Course code MatZ3063

Credit points 6

Wood Processing Technologies and Design II

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes48

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation14.02.2017

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer

author reserch

Andis Ābele

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

MatZ3062, Wood Processing Technologies and Design I

Course abstract

Acquisition of the course of Wood Processing Technologies and Design promotes an understanding of the types of wood materials, wood processing technologies and their usability for manufacturing of design products. Aim of the course is to create conditions for the ability to construct and produce potentially demanded design wood products.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - to classify and to explain the types of wood materials and methods of wood machining, to explain conceptions of the conformity assessment of wood materials and machining, and to discuss the substance of the wood processing and phenomena that characterize these processes.
Assessment - project of wood product.
Skills - to construct wood products, to plan sequence of the technological processes and load, to check the suitability of technological possibilities of the wood materials, machines and cutting tools for reaching of target of the machining process and to analyses regularities of the wood processing.
Assessment - project of wood product.
Competence - to develop and to evaluate technological processes of manufacturing of the wood products, to choose the materials, machines and cutting tools with the most appropriate parameters and to solve problems associated with designing of wood products and wood processing.
Assessment - project of wood product.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time intramural studies:
1.Wood products, their classification (lectures 2 h)
2.Principles of construction of wood products (lectures 5 h)
3.Functional dimensions of wood products and raw materials (lectures 2 h)
4.Principles of assembly of wood products (lectures 2 h)
5.Drawings of wood products (lectures 5 h)
6.Development of the visual appearance of the project of the wood product (laboratory works 4 h)
7.Development of the construction of the project of the wood product (laboratory works 4 h)
8.Calculation of material consumption (laboratory works 2 h)
9.Manufacturing technological process planning (laboratory works 2 h)
10.Manufacture of the prototype of the wood product (laboratory works 28 h)
11.Documentation’s execution of the project of the wood product (laboratory works 4 h)
12.Presentation of the project of the wood product (laboratory works 4 h)

Part time extramural studies:

All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar

Requirements for awarding credit points

Within the prescribed time, the project of the wood product, prepared in accordance with a previously selected topic, must be developed, submitted for evaluation, successfully presented and evaluated, as well as the prototype of the designed wood product must be manufactured.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1.Development of the visual appearance of the wood product.
2.Development of the construction of the wood product.
3.Calculation of material consumption.
4.Compilation of plan of technological process.
5.Manufacture of the prototype of the wood product.
6.Documentation’s execution of the project of the wood product.
7.Presentation of the project of the wood product.

Students submit the project of the wood product, including product characteristics, calculation of material consumption and drawings, only in an electronic form on the website of the
e-studies of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Students manufacture the prototype of the designed wood product using the tools and woodworking machines of the Department of Wood Processing of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, and present it for evaluation during the lessons of the study course in presence.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

All tasks, provided in the study course plan, must be performed and the questions of the academic staff member must be answered in the evaluation of project of the wood product. The evaluation is determined based on the number and relevance of the developed tasks and the answers on the questions.

Compulsory reading

1. Grīnberga M. Kokapstrādes tehnoloģija. Rīga: Jumava, 2002. 296 lpp.
2. Handbuch der Konstruktion Möbel und Einbauschränke. München: Deutsche Verlags Anstal, 2006. 398 S.
3. Kūliņš L. Koksnes pielietošana būvniecībā. Jelgava: Kokapstrādes tehnoloģijas centrs, 2004. 282 lpp.
4. Birzietis G. IT tehnoloģiju pielietojums koksnes mehāniskajā apstrādē: II daļa. Jelgava: Kokapstrādes tehnoloģijas centrs, 2004. 125 lpp.

Further reading

1. Kozuliņš V., Tuherms H. Koksnes pirmapstrāde. Jelgava: Kokapstrādes tehnoloģijas centrs, 2004. 210 lpp.
2. Grīnberga M. Materiālmācība galdniekiem. Rīga: Jumava, 1999. 192 lpp. 1999.g.
3. Domkins A. Koks tavās mājās. Rīga: Jumava, 2012. 224 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Baltijas Koks. Latvija, Balti Group SIA, ISSN 1407-6667.
2. Timber Trade Journal:, ISSN 1740-701X.
3. Holz-Zentralblatt: