Course code Peda6036
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.06.2013
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. paed.
Peda5025, Career Development Theories
Peda5026, Theory and Methodology of Career Counselling I
Psih6009, Human Life Cycles
Students acquire understanding about the processes of career development support system and career service management in the Latvia and the world as well as on careers service management' processes. Within the course, students obtain knowledge about resources, models, possibilities and kinds of ensuring career services in lifelong learning, as well as knowledge about management of quality and human resource. Students develops skills to analyze and to plan career services, to work out information' resources and to create materials for the client' support in the decision making. Students develop an understanding of how to organize and manage the introduction and delivery of career services. Students are able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice by developing a career management model in an employment or education environment.
• Knowledge - able to understand career development support system, career services management processes and providing resources, career services management possibilities and ways in the context of life-long learning, theoretical principles of career management, human' resources and management of quality - test.
• Skills - able to analyze, planning and evaluate independently development of career services – practical works.
• Competence - is able to critically evaluate and independently develop information resources and create materials for customer support in decision making; to organize and manage the introduction and provision of career services; is able to develop a career management model in one of the employment or education environments - three independent works and participation in a seminar where students are developed career guidance models.
1. Lecture / Career guidance system and public policy. KAAS review and discussion - 2h.
2. Lecture / Experience of different countries in providing career guidance - 2h.
3. Lecture / Career service management, functions and methods - 2h.
4. Lecture. Management levels and approaches, leadership skills in career guidance. Manager's competencies. Test on management of career services - 2h.
5. Lecture / Target audiences of the career services and their peculiarities – 2h.
6. Lecture / Types of Career Services. Solutions of career service' provision in Latvia - 2h.
7. Lecture / Providing career services in the context of lifelong learning. Career Planning Stages - 2h.
8. Lecture / The basic elements of a career guidance system. The roles of career guidance specialists - 2h.
9. Lecture / Career Services Provision Models. CIP fundamental elements - 2h.
10. Lecture / DOTS model of career education and guidance. - 2h
11. Lecture / Resources for providing career guidance systems - 2h.
12. Lecture / Career education planning and organization of educational institutions – 2h.
13. Lecture / Management of human resources in career service - 2h.
14. Lecture / Quality management and evaluation of career services - 2h.
15. Lecture / Self-analysis of the work of career service providers - 2h.
16. Seminar. Analysis of career guidance system services in organization - 2h.
Activity in practical works, discussions and seminar - 30%;
Test for theoretical knowledge (assessment not less than 7 (good)) - 20%;
Preparation and presentation of independent works - 50%.
All independent works are interrelated and their development is based on the topicality of the research environment, base and target audience of the Master's thesis.
In the first independent work students describe and justify the need for a career guidance system (CGS) model for a specific target group; practical activities and resources that could ensure the successful operation of the career guidance system (CSS).
In the second independent work students evaluate roles of career guidance specialists and anticipated types of CSG service.
In the third independent work, the student compares his developed CGS model with at least two other similar (abroad and Latvia) CGS models.
All independent works are described and submitted for evaluation in electronic form, as well as presented at the seminar.
The assessment of the study course test with a mark depends on the cumulative assessment of practical works and three independent works. Independent works are presented at the seminar. The assessment of independent and practical work is carried out according to the criteria specified therein. The test mark is the arithmetic mean between the mark of the independent works and the evaluation of the practical works.
1. Kidd J. Understanding Career Counselling: Theory, Research and Practice. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2006. 160 p. 2. Reid H. Introduction to Career Counselling & Coaching. 1st edition. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015. 304 p. 3. Niles S.G., Harris-Bowlsbey J. Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century. London: Pearson, 2012. 544 p. 4. Sampson J.P., Reardon R., Peterson W., Lenz J. Career Counselling and Services: A Cognitive Information Processing Approach. Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc, 2003. 256 p. 5. Watts A.G., Law B., Killeen J., Kidd J.M. & Hawthorn R. Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance. Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Routledge, 2005. 416 p. 6. Sharf R. S. Applying career development theory to counselling. Publisher: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2013. 498 p.
1. Gibson R. L., Mitchell M. H. Introduction to counselling and guidance. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2008. 523 p. 2. OECD un Eiropas komisija, 2004. Karjeras attīstības atbalsta rokasgrāmata politikas veidotājiem [tiešsaiste]. Tulk. VIAA 2008. 76 lpp. [Skatīts 08.07.2014.]. Pieejams: 3. Sultana R.G., Watts A.G. Career guidance in Europe’s public employment services: trends and challenges. Brussels: DG European Commision, 2005. 119 p. CE-V/1-06-001-EN-C Pieejams:
1. What Do College Career Services Offices Do? [skatīts 5.12.2018]. Pieejams: 2. Career development at work . A review of career guidance to support people in employment [tiešsaiste]. Cedefop Panorama series; 151. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008. 142 p. [Skatīts 5.12.2018]. Pieejams: 3. Professionalising career guidance Practitioner competences and qualification routes in Europe. Cedefop [tiešsaiste]. Cedefop panorama series; 164 4. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009.116 p. [Skatīts 10.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 5. Karjeras attīstības atbalsta sistēmas darbības izvērtējums Latvijā. [tiešsaiste]. 2012. VIAA 37 lpp. [Skatīts 13.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 6. Informācijas portāli karjeras konsultantiem [skatīts 18.11.2018.]. Pieejams: 7. Lifelong Learning Platform [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 13.11.2018.]. Pieejams:
Career Service Management