Course code TraZ4056
Credit points 7.50
Total Hours in Course200
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours120
Date of course confirmation07.02.2017
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvTB004 [GBTRB004] Motor Vehicle Structure
The aim of the course is to acquire constructions and operation principles of ground motor vehicles. Gets knowledge about mechanisms and systems of internal combustion engines. Acquires mechanical and electronical regulation of mechanisms and systems of the engine. To be able to work independently and to understand engineering technical solutions of ground motor vehicle constructions. Acquires practical construction and operation of transmission, movement and control equipment of ground motor vehicles.
Knowledge - peculiarities of vehicle construction, principles of operation of their units. Knowledge is assessed in tests. Test 1 - “Construction and operation of automobile engines” - in the form of a test, successful mark, if 70% of the questions are answered correctly. Test 2 - “Car transmission operation” - in the form of a test, successful mark, if 70% of the questions are answered correctly.
Skills - to evaluate the technical indicators of cars and engines, their operation. Skills are assessed in laboratory work.
Competence - to constantly analyze the engineering solutions of vehicle constructions, to constantly solve technical issues to ensure the failure-free operation of cars. Able to independently determine the technical condition of automotive structural elements.
1. General automobile design: engine, chassis, bodywork, task and location. Engine construction, operating principles (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
2. General concept of engine operation. Engine comparative parameters. The task and structure of the crank-knee mechanism (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
3. Types of gas distribution mechanisms. Task of the gas distribution mechanism, construction. Gas distribution camshaft (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
4. Basic function of lubrication system and basic scheme of operation. Function and breakdown of the cooling system (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
5. Otto engine power supply system in principle scheme, basic components. Carburetor main accessories (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
6. The general concept of waste gas dispensers, electronic injection systems (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
7. Diesel Engine Power Systems. Preparation process for diesel fuel in a diesel engine. High pressure fuel pumps (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
8. Transmission task and breakdown by torque, transformation type and techniques (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
9. Gearbox, breakdown and operating principles. Task and division of distribution boxes (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
10. Automobile driving bridges. General characteristics of the drive bridge. The main task of the transfer, breakdown (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
11. Steering equipment characteristics. Steering equipment task and breakdown. Structural structure of steering mechanisms (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
12. Task and breakdown of brake equipment. Types of braking mechanisms and operating principles (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
13. Basic circuit diagrams, structural design and operation of brake lines (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
14. Structural construction and operation of the pneumatic brake multi-circuit brake (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
15. Electro-hydraulic ABS systems. Brake Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) task and breakdown (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
16. Anti-lock braking system ASR construction, operating principle (1h lect, 2h lab.w., 1h pract.w.)
Laboratory works have been developed and defended, tests are successfully written.
1. Searching for information on car safety systems, individual work is developed in PowerPoint and presented.
2. Analysis of laboratory works.
The assessment of the study course exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the study course tests.
The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the two exam assignments and the mean mark of the tests.
1. Miķelsons Z., Pīrs V. Spēkratu konstrukcijas. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 199 lpp.
2. Pīrs V., Miķelsons Z. Jaunākās autotronikas sistēmas. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 183 lpp.
3. Miķelsons Z. Spēkratu uzbūve. Laboratorijas darbu uzdevumi un izpildes metodika. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 57 lpp.
4. Cikovskis V. Iekšdedzes motori. 2 sēj. Rīga: Jumava, 2010.
5. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines. Stone. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
6. Basshuysen R.van. Internal Combustion Engine Handbook. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, 2004.
7. Cikovskis V. Motori 1 daļa. Rīga: Jumava, 2010. 286 lpp.
1. Modern Automobile Technology. 1 st. English edition. 2006. Pieeja tiešsaistē Skatīts 16.03.2017
2. Van Basshuysen R., Schaefer F. Internal Combustion Engine Handbook. Basics, Components, Systems, and Perspectives. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, 2004.
3. Modern Automotive Technology. 1st English edition, 2006. 688 p.
1. LUBE Magazine. United Kingdom Lubricants Association Limited |, Registered in the UK: No. 936857 VAT Reg No. GB 240 8376 65
2. Profi: Magazin fur Agrartechnik. -1997- Münster-Hiltrup Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH -1997- ISSN 0937-1583.
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