Course code Vete6038
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Independent study hours20
Date of course confirmation22.11.2017
Responsible UnitClinical Institute
Dr. med. vet.
Biol1003, Botany and Pharmacognosy
Ķīmi1028, Inorganic Chemistry
Ķīmi3004, Biochemistry
Vete1001, Latin Language I
Vete1002, Latin Language II
Vete2013, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals I
Vete2014, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals II
Vete2015, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
Vete4019, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics III
Vete4036, General Pathology I
Vete4037, General Pathology II
Vete4078, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I
Vete4098, Small Animal Internal Medicine I
Vete4099, Small Animal Internal Medicine II
Vete4104, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition III
Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I
Vete4109, Internal Medicine, Herd Health II
Vete4110, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics I
Vete4111, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II
Vete6022, Physiology I
Vete6023, Physiology II
VeteB019 [GVETB019] Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology II
The aim of the study course Toxicology is to acquire in depth the science based on knowledge about the basic and special toxicology question of toxicities, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prophylaxis of toxicities, emergency treatment procedures of toxicities of productive, small animals and horses.
Knowledge: of distribution, influence and elimination of poisonous substances; causes, pathogenesis, clinical findings, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of toxicities - Test.
Skills: to obtain anamnesis of intoxication, to make clinical examination of animals, to prepare proper samples for laboratory examination, to make a differential diagnosis of poisoning, to perform the special and general treatment procedures of poisoned animals- Practical work.
Competence: to explain the course of intoxication, to establish diagnosis of intoxication, perform the special and general treatment of poisoned animals, to prepare the plan of control of intoxication in productive animal units and limitations of the use of treated animal products for human consumption. – Test.
The course is divided into two parts: 8 weeks – Basic Toxicology questions and Toxicology of productive animals and horses; and 8 weeks – Toxicology of small animals.
Themes dealt with in the course:
1. Basic and Veterinary Toxicology questions. Terminology. Absorption, distribution, excretion of toxic substances, target organs. Conventional laboratory diagnostic methods of toxicities. Toxic dose. Lethal dose. Lectures - 2 hours.
Intoxication diagnosis principles. Preparation of laboratory samples. Action and emergency veterinary assistance in case of poisoning of individual animal and herds. Practical work – 4 hours.
2. Exposure of environmental contaminants to animals: air, food, water pollution. Lectures – 3 hours.
Toxic compounds from industrial and agricultural production: pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, repellents); organic compounds and combustion, decomposition products (organic solvents, biphenols, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur oxides, CO, methane gas, blue-green toxins, etc.); heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, As, Cr, Cu); their effects on live organisms, diagnostics, emergency treatment, antidotes. Practical work– 4 h.
3. Poisoning with food and drinking water - with nutrients or additives, products that are unsuitable or damaged. Lectures -3 hours.
Poisoning with wild and ornamental plants (hawthorn, fern, lily of the valley, plants of lily genus, etc.); damaged, dirty food (frozen, secondary fermented, contaminated soil, with mycotoxins - Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Claviceps purpurea, etc. with toxins, with nitrites), with human foods (chocolate, spices, etc.); with nutrients, additives (potatoes, rape and cotton seed cakes, linseed, NaCl, urea, ammonia, medicines, etc.); with household chemical products (acids, bases, ethylene glycol, dish disinfectants, etc.). Practical work - 4 hours.
Two colloquiums (in the form of a test).
1st Test, on week 8 - on general toxicology issues and toxicology of productive animals and horses.
2nd Test, on week 16 - on small animal toxicology.
Two tests with a mark of no less than 4 points as a basis for a pass (with a mark). This mark (in points) is determined by the average mark of two tests. If attendance of laboratory work is missed more than 30 %, the study course should be repeated.
The aim is to learn how to analyze the toxicosis of an individual animal or herd, to develop a treatment and prevention plan of toxicosis. Independently determine the botanical name of toxic plants, in English and in Latin; find out description of the toxicosis in Veterinary toxicology books and on the Internet.
Tests of the study course are evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the 10 point system scale indicated in the LLU Study Regulations.
In order to get the final grade of the study course "pass", both tests must be evaluated with a successful mark.
1. Roder J. D. Veterinary Toxicology.USA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. 403 p.
2. Lu F.C. Lu's Basic toxicology: fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment. 3rd Edition., London; New York: Taylor &Francis, 2001. 358 p.
3. Lorgue G., Lechenet J., Chapmant A. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology. USA: Backwell Science, 1996. 210 p.
4. Silverstein D.C., Hopper K. Small Animal Critical Care Medicine. 2nd Edition. Canada: Elsevier, 2015. 1130 p.
5. Tilley L.P., Smith F.W.K. The 5-minute veterinary consult. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Willams & Wilkins, 2000. 1428 p.
6. Gfeller G.W., Messonnjer S.P. Handbook of Small Animal Toxicology and Poisonings. 2003.
1. The Merck Veterinary Manual. Editor-in-chief: S.E. Aiello. 11th edition. Kenilworth: Merck Sharp & Dohme, 2016. 3325 p.
2. Radositis O.M., Gay C.C., Hinchcliff K.W., Constable P.C. Veterinary Medicine. 10th edition. Bailliere Tindall, 2008. 1435 p.
1. The Veterinary Journal. ISSN 1090-0233
2. Journal of Toxicology. Hindawi. Pieejams:
The compulsory course name of the study programme Veterinary medicine is: Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology II (course code: Vete 6038)