Course code PārZ5022

Credit points 7.50

Novel Foods

Total Hours in Course200

Number of hours for lectures48

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours120

Date of course confirmation19.02.2014

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developer


Daina Kārkliņa

Dr. sc. ing.

Replaced course

CinžM002 [GPRZM002] Novel Foods

Course abstract

Master students get acquainted with novel and functional foods, their positive and negative qualities and the use of potential functional groups in the production of novel foods, as well as on the possibilities of modern biotechnology for improving the quality of food products and with individual genetically modified food types and their methods of recognition.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After completing the course, the student will have:
Good knowledge in Novel foods, GMOs and various functional groups and their use in food production (Tests for Novel, Functional and Genetically Modified Food)
Skills to argue, discuss and explain to professionals and non-specialists the role of new food, GMOs and functional groups in the production of novel foods and its role in the range of food products offered (Practical work - obtaining a functional product, seminars on Novel foods, functional and genetically modified food, GMO laboratory visit)
Able to analyze and express their thoughts on novel foods, GMF, functional foods, their impact on consumer health to reduce disease risks (independent work on novel, functional foods and GMF)

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Lectures: Definition of Novel food, legislation. Definition of functional food, its discoverers. Functional group. Probiotics, their characterization, effects on human intestinal tract function and immune system. Prebiotics, their characteristics and their functional properties. Symbiotics – 8 h.
2. Practical work - Functional product manufacturing and analysis – 8 h.
3. Lectures: Characterization of polyunsaturated fatty acids, their functional role in strengthening human health. Products with omega - 3 and omega - 6 fatty acids. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Functional peptides – 8 h.
4. Seminar “Foods with Omega-3 and Omega-6 Content” – 4 h.
5. Lectures: Fibre, their classification and mechanisms of action. Polyphenols. Mineral substances and vitamins. Phytosterols. Products with increased support and phytosterol composition – 8 h.
6. Seminar “Foods with changed fibre content and added phytosterols”. Test for new and functional food. – 8 h.
7. Lectures: Definition and Characterization of Genetically Modified Food. Legal regulation of genetically modified food. Consumer attitudes and opinions on genetically modified food. Moral and ethical aspects – 8 h.
8. Lectures: Historical development of GMOs. Genetic code. New protein synthesis - the core of biotechnology. Types of genetically modified food. Genetically modified micro-organisms in food. Genetically modified plants for food. Soy oil of high oleic acid content. Foods made from potatoes, cereals, soy and tomatoes with a genetically modified structure – 8 h.
9. Lectures GM animals and their role in food. Risks of using genetically modified food. Use of risk analysis in GMO analysis. GM Food Recognition Methods – 8 h.
10. Practical work BIOR GMO laboratory visit – 8 h.

11. Test for genetically modified food. Discussion and seminar about the independent work – 4 h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully completed tests, defended independent work, visited all seminars - requirements for the accumulating exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent work is an individual written work of the research, the aim of which is to deepen theoretical knowledge on functional and GMO issues (volume 10 - 15 pages, submitted electronically).

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Successfully completed tests, submitted and defended independent work, all workshops visited allow an assessment of knowledge

Compulsory reading

1. Kārkliņa D., Muižnieks I. Jaunā pārtika un ģenētiski modificētie organismi. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. – 4 - 46 lpp. Ir LLU FB 35 eks. Kārkliņa D.Ciproviča I., Beitāne I Pārtikas produkti ar funkcionālajām sastāvdaļām. Jelgava: LU, 2008. – 50 lpp. Ir LLU FB ~ 200 eks.
2. Functional foods and biotechnology / edited by Kalidas Shetty ... [et al]. - Boca Raton ... [etc.] : CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2007. - 650 lpp.Ir LLU FB 1 eks ĢMO – mīti un fakti. Rīga: Biedrība Zemes draugi 2010. 26 lpp. Ir LLU FB 2 eks.
3. Food biotechnology (elektroniskais resurs)/ edit by Kalidas Shetty 2nd ed. New York : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2006, 982 lpp.

Further reading

1. Taylor & Francis Group CRCnetBASE e-grāmatas
2. Genetically modified organisms in crop production and their effects on the environment methodologies for monitoring and the way ahead expert consultation, 18-20 January 2005, [Rome] report and selected papers edited by Kakoli Ghosh and Paul C. Jepson. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome : FAO, 2006. 123 lpp

Periodicals and other sources

Internets, Datu bāzes - atslēgas vārdi - Genetic Modified Foods, Functional Foods.Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN (printed): 0023-6438. ISSN (electronic): 1096-1127. Pilni teksti Science Direct datubāzē


Mandatory course of the academic Master's program "Food Science"