Course code PārZ3018
Credit points 3.75
Total Hours in Course100
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours60
Date of course confirmation13.04.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
PārZB011 [GPARB011] Fruit and Vegetable Processing I
Students obtain the knowledge about chemical composition and physical properties of fruits and vegetables. They acquire the basic knowledge about vegetable processing and about physical, biochemical and microbiological processes during production of these products. They also get information about defects of vegetable products and possibilities to avoid them.
After the finishing of this study course students will obtain the following learning outcomes:
knowledge about fruit and vegetable structure and chemical composition, preservation methods, about processing principles of different vegetable products, and about physical, biochemical and microbiological processes during production of these products;
skills to evaluate the quality parameters of fruits and vegetables and their processing products (physical, chemical, etc.), to lead and control the technological processes of different vegetable processing products;
competence to analyse and explain the physical, biochemical and microbiological processes during production of different vegetable products.
1. Plant cells and plant tissues. Classification of fruit and vegetables. Chemical composition of fruits and vegetables. Physical properties of fruits and vegetables. Quality indicators of fruits and vegetables. (Lecture - 2h) Laboratory work 1 - Chemical composition of fruits, berries and vegetables. (Laboratory works - 4h)
2. Wild berries and fruits. Cranberries. Lingonberries. Blueberries. Raspberries. Rowanberries. Sea buckthorn. The chemical composition. Nuts, their chemical composition and quality evaluation. (Lecture - 2h). Laboratory work 2 - Natural colour pigments of fruits, berries and vegetables, their properties, methods of determination. (Laboratory works - 4h).
3. Herbs, their assortment, chemical composition, quality indicators. Coffee, cocoa and tea, chemical composition and quality assessment. Mushrooms, structure and classification, characterization of chemical composition. Potatoes, their tuber structure, chemical composition and physical properties (Lecture - 2h). Laboratory work 3 - Chemical composition and quality indicators of potatoes. (Laboratory works - 4h)
4. Fruit, berry and vegetable canning methods (biose, abiosis, anabiosis and cenoanabiosis). (Lecture - 1h). Test1 Classification, structure, chemical composition of fruits and vegetables.
5. Technological operations, pasteurization and sterilization modes of canning production. (Lecture - 1h)
6. Fresh, minimally processed fruits, vegetables. Production of sauerkraut. Laboratory work 4 - Cabbage pickling. Laboratory work 5 - Quality analysis of fresh, sliced, packaged vegetables. Laboratory work 6 - Analysis of pickled vegetables (determination of organoleptic parameters, juice to weight ratio, acid content and salt content). (Lecture - 1h, laboratory works - 4h).
7. Classification of canned vegetables. Natural vegetables - production of green peas. (Lecture - 1h)
8. Tomato products. Pickled vegetables. Vegetable salad. Laboratory work 7 - Analysis of tomato products and vegetable salads (organoleptic characteristics, soluble solids content, salt content, titratable acids, etc.). (Lecture - 2h, laboratory works - 4h) Test 2 Preservation methods, classification.
9. Potato processing products. Drying of fruits, berries and vegetables. Laboratory work 8 - Evaluation of the quality of dried fruit (determination of organoleptic parameters, determination of SO2 content by iodometric method). (Lecture - 2h, laboratory works - 4h). Test 3 Vegetable processing technologies.
Laboratory works have been visited, developed and defended.
Successfully written theoretical tests.
Gathering the necessary information to be prepared for participating in the laboratory works.
Independent work - practically develop a scheme of technological processes for one of the production processes of fruit and vegetable products.
Preparation of analysis and substantiation of the results obtained in the laboratory work.
The evaluation of the study course is test with a mark which depends on the cumulative assessment of the study course tests (80%) and laboratory works (20%).
The student defends the developed laboratory works orally, answering the questions related to the practical and theoretical basis of the work, resulting in the evaluation being counted.
The test mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the test marks in the study course.
1. Bioloģiski aktīvās vielas pārtikas produktos: monogrāfija /[galvenā redaktore Evita Straumīte]; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Jelgava: LLU, 2012., 280 lpp.
2. Strautniece E. Augļu un dārzeņu ķīmiskais sastāvs. Lekcija. Jelgava: LLU, 1999. 17 lpp.
3. Vaclavik, Vickie A. Essentials of food science / 3rd ed. New York : Springer, c 2008., 571 p.
4. Processing fruits: science and technology. Ed. by Barret D. M., Somogyi L. P., Ramaswamy H. CRC Press LLC, 2005, 841 p.
5. Processing Vegetables: science and technologies. Ed by D.S. Smith, I.N. Cash et al. Lancaster; Barsel: Technomic Publishing Company, Inc., 1997. 434 p.
1. Bioactive compounds in foods. Edited by J.Gilbert, H. Z. Şenyuva. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. 409 p.
2. 400 augļi un ogas Latvijā mūsdienu augļudārzā. Sastād: I.Birulis. Rīga: Lauku Avīzes izd., 2008. 237 lpp.
3. Improving the health-promoting properties of fruit and vegetable products. Ed. by F.A.Tomas-barberan, M.I. Gil. Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2008. 560 p.
4. Advances in Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables Processing. Ed. By Martin-Belloso O., Soliva-Fortuni R., Taylor&Francis group, 2011, 410 p.
Food Science and Technology
Food Technology
atslēgas vārdi: fruits, vegetables, chemical composition, processing technologies, fresh-cut produce, fermentation, pickled vegetables, tomato processing, drying methods.