Course code MatZ3057

Credit points 6

Production of Sawn Timber

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures40

Number of hours for laboratory classes24

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation05.01.2016

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer

author lect.

Andis Ābele

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

MatZ1004, Metrology and Standardisation

MatZ2035, Wood Cutting Processes

MatZ2036, Wood Science

MatZ3018, Wood Commoditis Science

MatZ3028, Wood Processing Machinery and Tools

Replaced course

MatZ3049 [GMTR3049] Production of Sawn Timber

Course abstract

Most of all prepared round timbers are processed in the sawmill industry. The main task of the production of sawn timbers is to develop sawlogs sawing techniques that ensure the obtaining of sawn timbers with certain compliance, as well as the possibly smallest wood residues.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - to explain terminology of the sawmill industry and to understand the technologies used in sawmills.
Assessment - second test.
Skills - to measure the dimensions and to determine the volume of sawlogs and sawn timber, and to grade the sawn timber dependent on appearance and strength according to the standards.
Assessment - laboratory works.
Competence - to organize processes of sawmill according to predefined requirements and to perform calculations of sawlogs sawing schedules and productivity.
Assessment - first test and independent work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Characteristics and current events of the sawmill industry (lectures 2 h)
2. Theoretical aspects of sawlog sawing and sawing schedules (lectures 2 h, laboratory works 8 h)
3. Characteristics and classification of sawlogs and sawn timber (lectures 2 h)
4. Measurement of dimensions and determination of volume of sawn timber (lectures 6 h, laboratory works 4 h)
5. Features of sawn timber and measurement of features (lectures 3 h, laboratory works 2 h)
6. Appearance grading of sawn timber (lectures 3 h, laboratory works 6 h)
7. Strength grading of sawn timber (lectures 3 h, laboratory works 4 h)
8. First test: sawlog sawing schedules (lectures 4 h)
9. Sawlog preparing to sawing (lectures 3 h)
10. Sawing of sawlogs and cants (lectures 3 h)
11. Sawn timber edging and crosscutting (lectures 2 h)
12. Sawn timber sorting and processing (lectures 3 h)
13. Second test: classification, measurement, grading of sawn timber and sawmilling technologies (lectures 4 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

1.laboratory works must be developed, submitted for evaluation and validated;
2.both tests must be written (re-writing: one time for each test in the period of individual studies and examinations); independent work must be submitted for evaluation and validated.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The task of independent work is prepared individually for each student. The task contains data of size and volume of sawlogs available for sawing and sawn timber intended for cut out. The parameters that are not defined in the task should be independently selected by the students. Based on the methodology of the work, the sawing schedule must be calculated by students. It is necessary to ensure that all sawn timbers are obtained with required volume and with a certain factor of useful outcome in the sawing schedule. Tasks are issued to students and students submit their solution of task only in an electronic form on the website of the e-studies of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Based on size and volume of sawlogs available for sawing and five different cross sectional dimensions of sawn timber intended for cut out, sawlogs sawing schedule must be calculated end compiled in the first test. The solution for obtaining each crosscut dimension of sawn timber is evaluated with a maximum of 20 %, but test is evaluated with 100 % in total.
Answers to eight questions about the classification, measurement, grading of sawn timber and sawmilling technologies must be given in the second test. The answer of each question is evaluated with a maximum of 12,5 %, but test is evaluated with 100 % in total.
The independent work is rated „validated” or „not validated”. It is necessary to ensure that all sawn timbers intended for cutting are obtained with the required amount and with a certain factor of useful outcome in order to get the „validated” rating.
Each laboratory work is rated „validated” or „not validated”. Measurements of dimensions and moisture content, calculations of volume and size deviations, appearance and strength grading of unedged and edged sawn timber must be done according to the standards in order to get the „validated” rating.
The grade of the study course corresponds to the evaluation obtained in the examination. If the average arithmetic result of the grades obtained in both tests is at least 6, then the examination may not be written and the grade of the study course is equal to the average arithmetic result of the tests. If the independent work and any of the laboratory works is not submitted for evaluation in the timely manner or they are not with „validated” rating, then it is not possible to receive a successful evaluation of the study course (even if the evaluation obtained in the both tests and examination corresponds to a successful evaluation).

Compulsory reading

1. Kozuliņš V., Tuherms H. Koksnes pirmapstrāde. Jelgava: Kokapstrādes tehnoloģijas centrs, 2004. 210 lpp.
2. Līpiņš L., Liepa I. Apaļo kokmateriālu uzmērīšana. Latgales druka, 2007. 104 lpp.
3. Mooslechner W. Winterholz. Salzburg-München: Pustet, Anton Verlag, 2009. 136 s.

Further reading

1. Kozuliņš V. Zāģmateriālu ražošanas tehnoloģija. Jelgava: LLU, 1998. 31 lpp.
2. Meža nozares termini. Rīga: Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs, 2007. 152 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Baltijas Koks. Latvija, Balti Group SIA. ISSN 1407-6667.
2. Holz-Zentralblatt: ISSN: 0018-3792
3. Timber Trade Journal: ISSN 1740-701X.


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education study program Wood Processing realized by Forest Faculty.