Course code HidZ6018
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes12
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation15.03.2016
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
Study course looks at: hydrotechnical structures modeling methods, their suitability for solving complex problems, including waterfront reinforcement in ports, construction of power plant dams and dams, protection of settlements against floods. Types and classification of mathematical models, water management sectors, hydrotechnics, basics of water legislation, run-off, water balance, run-off regulation, water drainage pipelines, water reservoirs, their parameters. Classification of water bodies, their types and cross-sectional elements, basic principles of water drainage and their calculation, water filtration under drains
After finishing master study course, Master students will know: hydrotechnical structures modeling methods, their suitability for solving complicated problems, including embankment reinforcement in ports, construction of power plant dams and dams, protection of settlements against floods. Types and classification of mathematical models, water management sectors, hydrotechnics, basics of water legislation, run-off, water balance, run-off regulation, water drainage pipelines, water reservoirs, their parameters. Classification of water bodies, their types and cross-sectional elements, basic principles of water drainage and their calculation, water filtration under drains. By acquiring the study course, the Master students will acquire skills and will be able to solve the interaction and evaluation of the elements of different hydrotechnical structures. Will be able to evaluate the aspects of legislation and to choose appropriate improvement technologies as well as to develop the implementation of hydroelectric projects; Masters will be competent in designing, constructing and operating hydrotechnical structures when studying the course.
1. Theoretical substantiation of hydraulic process modeling. 2. Conditions of geometric similarity. 3. Conditions for kinematic similarity. 4. Conditions of Dynamic Similarity. 5. Applied models and their application in modeling hydrotechnical structures. 6. Electrodynamic analogy method. 7. Modern technological solutions, materials. 8. Mathematical modeling of hydrological processes. 9. Groundwater modeling. 10. Drainage Sources. Fluctuation of 24-hour flow rates. 11. Extreme values of runoff. 12. Water quality modeling. 13. Water Pool Models. 14. Classification of mathematical models. 15. MONA Models 16. Latest industry trends, LV legislation
The exam is passed and student have 3CP if:
Student to prepare and give the lecture, volume 20 p. and give all right answer on 3 exam question.
Independently prepare practical works (paper 20 pages) on the chosen topic, which is read in front of the audience. Preparing for the exam on 16 topics. Studying recommended literature.
Assessment of the exam in 3CP accumulates from the assessment of the report and assessment of the answers to the test.
1. Kļaviņš U., Žodziņš J. Ūdenskrātuves un dīķi. Mācību līdzeklis, LLU. 2007.-64 lpp.
2. Zīverts A. Hidroloģija. Ievads un hidroloģiskie aprēķini.. LLU, 2004.-104 lpp.
3. K. Rey and others. Water resources engineering. USA, 2010.
1. LBN 222-15 Ūdensapgādes būves, MK, 2015.
2. LBN 223 Kanalizācijas būves. MK, 2015.
3. LBN 224-15 „Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves”.
1. Vides vēstis .ISSN 1407-2939.
2. Enerģija un pasaule.: E&P, Rīga, ISSN1407-5911.
3. Praktiskā būvniecība.Rīga,ISSN1407-8929.
4. LBN 229-06 „Hidroelektrostaciju hidrotehniskās būves”
Masters study programme - Environmental, Water and Land Engineering, level 7.