Course code Valo5008
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation17.03.2021
Responsible UnitLanguage Centre
Dr. paed.
The study course is aimed at the development of students’ foreign language (English) knowledge and skills necessary for comprehending, interpreting and evaluating professional information and scientific literature, explaining and comparing processes, participating in discussions, giving presentations in professional and academic environments as well as for communication with foreign students, specialists and academic staff. The focus is on the terminology related to Forestry. The English language proficiency level corresponds to at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for foreign languages.
Knowledge and understanding of terminology of the industry. Students know terms from the field of:
- forest works and machinery, forest economy and policy (Test No 1);
- ecology and forestry; wood materials and technologies (Test No 2).
Skills: students are able to define terms, select professional and scientific information, think critically, explain processes, apply professional terminology, communication skills and academic language skills: in written form - writing essays, business letters; orally – participating in case studies, discussions, role plays, debates, giving a presentation, collaborating with group mates in order to achieve a task’s goal, analyzing and evaluating their learning.
Competence of professional and academic English language in order to apply it creatively in spoken and written communication for student mobility, professional and academic activities in international environment.
1 Scientific research, its role in sectors of national economy and its specifics in globalization.2h
2 Types and methods of scientific research. Master's thesis, its structure.2h
3 Working with scientific literature. Plagiarism. Types of plagiarism.2h
4 Formulation of the goal, tasks and hypothesis of the Master's thesis.2h
5 Topicality and novelty of the Master's thesis. Justification of the choice of research topic.2h
6 Analysis of scientific texts by acquiring the necessary terms.2h
7 Essay Development in English. Specialty of essay writing, components, choice of language elements. 2h
8 Test 1: Terminology.2h
9 Summary analysis.2h
10 Annotation analysis.2h
11 Ensuring the competitiveness of the household sector in the labor market.2h
12 Research methods. Bibliographic description of the literature used.2h
13 Descriptions of tables and figures in scientific work.2h
14 Test 2: Terminology. 2h
15 Preparation of a scientific publication. Annotation of a scientific article.2h
16 Development of an annotation sample for the Master's Thesis. The most important aspects of an effective presentation. Presentation analysis and self-evaluation.2h
Assessment: Examination.
The examination consists of:
• a terminology test,
• giving a presentation about Master’s Thesis.
A student is admitted to the examination if: two tests are written successfully, home assignments are submitted on time and tested, individual work (reading of professional texts, prepared presentation on a chosen scientific article, glossary of terms) is completed. The number of the missed classes shall not exceed 20%.
Independent work:
1. reading of an independently chosen professional text (the amount: 40 000 characters);
2. giving a presentation (5-10 minutes) about the chosen professional text in front of the class;
3. submitted glossary of terms (30 translations, 20 definitions).
Students are able to present information, summarize it, express opinions, reason logically and answer questions about a scientific article they have read.
The cumulative assessment is composed of the grades in tests, assessment during classes, assessment for the individual work, as well as the grade for the exam. The grade in tests is successful if at least 70% of the answers are correct. Home assignments should be submitted and tested.
The examination grade is calculated as an arithmetic mean of grades obtained in two examination tasks (a presentation about Master’s thesis and a terminology test). The grade in the terminology test is successful if at least 70% of the answers are correct.
1. De Chazal, E., Rogers, L. Oxford EAP. Oxford University Press, 2013. 224 p. ISBN 9780194001939
2. Godfrey, J. The Academic Phrase Book: Vocabulary for Writing at University, 2013. Basingstoke. Palgrave. Macmillan. 217 p. ISBN-13: 978-0230289338
3. Evans, V., Dooley, J., Styles, N. Career Paths: Natural Resources III – Forestry. Express Publishing, 2015. 120 p. ISBN13 9781471539435
4. McCarthy, M., O'Dell, F. Academic Vocabulary in Use: 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice: self-study and classroom use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 176 p. ISBN 9780521689397
1. Akadēmiskā terminu datu bāze. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 17.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
2. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes raksti. (Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture). [tiešsaiste]. ISSN 1407-4427. [skatīts 17.03.2021.] Pieejams:
3. International Journal of Forest Engineering. [tiešsaiste]. Publisher: Taylor & Francis. ISSN 0843-5243 (print) ISSN 1913-2220 (online). [skatīts 17.03.2021.] Pieejams:
4. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. [tiešsaiste]. Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN 0095-0696 (print): ISSN 1096-0449 (online). [skatīts 17.03.2021.] Pieejams ScienceDirect:
1. Sustainable Forest Management in Europe. Countryside. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 17.03.2021.] Pieejams:
2. Latvijas valsts meži. [tiešsaite]. [skatīts 17.03.2021.]Pieejams:
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional Master’s degree program studies: Forest Works and Machinery, Forest Economy and Policy, Ecology and Forestry, Wood Materials and Technologies.