Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Neaktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Titre du cours
Code du cours Arhi6018
Crédits (ECTS) 5.25
La quantité totale d'heures en classe 141.75
Nombre de conferences 10
Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires 30
Date de l'approbation du cours 28/11/2017
Auteurs du cours
, Daiga Skujāne

Kursam priekšzināšanas nav nepieciešamas
1 Ryden L., Migula P., Andersson M. (2003) Environmental science. A Baltic University Publication.
2. Kennen K., Kirkwood N. (2015) Phyto: principles and resources for site remediation and landscape design. Routledge, New York. 346 p.
3. Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework (2011) M. Richter, U.Weiland (eds.), 235 p.
4.Steiner F., Butler. K. (2007) Planning and urban design standarts. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 436 p.
5.James A., LaGro Jr. (2008) Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design. 357 p. 6. Thompson I.H. (1999) Ecology, Community and Delight. London: E&FN Spon. 188 p.
Ouvrages supplémentaires
1. Thompson J.W., Sorvig K. (2000) Sustainable landscape construction: a guide to green building outdoors. Washington: Island Press. 350 p.
2. Beer A.R., Higgins C. (2000) Environmental Planning for Site Development. A manual for sustainable local planning and design. London: E&FN Spon. 352p.
3.Basics Landscape Architecture 02: Ecological Design (2011) N. Rottle, K Yocom (eds.) 4.Makhzoumi J., Pungetti G. (1999) Ecological Landscape Design and Planning. London: E&FN Spon. 330 p.
Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information
1. Landscape Architecture and Art. Scientific journal of Latvia University of Agriculture. ISSN 2255-8640 (online)
2. Jola. Journal of Landscape Architecture. Print ISSN: 1862-6033 Online ISSN: 2164-604X Piezīmes: