storey buildings, tool structures as well as thin shell structures is discussed undertaking actual working conditions, design problems and economics of structures. MS Excel, AutoCAD, MathCAD programmes are used preparing for further work with BIM software.
Knowledges about design of steel industrial buildings; skills to perform calculation and construction of steel frames and other complicated steel structures according to Eurocodes 1 and 3; competences to define design problem of steel structure, performe design and evaluate the acquired results. Assessment is given on the basis of attendance of lectures results of tests and passed examination.
1. Framework of the industrial building. Structural and design models of frames 1h.
2. Global analysis of frames. Determination of loads and force effects in the elements of a system 1h.
3. Vertical and roof bracings. Design of bracing system 1h.
4. Steel columns under eccentric loading. Estimation and verification of the cross section 1h.
5. Design of column base and verification of anchor bolts 1h.
6. Design of crane supporting structures 1h.
7. Types of lattice girder structures in large span buildings 1h.
8. Behaviour of different types of frames at elastic and plastic stage 1h.
9. Elastic and plastic analysis of portal frames 1h.
10. Assessment of portal frame stability using ULS conditions.1h
11. Behaviour of suspended and 3D structures. Calculation specifics 1h.
12. Design principles of multi-storey buildings 1h.
13. Steel sheet structures and design principles 1h.
14. Design of liquid reservoirs 1h.
15. Calculation of internal forces in silos, tanks, retaining walls etc. 1h.
16. Economic evaluation of steel structures 1h.
Passed a test on the first part of course - BūvZ4105 Steel structures I;
Course project BūvZ4106 Steel structures III is succesfully presented and oral examination passed with numerical solution of the task.
Topics for independent work:
- determination of loads on single-storey building,
- calculation of stability and internal forces in the frames,
- design of eccentrically loaded columns,
- design of long-span lattice girder, calculation of cross sections of truss elements,
- preparing to control test – to give short answers from lecture themes
1-st independent task is accepted, if static calculation of the frame of structure is given,
2-nd independent task is accepted, if design of eccentrically loaded column is presented, 3-rd independent task is accepted, if design of long-span lattice girder is completed. Control test is passed, if at least 75% correct answers are given. Exam is successful, if comprehensive knowledge is presented and typical numerical task solved.
Brauns J. Tērauda konstrukcijas. Eirokodekss EC3 konstrukciju projektēšanā, Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 147 lpp.
Kreilis J. Tērauda konstrukcijas. Ievads projektēšanā saskaņā ar LVS EN 1993-1-1. Palīglīdzeklis prejektētājiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2020. 137 lpp.
LVS 1993-1-1, 3. Eirokodekss. Tērauda konstrukciju projektēšana. 1–1.daļa: Vispārīgie noteikumi un noteikumi ēkām.
Simões da Silva L., Simões R., Gervásio H. Design of Steel Structures. 2nd Edition. Brusels: published by ECCS, 2016. 511 p.
Kreilis J. Vienstāva ražošanas ēka. Materiāli kursa projekta izstrādāšanai studiju kursā Metāla konstrukcijas. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 86 lpp. Kreilis, Jānis. Savienojumi tērauda konstrukcijās: palīglīdzeklis projektētājiem ar aprēķina piemēriem. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Būvkonstrukciju katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 2017. 102 lpp.
1. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Elsevier. ISSN 0143-974X. 2. Steel and Composite Structures. International Journal. Techno-Press. ISSN 1229-9367. 3. Engineering Structures. Elsevier. ISSN 0141-0296.
Compulsory course in Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Civil Engineering” and Second level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”