Course code MatZ3024

Credit points 3

Wooden Building Structures

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures22

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation18.02.2014

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developers

author Būvniecības un kokapstrādes institūts

Uldis Spulle

Dr. sc. ing.


Kārlis Pugovičs

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

Meha4014, Applied Mechanics

Course abstract

Wood as a building material is a logical choice in todays world. In order to ensure rational use of materials and other elements, it is necessary to be familiar with their production technology, usage and properties. It is also necessary to be familiar with other related products and their properties and usage. This knowledge is crucial not only for structural engineers, but also for everyone involved in the process of building with wood.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Classify and explain types of construction timber materials, structures and fasteners, their manufacturing processes, properties and relevant requirements.
Assessment: test.
Choosing materials, types of structure and fasteners for timber construction. Skills for applying them in coordance with relevant requirements, standards and recommendations.
Assessment: test and practical assignment.
Assess and analyse changes in rules, standards and recommendations, perform detalisation of project in coordance with rules, standards and recommendations. Seeking and finding non-compliances in projects and prevent them.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Types of wooden structures and their requirements (2 lessons)
2. Characteristics of wood species used in wooden structures (2 lessons)
3. Manufacture of parts for wooden structures (2 lessons)
4. Fastening of wooden members in structures (2 lessons)
5. Construction of wooden walls and coverings (2 lessons)
6. Beams and struts (2 lessons)
7. Trusses, arcs and frames (2 lessons)
8. Elements of trusses and their calculations (2 lessons)
9. Test No. 1. Choice of construction and argumentation.
10. Designing, creation of project, procurement procedures (16 lessons)
11. Test No. 2. Design of wooden structure.

Requirements for awarding credit points

• Aattendance – no less than 75%.
• Grades in both tests.
• Grade in practical asignement.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Total amount of independent work: 48 h.
Within that, 35 hours are allocated for practical assignment. For literature analysis – 13 hours.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Test No. 1.
Student is presented with and example of simple structure. Student has to select the most appropriate technological solution (materials, fasteners). Assignment is done as a sketch with attached annotations for each of the chosen elements.
Grade consists of the following:
Material choice – 30%.
Fastener choice – 30%.
Constructive argumentation of the selection – 40%.
Test No. 2.
Student is presented with three connections. For each of the connections information about the materials, loads and other limitation is provided. Student is to select fasteners and make technical drawing and bill of materials in coordance with requirements and relevant normatives.
Grade consists of the following:
Choice of fasteners – 30%.
Application of fasteners in coordance with relevant requirements and manufacturers recommendations – 30%.
Correctly done technical drawings – 30%.
Correctly done bill of materials – 10%
Practical assignment.
Student is presented with design task.
Student develops a building project.
Grade consists of the following:
Choice of structure and fasteners – 50%.
Correctly formatted drawings – 30%.
Oral presentation of project – 20%.

Compulsory reading

1. Ozola L. Koka būvkonstrukciju aplēse un konstruēšana. Autorizdevums, 2019., 380 lpp. ISBN 9789934197390.
2. Bergvist P., Design of timber structures. Structural aspects of timber construction. Volume 1. Swedish Forest Industries Federation. 2015. 316 lpp. ISBN 9789198030488
3. Bergvist P., Design of timber structures. Rules and formulas according to Eurocode 5. Volume 2. Swedish Forest Industries Federation. 2015., 64 lpp. ISBN 9789198030433

Further reading

1. Bergvist P. Design of timber structures. Examples. Volume 3. Swedish Forest Industries Federation. 2015. 64 lpp. ISBN 97891998030440.
2. SIA “Meža un koksnes produktu pētniecības un attīstības institūts”, Koka tiltu projektēšanas vadlīnijas. 2015., 128 lpp.
3. Karacebeyli E., CLT Handbook. Cross-laminated timber. FPInnovations, 2013. 572 lpp. ISBN 97808644885531
4. Gross H., Glulam handbook. Volume 1. Skogsindustrierna – The Swedish Forest Industries Federation. 2013. 144. lpp.
5. Hakkarainen J., Linkosalmi L., Huovinen A., Vares S., Häkkinen T., Hakkarainen J., Veikkola M., Lahtela T. LVL Handbook. Europe. Federation of the Finnish Woodworking Industries. 2019. ISBN 9789529423477

Periodicals and other sources

1. Holz-zentralblatt. Stuttgart. Germany: DRW-Verlags-GmbH. ISSN 0018-3792
2. Baltijas Koks: starptautisks žurnāls uzņēmīgiem cilvēkiem. Rīga: Meža Mediju centrs. ISSN 1407-6667


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education study program Wood Processing realized by Forest Faculty