Course code MatZ3026
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Independent study hours81
Date of course confirmation05.01.2016
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. habil. sc. ing.
Mg. sc. ing.
InfT1026, Information Technology
Mate4016, Mathematics I
Mate4017, Mathematics II
MatZ2035, Wood Cutting Processes
Within this course project, students use are using their skills for developing simple mathematical model for wood processing plant and its usage in optimization of its processes.
Recognize, explain and understand the meaning of modelling and optimization use in manufacturing environment.
Assessment: final presentation.
Develop and adjust mathematical models for simple technological processes.
Assessment: final presentation
Assess parameters to be included in mathematical model based on actual factory, select structure and type of the model, maintain the model and adjust it according to real-life applications.
Assessment: final presentation.
1. Structure, usage and properties of virtual factory model.
2. Identification and analysis of factory resources.
3. Identification and analysis of factory resources.
4. Compilation of the mathematical model of manufacturing flow.
5. Compilation of the mathematical model of manufacturing flow.
6. Development of virtual 3D model of a factory.
7. Development of virtual 3D model of a factory.
8. Data integration in factory model.
9. Data integration in factory model.
10. Optimization of technological processes.
11. Optimization of technological processes.
12. Optimization of technological processes.
13. Optimization of technological processes.
14. Data analysis and interpretation.
15. Data analysis and interpretation.
16. Final presentation of the project.
Attendance – not less than 75%.
Grade for the final project.
Total amount of independent work: 80 hours.
Within that, 12 hours are allocated for seminars, 40 – for assignments.
28 hours for literature studies.
Student is presented with situation report in a factory, upon which, a virtual model of production facility is developed, involving calculations of material flow and other technological processes. On this data and students’ proposals, optimization of flow and other technological processes is done.
Grade consists of the following:
Correct and rational mathematical model - 25%.
Precise and rational 3D model of the factory – 25%.
Correct data integration between mathematical and 3D model – 25%.
Final presentation of the project – 25%.
1. Deksnis G. Optimizācija un lēmumu pieņemšana. Daugavpils: Saule, 2007. 133 lpp.
2. Rao S.S. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice. Fourth Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. 830 lpp.
1. Ustundag, A., Cevikcan, E., Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation. Springer, 2018. 293 lpp.
2. Walkenbach, J., Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. 411 lpp.
3. Chopra. A., Huehls, R., SketchUp for Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2017. 553 lpp.
1. Starptautiskie žurnāli "Baltijas koks" un "Baltic Timber Journal" ISSN: 1407-6667.
2. Koka nozares laikraksts "Holz-Zentralblatt" ISSN 0018-3792.
3. Žurnāls "Timber Industry Magazine" ISSN 1740-701X.