Course code Vete4097

Credit points 4.50

Farm Animal Reproduction II

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures28

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours60

Date of course confirmation22.11.2017

Responsible UnitClinical Institute

Course developers

author Klīniskais institūts

Guna Ringa-Ošleja


author Klīniskais institūts

Vita Antāne

Dr. med. vet.

author lect.

Evija Eihvalde

Mg. med. vet.

Prior knowledge

Vete3013, Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases I

Vete3036, Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases I

Vete4078, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I

Vete4096, Farm Animal Reproduction I

Vete4109, Internal Medicine, Herd Health II

Vete4115, Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases II

Course abstract

In study course Farm animal reproduction II students will acquire such knowledge in veterinary gynaecology as diseases of reproductive organs in peripartal period, parturition, in post partum period and its meaning in infertility, and also physiology and diseases of mammary glands (udder).

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge about inherited and acquired diseases of farm animal reproductive organs and mammary glands (udder) which can cause infertility and changes in secretion of mammary glands (udder) – 4 tests
Skills to perform clinical examination of reproductive organs and mammary glands (udder), to provide emergency aid, to identify and explain pathological changes in reproductive organs including mammary glands (udder), to recommend measures providing continuous use of animals in production – practical works
Competency: according to acquired knowledge and skills write Clinical Case Report and Analysis (CCRA) from Large animal practice II related by post partum period, further reproduction or diseases of mammary glands in farm animals – CCRA work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Post partum pathology (trauma, ovarian disorders, inflammation of uterus) – 8 h lectures and 8 h practical works
1st test Post partum pathology
2. Ovine, goat, swine, mare, beef and dairy cattle reproduction, evaluation of reproductive parameters – 6 h lectures and 8 h practical works
2nd test Ovine, goat, swine, mare, beef and dairy cattle reproduction
3. Functional anatomy, histology, physiology, examination of udder. Clasification, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis of mastitis – 8 h lectures and 8 h practical works
3rd test Udder health, mastitis
4. Infertility (symptoms, inherited, functional infertility). Infectious and parasitic diseases leading to infertility – 6 h lectures and 6 h practical works
4th test Infertility
5. Presentations of CCRA – 6 h practical works

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully completed four tests and one Clinical Case Report and analysis work (KEGA);
Absence of lectures and practical works are not more than 30% of the total number of lessons. If missed lectures and practical works are more than 30% of the total number of lessons, then the course must be repeated.
Missed practical work with animals student performes in MPS “Vecauce” by prior arrangement with farm veterinarian.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Clinical Case Report and Analysis (CCRA) related by reproduction of farm animals (disease, methods used in reproduction etc.) where student should study in-depth analysis of the literature (at least 10 literature sources) and describe case in accordance to CCRA guidelines up to 10 pages. After submitting the written form of the paper, it should be presented orally with an illustrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 to 7 minutes, expressing the most relevant information on subject, answering questions and justifying the information provided. The work must be submitted and defended within the deadline set by the course supervisor.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Oral and written control of knowledge (in the 10 point system) during lectures and practical works. Control of practical skills with animals. In the 9th semester four tests must be evaluated with a successful grade.. To get the final grade of the study course "passed", all tests, CCRA and oral final exam must be evaluated with a successful grade. Study course is evaluated by mean grade of previous grades.

Compulsory reading

1.Afanasjevs I. Veterinārā dzemdniecība un ginekoloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1983. - 360 lpp. Grāmatas atrodas LLU abonementā.
2.Brūveris Z. Veterinārās histoloģijas pamati. Medicīnas apgāds 2015.- 527 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
3. Duce K.M., Sack W.O., Wensing C.J.G. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Saudess, 2010.-833p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
4. Akers R. Michael & Denbow D. Michael. Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals. Blackwell Publishing, first edition, 2008. - 612 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
5. Horst Erich Koning, Hans-Georg Liebich. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas, Sixth Edition Hardcover, 2014.
6. Mine C.B. Davics Morel (2015). Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management, 427 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
7. Carla L. Carleton, Chenowelth Lorton. Equine Theriogenology (2011), 1207 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
8. Samper Juan C. Current therapy in equine reproduction. Saunders Elsevier, 2007.- 492 p. Grāmata atrodas LLU lasītavā.
9. David E Noakes et all. (2009) Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. 950pGrāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
10. HOOPER. Bovine reproduction (2015). 800p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
11. Eddie Straiton. Calving the Cow& Care of the Calf (2002) The Crowood Press- 132 pp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
12. Thomas J. Divers, Simon F.Peek. Diseases of dairy cattle. (2008). Saunders Elsevier. Chapter Dairy Cattle pp 395 – 443. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
13. Robert S. Youngquist. Current Terapy in Large Animal Theriogenelogy (2007), pp 1061. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
14. Carlos A. Risco, Pedro Melendez Retamal. Dairy Production Medicine. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.- 363 p. Grāmata atrodas LLU lasītavā.
15. Steven Mc Orist. Pig Disease Identification and Diagnosis Ouide (2014) Cabi. Part 10. Fertility problems in pigs.- pp197 – 225. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
16. Jackson Peter G.G, Cockcroft Peter D. Handbook of pig medicine. Saunders Elsevier, 2007.-296 p. Grāmata atrodas LLU lasītavā.
17. Phillip R. Scott. Sheep Medicine (2015) CRC press. Chapter 2. Husbandry pp 9 – 20. Chapter 3. Reproductive system pp 21 – 95. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā
18. Laura Lawson. Lamb Problems (2004). LDF Publications. Chapter Genitourinary system Disorders, pp 156 – 170. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
19. Sandra G. Solaimon. Goat Science and Production (2010). Wiley – Blackwell. Chapter Applied of reprudactive physiology. pp 139-156. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
20. Radostits Otto M. Diseases of the Mammary Gland. Veterinary Medicine: A textbook of Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats, 10th Edition, Saunders Elsevier, 2007.- from pages 673 to 762. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

