Course code JurZ6006

Credit points 6

Real Property Cadastre

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours114

Date of course confirmation16.02.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developer

author lect.

Liāna Ribkinska


Prior knowledge

JurZ5010, Rights of Real Estate

Course abstract

The study course aims for students to gain in-depth knowledge of the legal basis of property cadastre management and the real estate creation and registration system to solve practical tasks and scientific issues. Students acquire entrenched knowledge in field of modern cadastral system in Latvia, its objectives and tasks. The program relates to legal basement of real property cadastre management, composition of real properties and improvement of registration system. Knowledge, acquired in learning process, can be used working for state and municipality institutions, in development of projects in area of cadastre, as well as for research and PhD studies.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After completing the course student:
- nows and understands the history, general issues, content of cadastre, necessity, maintenance and use of cadastral information;
- can perform investigation in area of obtaining, summarization and registration of cadastral information without assistance;

- is able to collaborate with supervisor of the study course to manage the process and scientifically evaluate achieved results

Course Content(Calendar)

Lectures and seminars:
1. Causal relationships of historical development of the cadastre (3 h).
2. Property reform after restoration of independence of Latvia in 1990 (3 h).
3. Real property in the sense of cadastre (3 h).
4. Real property objects - land parcels, buildings and groups of premises (3 h).
5. Types of Real property (3 h).
6. Encumbrances of the real property objects (3 h).
7. Purposes of land use (3 h).
8. Types of land use (3 h).
9. The concept of National real property cadastre, its aims and tasks (3 h).
10. Legal registration of real property in Landbook (Land register) (3 h).
11. Land Cadastre (3 h).
12. Real Property Registration (1991 - 2006) (3 h).
13. Real Property State Cadastre Information System (3 h).
14. Registration and updating of textual data in the Cadastre information system (3 h).
15. Registration and updating of spatial data in the Cadastre information system (3 h).
16. Cadastre data for administration of real property tax (3 h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

1. successful evaluation of the answers on exam questions
2. successful evaluation of the presentation of choosen cadastral theme and summary(Abstract) in English
answers on test questions
3. successful evaluation of results of seminars

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. Preparation of the report on choosen cadastral topic and preparation of Abstract in English in amount of 1page
2. Studies of the scientific and study literature (monographs, scientific articles and their collections, conferences and seminars materials, specialized scientific periodicals) specified by the lecturer required for the acquisition of professional competence in the course "Cadastre"

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Study results are evaluated according to the criteria as follows:
1. On an oral exam, publicly, in the presence of all course students, the answers to the exam questions are discussed in a public discussion.
2. According to the students answers to exam questions, it is assessed whether they demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of use of cadastral information, have they acquired the skills independently to obtain, collect and register cadastre information, and are able to process and evaluate the obtained results.

Compulsory reading

1. Kadastrs no viduslaiku nodevu saraksta līdz modernai informācijas sistēmai un daudzfunkcionālam kadastram. Rīga: Valsts zemes dienests, 2013., 311 lpp.
2. Zemes reforma – atslēga uz īpašumu. Valsts zemes dienests., Rīga, 2012. 335 lpp.
3. Parsova V., Gurskiene V., Kaing M., Real Property Cadastre in Baltic Countries, compendium, Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 2012., 138 pp.
4. Paršova V., Nekustamā īpašuma formēšana. Mācību grāmata., Otrais, papildinātais izdevums. Jelgava:, LLU, 2010., 359 lpp.

Further reading

1. Nekustamais īpašums Latvijā 1991 – 2012. A. Kļavis u.c., Rīga: Latio, 2012., 384 lpp.
2. Civillikums. Kodifikācijas nodaļas 1937.gada izdevums. Rīga: Valsts tipogrāfija, 1937. 387 lpp.
3. Parsova V., Real Property Cadastre in Latvia, the course material., Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 2012., 60 pp

Periodicals and other sources



Academic higher education master's study programme “Environmental, Water and Land Engineering", specialization "Land Management"