Course code Valo1053

Credit points 3

Latvian Language I

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation22.03.2021

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developers

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Inese Ozola

Dr. philol.


Iveta Līce-Zikmane

Dr. paed.

Course abstract

Latvian communication skills of the students are developed in the study course so that they are able to speak and understand simple monologues and dialogues on everyday topics such as introductions, a place of residence, one’s family, a town, shopping. Students understand simple grammar structures. The interactive language learning method is used in the study process, all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) are developed; the vocabulary learning is based on social and personal issues simultaneously providing elementary knowledge of grammar and pronunciation. The language proficiency level of the course corresponds to A1 (CEFR).

Learning outcomes and their assessment

The aim of the study course is to develop conversational skills and the ability to use the language in simple everyday situations, to communicate in the grammatically correct language, to develop language communication competence for further use of Latvian in the study process.
Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competence) and their assessment
Learning outcome Assessment method Level of achievement
Average High Very high
Students know and understand greeting and introduction phrases, vocabulary of a place of residence, one’s family, a town, shopping according to the grammar rules. Test No.1
Test No.2
55-74% of questions are answered correctly
75-90% of questions are answered correctly
91-100% of questions are answered correctly
Students know and understand the use of personal and demonstrative pronouns, the change of noun endings in the nominative and locative case, the agreement between adjectives and nouns, appropriate use of verbs
Group work, discussions Students have incomplete knowledge and understanding of personal and demonstrative pronouns, the use of verbs, nouns and adjectives Students know and understand personal and demonstrative pronouns, the use of verbs, nouns and adjectives, but has difficulties of using them. Excellent knowledge and understanding of personal and demonstrative pronouns, the use of verbs, the change of noun endings in the nominative and locative case, the agreement between adjectives and nouns
Professional skills
Students are able to use phrases of greeting, introductions, fill out simple forms, Group work, discussions Incomplete greeting and introduction skills, students are able to fill in simple forms partially Students know greeting phrases, introductions, but has difficulty choosing words. They are able to fill out simple forms Students have excellent knowledge of greeting phrases, can introduce each other fluently and convincingly. They can fill out simple forms quickly
Students are able to create a monologue, dialogues and discuss in simple sentences about the place of residence, family,
shopping, orientation in the city.