21. Markus Sandholm, Tuula Hankanen-Buzalski, Liisa Kaartinen, Satu. The Bovine Udder and Mastitis. University of Helsinki Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki, 1995.-312 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

Compulsory reading

1. Duce K.M., Sack W.O., Wensing C.J.G. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Saudess, 2010.-833p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
2. Peter D. Cockcroft. Bovine Medicine (2015)- Wiley Blackwell- Chapter 42. Reproductive Technologies on – Farm Applications P. 418 – 435. Chapter 43. Optimizing Herd Fertility; the Farm Audit.- P. 436 – 449
3. Akers R. Michael & Denbow D. Michael. Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals. Blackwell Publishing, first edition, 2008.- 612 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
4. Horst Erich Koning, Hans-Georg Liebich. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas, Sixth Edition Hardcover, 2014.
5. Mine C.B. Davics Morel (2015). Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management-427p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
6. David E Noakes et all. (2009) Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. 950 p.The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
7. Carla L. Carleton, Chenowelth Lorton. Equine Theriogenology. 2011. 1207.p.The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
8. HOOPER. Bovine reproduction (2015). 800 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
9. Eddie Straiton. Calving the Cow& Care of the Calf (2002) The Crowood Press. - 132 pp. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
10. Thomas J. Divers, Simon F.Peek. Diseases of dairy cattle (2008). Saunders Elsevier. Chapter Dairy Cattle pp 395 – 443. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
11. Robert S. Youngquist, Current Terapy in Large Animal Theriogenelogy (2007), 1061p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
12. Carlos A. Risco, Pedro Melendez Retamal. Dairy Production Medicine. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. - 363 p. The book is in Fundamental Library or LULST.
13. Roger W.Blowey, A.David Weaver. Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle (third edition) Edinburgh, London, New York. 2011. 267 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
14. Diseases of the Mammary Gland/in Radositits Otto M. Veterinary Medicine: A textbook of Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats, 10th Edition, Saunders Elsevier, 2007.- from pages 673 to 762. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
15. Hafez E.S.E. Reproduction in Farm Animals. LEA&FEBIGER, 1993.-572 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
16. Jackson Peter G.G, Cockcroft Peter D. Handbook of pig medicine. Saunders Elsevier, 2007.-296 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
17. Phillip R. Scott. Sheep Medicine (2015) CRC press. Chapter 2. Husbandry pp 9 – 20. Chapter 3. Reproductive system pp 21 – 95. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
18. Laura Lawson. Lamb Problems (2004). LDF Publications. Chapter Genitourinary system Disorders, pp 156 – 170. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
19. Sandra G. Solaimon. Goat Science and Production (2010). Wiley – Blackwell. Chapter Applied of reproductive physiology. pp 139-156. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
20. Roberts S. Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology. W.B.Saunders Company. 1997. - 897 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
21. Samper Juan C. Current therapy in equine reproduction. Saunders Elsevier, 2007. - 492 p. The book is in the Reading room of Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies.

22. The Bovine Udder and Mastitis/Editors Markus Sandholm, Tuula Hankanen-Buzalski, Liisa Kaartinen, Satu Pyorala/ University of Helsinki Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki, 1995.-312 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Further reading

1. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma/ J.Priekuļa redakcijā Jelgava: LLU, 2012, 240 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā un LLU lasītavā.
2. Peter D. Cockcroft. Bovine Medicine. (2015) - Wiley Blackwell. - Chapter 42. Reproductive Technologies on – Farm Applications P. 418 – 435. Chapter 43. Optimizing Herd Fertility; the Farm Audit.- P. 436 - 449
3. Mozgis V. Govju tesmeņu slimības un to apkarošana. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības konsultāciju un izglītības atbalsta centrs, Ozolnieki, 1997. - 242 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
4. Vētra J., Ligers J., Vaiders L. Govju tesmeņa slimības. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1997. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
5. Compendium of animal reproduction: 3rd revised edition. – Intervet International B.V., 1997. – 279 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
6. Geofferey H. Atrhur et. al. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. London, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sidney, Tokyo, 1996. - 726 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
7. Richter J., Gotze R. Tiergeburtshilfe.Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin und Hamburg. - 1993. - 642 s. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

Further reading
1. Compendium of animal reproduction: 3rd revised edition. – Intervet International B.V., 1997. – 279 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
2. Geofferey H. Atrhur et. al. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. London, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sidney, Tokyo, 1996. - 726 p. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
3. Richter J., Gotze R. Tiergeburtshilfe.Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin und Hamburg. - 1993.- 642 s. The book is in Informatics Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Periodicals and other sources

1. Veterinārais Zurnāls. Latvijas Veterinārārstu biedrības informatīvs biļetens. ISSN1407-0065.
2. Journal Veterinary Medicine.
3. Journal of Veterinary Science. ISSN 1229 - 845X.
4. Žurnāls Agrotops 2017. un 2018. gads.
5. Žurnāls Latvijas Lopkopis 2017. un 2018. gads.

Periodicals and other sources

1. AJAS (Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences.


Compulsory course of study programme FARM ANIMAL REPRODUCTION II. Practicals in small groups.