Course code Arhi5032
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Independent study hours24
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZB053 [GBUVB053] Fire Protection
Course of study „Fire protection (regulations)” is a continuation of the course „Fire protection”. Course of study are viewed fire protection of electrical wiring, principles of lightning protection assurance. Students learn main requirements of fire safety and hot works.
After compeleting the course student will have: Knowledge: During the course students learn the principles of fire protection system for use in buildings, and basic fire safety rules. Skills: Students after graduating the course manage the principles of fire protection. Their knowledge can be used in practical work. Competences: Students after graduating the course will be competent to draw up the necessary fire safety documents and manage the fire safety system in the company. Student knowledges are assessed at the end of lectures by asking control questions and jointly discussing the most pressing problems, but at the end of the course students' knowledges are assessed with a test.
1. The basic requirements of construction rule LBN 201-15 “Building Fire Safety”. 2. The basic requirements of Fire Rules. 3. The most important fire safety documents. 4. Fire safety instruction. 5. Action plan in the case of a fire. 6. Requirements for the emergency plan. 7. Hot works. 8. Fire extinguishers and calculation of the quantity. 9. Electrical wiring fire safety. 10. Lightning protection principles for buildings. 11. Options for creating a smoke protection system. 12. Smoke curtains. 13. Smoke hatches. 14. Operational documentation of Fire safety systems and responsible persons. 15. Rules for maintenance of fire protection systems. 16. Possibilities of use of plasterboard structures in fire safety. Industry news.
Students must attend all lectures, answer the control test questions at the end of the lectures and pass a test at the end of the study course.
Independent preparation for the test using lecture material and literature.
To pass the test successfully, 70% of the test questions should be answered correctly.
1. Корольченко А. Я. Полный курс пожарно-технического минимума. учебное пособие, Москва: Пожнаука, 2006. 313 с. 2. Корольченко А. Я. Пожарная опасность строительных материалов. учебное пособие, Москва: Пожнаука, 2005. 230 c. 3. Latvijas būvnormatīvs LBN 201-10 „ Būvju ugunsdrošība”. Pieejams: 4. Ugunsdrošības noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr. 238 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 19.04.2016., stājas spēkā: 01.09.2016. [skatīts 22.12.2018.]. Pieejams:
1. Latvijas Valsts standarts LVS EN 12845 : 2003 „Stacionārās ugunsdzēsības sistēmas – Automātiskās sprinkleru sistēmas – Projektēšana, montāža, ekspluatācija”. 2. Latvijas Valsts standarts LVS ISO/TR 13387 „Ugunsdrošības inženierzinātne” 1 – 8 daļas. 22.09.2004
1. 2. 3. “Пожаровзрывобезопасность”, научно-технический журнал. 4. Žurnāls “Būvinženieris”. ISSN 1691-9262.
Optional course for the Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Programme “Civil Engineering”; for the Second level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”; for the First level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”