Group work, discussions Students have incomplete ability to create a monologue, dialogues and discuss the place of residence, family, shopping, orientation in the city. Difficulty using appropriate words.
Students are able to create a monologue, dialogue and discuss about the place of residence, family, shopping, orientation in the city, but they have difficulties in creating sentences. Excellent ability to create monologues, dialogues and talk fluently in simple sentences about the place of residence, family, shopping, orientation in the city
Students understand the agreement between the possessive pronoun’s and the adjective’s conjugation with nouns, the use of prepositions, nature of verb conjugation.
Group work, discussions Students have incomplete understanding of agreement between the conjugation of words. Understand the agreement between the possessive pronoun’s and the adjective’s conjugation with nouns, the use of prepositions, nature of verb conjugation, but has difficulties in using them There is complete understanding of the agreement between the possessive pronoun’s and the adjective’s conjugation with nouns, the use of prepositions, nature of verb conjugation
Students can make simple questions, read simple texts
Group work, discussions Students partly know how to form questions, read simple texts with difficulty
Students are able to make simple questions, read simple texts but are not accurate. Excellent ability to make simple questions, read simple texts.
Soft skills
Ability to responsibly plan time and perform assigned tasks Group work, discussions Difficulty in scheduling time and does not meet deadlines. Students have the ability to plan time, but show carelessness and inaccuracy in work. Excellent ability to meet the set schedule and performs tasks accurately
Students are able to find the necessary information on the Internet, dictionaries, etc. Group work, discussions
Students find the necessary information with the difficulty Students are able to find the necessary information but are not able to critically evaluate the best variant. Students are able to find purposefully and evaluate critically the necessary information on the internet, dictionaries etc.
Students are able to tell in simple sentences about themselves, their family and the environment. Able to make small dialogues. Understand simple texts.
Discussions, test
Students make sentences slowly. Partly understand a simple text.
There is an ability to tell about oneself, a family, environment in simple sentences; students understand a simple text. Students have difficulties to use appropriate words and conjugations.
Excellent ability to independently create a simple narrative about oneself, a family, environment. Ability to tell it to group members. Students are able to make short dialogues quickly and understand a simple text.
Succession of the study course (prerequisites): no prerequisites are required
Knowledge assessment and prerequisites for taking a test or examination
Topic Form of knowledge assessment Proportion of evaluation, % Assessment deadline Volume of individual studies in hours
Full time
Latvian alphabet. Introduction vocabulary. Information about oneself. Getting to know other people - creating dialogues. The place and time. Creation of monologues, dialogues Test 1 40 At the time allotted for the test 20
Place of residence, apartment. Family. Shopping. Orientation in the city, means of transport. Travelling. Daily plan. Creating dialogues Test 2 40 At the time scheduled for the test 20
Personal and demonstrative pronouns. The verb "to be". Nominative and locative endings of nouns. Asking questions. Adjectives. Possessive pronouns. Prepositions. Verb tenses Group work, discussions, activity 20 During classes 12
Test -the cumulative assessment
Requirements and procedures to make up missed lessons:
Missed lessons can be made up in accordance with the LBTU Study Regulations and the requirements provided in the study course programme.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Latvian alphabet. Letters. Sound pronunciation.. (1 hours)
2. Introduction. Greeting phrases. Personal and demonstrative pronouns. The verb "to be". (3 hours)
3. Information about yourself. Noun endings in the nominative case. Geography of Latvia. (2 hours)
4. Getting to Know Others - Creating Dialogues. Making questions. (2 hours)
5. Place and time. Noun endings in the locative. Test 1. (2 hours)
6. Residence, apartment, its furnishings. Residence dialogues. Adjectives. (2 hours)
7. Family. A monologue. The verb "to be" in the meaning of to have. (2 hours)
8. Latvian national holiday and celebration days. (2 hours)
9. Shopping vocabulary. The verb conjugations. (2 hours)
10.Orientation in city, transports. Dialogue. Possessive pronouns. (2 hours)
11.Travelling vocabulary. Prepositions. (2 hours)
12.Cultural events. Free time. The tenses of the verb. (2 hours)
13.Daily plan. Test 2. (2 hours)
14.Food and drink names. Word formation. (2 hours)
15.The meal in the restaurant. Vocabulary. The menu. The structure of sentences. (2 hours)
16.Conversations: interviews, dialogues, questions about the study course. Reading the text with understanding. (2 hours)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment: Test (pass / fail).
It is made up of cumulative assessment. Active work in classes, successfully written two tests, included homework. The number of the missed classes shall not exceed 20%.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Home-work done according to requirements.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The cumulative assessment (pass / fail) is composed of the grades in tests and activity in classes. The grade in tests is successful if at least 70% of the answers are correct. Homework should be a positive evaluation.

Compulsory reading

1. A1 Laipa. Interaktīvs mācību līdzeklis latviešu valodas apguvei. Pieejams:
2. Atvērsim vārtus. Mācību grāmata A1. Rīga, LVA, 2014.
3. Atvērsim vārtus. Interaktīvs mācību līdzeklis latviešu valodas apguvei. Pieejams:
4. Auziņa I., Berķe M., Lazarea A., Šalme A.. A1 Laipa. Latviešu valoda Mācību grāmata. Rīga, LVA, 2014.
5. Auziņa I., Berķe M., Lazareva A., Šalme A. A1 Laipa. Latviešu valoda Darba burtnīca. Rīga, LVA, 2014.
6. Cīrule L. It’s time for Latvian! Basic Latvian for beginners. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2020.
7. Māci un mācies latviešu valodu. E-nodarbības. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Dumpe D. Latvian in Three Months. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2013.
2. Latviešu valodas apguve internetā. Pieejams:
3. Ko Tu teici? Interaktīvs līdzeklis iesācējiem. Pieejams:
4. Koluža R. Mazā latviešu valodas pareizrakstības rokasgrāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2018.
5. Latvian folktales in Latvian and English. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2017.
6. Learn Latvian Language. Pieejams:
7. Sarma I., Ābola S. Latviešu valoda studentiem. Lasīšanas tekstu un uzdevumu krājums I. Rīga, LVA, 2017.
8. Skujiņa V., Anspoka Z., Kalnbērziņa V., Šalme A. Lingvodidaktikas terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca. Rīga, Latviešu valodas aģentūra, 2011. Pieejams
9. Svarinska A. Latviešu valoda 25 nodarbībām. Latvian in 25 lessons. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2003.
10. Talce Ā. Mācos latviešu valodu. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2018.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Angļu-latviešu vārdnīca 5. izdevums. Cēsis, Design & Printing Services, 2007.
2. Latviešu-angļu valodas vārdnīca internetā. Pieejams:
3. Latviešu–angļu valodas vārdnīca. Pieejams:


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