Code du cours VadZ5095

Crédits 4.50

La quantité totale d'heures en classe120

Nombre de conferences12

Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires24

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant84

Date de l'approbation du cours19.01.2022

Auteurs du cours


Anita Auziņa


Andra Zvirbule

Le cours remplacé

VadZM008 [GVADM008]


1. Diderihs H. Uzņēmuma ekonomika. Tulk. no vācu val. M. Balaško, K. Didenko, J. Kipsna u.c., galv. zin. red. R.Škapars. Rīga: Zinātne, 2000. 515 lpp.
2. Hofs K. G. Biznesa ekonomika. 3 izdevums. Rīga: RTU, 2019. 604 lpp.
3. Johnson G., Whittington R., Scholes K., u.c. Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. G. Johnson, R. Whittington, K. Scholes u.c. UK: Pearson Education Limited, 2017. 797 p.
4. Caruso G.R. The Art of Business Valuation: Accurately Valuing a Small Business. Haboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2020. 407 p.
5. Hacioglu U. Digital Bisiness Business Strategies in Blockchain Ecosystems: Transformational Design and Future of Global Business. Switzeland: Springer Nature, 2020. 647 p.
6. Pramudita C. D. The Balanced Scorecard As Strategic Controlling Instrument. Introducing the Indicators-based BSC for Implementation of a Corporate Strategy From Four Different Perspectives. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing. 2016. e-book, EBSCO data base. 2016 Resurss pieejams ar LLU IS lietotājkontu. Pieejams:
7. Sliwczynski B., Kolinski A. Controlling Supply Chains: Theory and Practice. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2016. / e-book, EBSCO data base, 2016 Resurss pieejams ar LLU IS lietotājkontu. Pieejams:
8. Cowher S. J., Dickson L. S. Effective Planning Strategies and Proposal Writing: A Workbook for Helping Professionals. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2010. / e-book, EBSCO database, 2010 Resurss pieejams ar LLU IS lietotājkontu. Pieejams:

9. Elkin P. Mastering Business Planning and Strategy: The Power and Application of Strategic Thinking. London: Thorogood Publishing, 2007. / e-book, EBSCO database, 2007 Resurss pieejams ar LLU IS lietotājkontu. Pieejams:

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Rurāne M. Uzņēmējdarbības organizācija un plānošana. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2002., 330 lpp.
2. Slavinska I. Uzņēmējdarbības plānošana un kontrole. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2003.
3. Kalve I. Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus. Stratēģiskā un pārmaiņu vadība. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2005., 293 lpp.
4. Zvirbule-Bērziņa A., Mihejeva L., Auziņa.A. Plānošanas un ražošanas procesa organizēšanas pamatprincipi. Rīga., : Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2004., 114 lpp.
5. Baaij M., Reinmoeller P. Maping Mapping a Winning Strategy: Developing and Executing a Successful Strategy in Turbulent Markets. : United Kingdom; North America: Emerald Publishing, 2018. 248 p.
6. Vollmann T. E., Berry W. L., Why D. C. Manufacturing planning and control systems. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1988., 904.p p.
7. Alexander J. Financial planning & analysis and performance management. Hoboken, New Jersey: , John Wiley & Sons, 2018. , 612. pp.
8. Besanko D., Dranove D., Shanley M., Schaefer S. Economics of strategy. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons, 2017. 520. Pp.
9. Dagnino G. B., Cinici M. C. Research methods for strategic management: a research methods handbook. New York: Routledge, 2016. , 377. pp.

10. Neely A. D. Business Performance Measurement: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. / e-book, EBSCO data base. 2002 Resurss pieejams ar LLU IS lietotājkontu

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts. ISSN 1407-2041
2. Forbes. "SK Media" SIA. Rīga: Forbes. ISSN 1691-6018
3. Harward Business Review: Harvard Business School Publishing. ISSN 0017-8012
4. European Journal of Management and Business Economics. ISSN 2444-8451 Elsevier data base
5. International Strategic Management Review. ISSN 2306-7748 Elsevier data base

6. European Research on Management and Business Economics. ISSN 2444-8834 Elsevier data base