Code du cours Vete4113
Crédits 4.50
La quantité totale d'heures en classe120
Nombre de conferences8
Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires52
La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant60
Date de l'approbation du cours04.04.2018
VeteB024 [GVETB024]
1. Auer J.A., Stick J. (2011) Equine surgery. Fourth Edition. ELSVIER.1536 p.
2. Colville T.P., Bassert J.M. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. 3rd Revised edition. Mosby: Elsevier-Heatth Sciences Division, 2015.
3. Fossum T. W. Small Animal Surgery. 4th Edition. Mosby, 2013. 1618 p.
4. Fubini L. S., Ducharme N. (2004). Farm Animal Surgery. Second Edition. ELSVIER. 662 p.
5. Gardiner A. Dog Anatomy Workbook:a guide to the canine body. London: J.A.Allen, 2014. 200 p.
6. Tobias K.M., Johnston S.A. Veterinary Surgery Small Animal. 2 Volume. Philadelphia: Saunders comp. 2012. 2128 p.
1. Colville T.P., Bassert J.M. (2015) Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinaty Technicians 3rd Revised edition. published by Elsevier-Heatth Sciences Division.
2. Muir W.W., Hubbell J.A.E., Skarda R.T., Bednarski R.M. Handbook of Veterinary Anestesia. Third edition. Mosby. 2000. 574 lpp.
3. Raynor M. Horse Anatomy Workbook: A Learning Aid for Students. 2006. 144 p.
4. The Merck Veterinary Manual. (2010) 10th Ed. Merck * Co., Inc. Rahway. N.J., V.S.A. p.1832.
5. Wayne C.M., Frisbie D.D., Kawcak C.E., Weeren P.R. (2016) Joint disease in the horse. Second edition.352p.
1. The Veterinary Journal, ISSN 1090-0233.
2. Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, ISSN 2357-0504.
3. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (J Am Vet Med Assoc; JAVMA). 2000-2016, USA: American Medical Assoc., ISSN 0003-1488.
4. Journal of Small Animal Practice (J Small Anim Pract). 2000-2016, UK: British Small Animal Veterinarian Association, ISSN 0022-4510.