Course code HidZ6008
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation18.12.2013
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
HidZ5008, Water Management
That course include: construction of drainage sistems, urban draining, rainwater drainage, rural and wood teritorial drainage. Designe of drainage sistems. Reclamation of parks, stadiums and autoroads. Calculus of drainage. Building of drainage.
After finishing course students will have knovlidges in urban drainage, rural reclamation and calculus of drainage sistems. rewiev of drainage sistems construction, drainage of farm-stead.
After finishing course students will have competences in. calculations of diferent dainage sistems and design the project of drainage.
1.Kind of drainage. 2.Drainage the filds an woodlands. 3. Drainage of towns. 4. Colection of rainwater. 5. Calculus of rainwater consumption. 6. Pipe-draining. 7. Alternative of drainage. 8.Materials and forms of drainage. 9. Calculation of rainwater drainage sistems in towns. 10. Building of drainage. 11.Maintenance of drainage. 12.Calculate of culverts. 13.Building of culverts 14.Calculation of rainwater severage. 15. Dranage of autoroads. 16. Drainage of parks.
The test is passed and student have 2KP if:
Student to prepar and give the lecture, volume 20 p. and give all right answer on test question.
Student must prepare and give the lecture, volume 20 pages. The study the bibliografhy of drenage and water resources engineering.
The student is able to discuss on course content, have and give the lecture, volume 20 p. and give all right answers on test question.
1. Kļaviņš U., Sudārs R. Meliorācija. Jelgava, 2010. 2. Labrencis V., Sudārs R. Meža meliorācija. Jelgava, 2005. 3. Tilgalis Ē. Notekūdeņu savākšana un tīrīšana. Jelgava, 2004.
1. LBN 223-99. Kanalizācijas būves. Rīga, 2015. 2. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 223-15 "Kanalizācijas būves": MK noteikumi Nr.327 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.06.2015. Stājas spēkā 01.07.2015. [Skatīts 04.01.2019.]. Pieejams: 2. 3. Meliorācijas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.01.2010. Stājas spēkā 25.01.2010.[Skatīts 04.01.2019.]. Pieejams: 3. LBN 224-15. Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 224-15 "Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves": MK Nr. 329 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.06.2015. Stājas spēkā 01.07.2015. [Skatīts 04.01.2019.]. Pieejams:
1. Vides Vēstis. ISSN 1407-2939. 2. Enerģija un Pasaule. ISSN1407-5911. 3. Praktiskā Būvniecība. Rīga. ISSN1407-8929.
Masters study programme- Environmental, Water and Land Engineering. Level 7.