Course code TraZ4004

Credit points 3

Technical Service of Automobiles II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation17.12.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers

author prof.

Dainis Berjoza

Dr. sc. ing.

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Vilnis Pīrs

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

TraZ3024, Tehnical Service of Automobiles I

TraZ4056, Motor Vehicle Structure

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to learn the basics of organization and management of automotive technical maintenance workshop. The students learn the principles of storage and rationing of service materials, the essence of the assessment of the technical condition of cars and their components, as well as the use of modern diagnostic equipment for determining the parameters of the car's operation. In-depth study of the design methodology of a vehicle maintenance company. They get acquainted with the principles of choice and calculation of technological planning of motor transport and service companies. The acquired knowledge can be used in the practical design of a road transport company.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge - specific knowledge in automobile technical service in relation to calculation of the auto transport enterprise design and technological process of service, substantiation of the equipment and the number of servicemen. Knowledge of Car Maintenance and Repair Technologies - Test 1.
2. Skills - the students can creatively apply the theoretically acquired and calculated in graphical depiction of the design considering qualitative provision of the technological process in compliance with the current norms; they can professionally plan the auto transport enterprise territory for comfortable organization of traffic and ensuring of the technological process. Knows the design technology and regulations for road transport companies - Test 2.

3. Сompetence - the students can take decisions that are based on calculations in relation to planning of new automobile service and exploitation enterprises elaborating the production zone and enterprise territory as well as location of the technological equipment in compliance with the latest technological innovations. Able to carry out the diagnostics and servicing of modern cars, to calculate and design road transport companies - laboratory and practical works.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Vehicle storage technology. Enclosed and open storage. Car heating methods and heaters. Methods and aids to facilitate starting. (2 h)
2. Technology of car maintenance and repair. Car cleaning and washing, their technology. (2 h)
3. Car repair and its influencing factors. Special and specialized car maintenance. (2 h)
4. Technical maintenance of specialized motor vehicle units. Car lifting and inspection works, their execution technology. (2 h)
5 Organization and management of automotive maintenance and repair process. Technical maintenance of specialized and universal working place. (2 h)
6. Regulations on the technical condition and technical inspection of vehicles. Division of technical control and assessment of technical condition. (2 h)
7. Automotive material and technical support. Storage and rationing of spare parts. Fuel rationing, setting and increasing fuel standards. (2 h)
8. Automotive ecological systems maintenance. Computerization process in the system of maintenance and repair. Prospective development of the service system. (2 h)
9. Types of road transport company, their functions and classification. Structures and functional schemes of road transport companies. (2 h)
10. Technical basis and designing procedure of the motor transport company. Functional schemes of the structure of car services, car sales and rental companies. (2 h)
11. Production programs of road transport companies. Operating modes, vehicle maintenance and repair standards and their correction. (2 h)
12. Calculation of workload and personnel in road transport companies. Technological calculation of production areas, sections and warehouses of road transport enterprises. (2 h)
13. Technological calculation of flow lines and zones for automotive maintenance. Selection, justification and calculation of technological equipment required for the vehicles maintenance company. (2 h)
14. Methods of calculating the space of structural parts of road transport companies (analytical, graphical). Planning of production areas for road transport companies. (2 h)
15. Technological planning of structural parts of road transport enterprises. Overall planning of the road transport company. (2 h)

16. General plan and organization of the movement of vehicles. Feasibility study of road transport company project. (2 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with mark.
Practical and laboratory work must be developed and passed. Must have passed tests with a score of at least 4 points.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Preparation for tests and laboratory works. Preparation of laboratory reports

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The study course could be counted if all previously mentioned requirements are realized.
Student can get a successful mark for test if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly.

Compulsory reading

1. Berjoza D., Tupiņš J. Spēkratu diagnostika. 2007.
2. Tupiņš J. Mašīnu tehniskā apkalpošana. Laboratorijas darbu uzdevumi un izpildes metodika. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 95 lpp.
3. Аринин И. Н., Коновалов С.И., Баженов Ю. В. Техническая експлуатация автомобилей. Изд. 2-е. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. 314.с.

4. Беднарский В. В. Техническая обслуживание и ремонт автомобилей. Изд. 3-е, перераб. и дополнин. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. 456. с.

Further reading

1. Elbl H., Föll W., Schüler W. Tabellenbuch Fahrzeugtechnik. Stuttgart: Holland + Josenhans, 2008. 362 lpp.
2. Modern Automotive Technology, : Fundamentals, service, diagnostics. The German edition was written by technical instructors, engineers and technicians; editorial office (German edition), R. Gscheidle. Haan-Gruiten, Germany: Europa Lehrmittel, 2006. 688 p.

3. Denton T. Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis. USA: Elsevier. 2007. 271 p.


Compulsory course for students of Faculty of Engineering academic education bachelor study program "Agricultural Engineering".