Course code MatZ2041
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation13.12.2016
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Dr. paed.
MākZ1004, Composition and Colour Studies I
MākZ2016, Composition and Colour Studies II
MākZ3026, Drawing
MatZ1006, Material Science (Textile)
The course of the studies introduces students to the cold batik – silk painting as one of the types of fabric decoration. It gives wide knowledges and practical skills in different techniques of silk painting, composition and develops the artistic growth. Particular attention is paid to students' creative development, technical quality execution, composition and technique unique opportunities, entirety of design development. The special attention is turned to the nowadays artists contribution in development of silk painting, the batik role in textile's recycling
Knowledge: to characterize silk painting as batik type, its theoretical aspects and technological measures, composition, their multiform using of the product design – independent theoretical research, test.
Skills to compare and to choose colors according to the material. Analyze and evaluate silk painting techniques in accordance with a preferred composition, means of expression and tasks for design. – laboratory works.
Competence – able to orient in silk painting steps. Able to estimate compliance with the requirements of the design. Able to create the creative design in silk batik - independent creative works, creative tablet, participation in the exhibition
Full time intramural studies:
1.The essence of silk batik. The contribution of artists to silk painting. Materials and work accessories. Bibliography research. – lec. 2h
An independent theoretical research
2. Materials research. Color Game Exercises. – lect. 1h; labor.w. 1h
3. Basic types of composition. Their solutions. – lect. 1h
4. Techniques for cold batik-silk painting. Basic technique, watercolor technology. Development of composition. - lect. 2h
5. Techniques for silk painting. Multiple coating, airflow, effective of salt, alcohol effect, shape effect. – lect. 1h; labor.w. 1h
Laboratory works
6. Combinations of separate techniques. – lect. 1h
7. Small-format work development technology. – lect. 2h; labor.w. 1h
8. The essence of mini-textiles. Its creative development. – lect. 1h; labor.w. 1h
Independent creative work - mini-textiles
9. Dress part solutions and facilities in silk batik. - lect. 2h
10. Textiles in the interior. Solutions for inspirational ideas in silk painting. - lect. 2h
11. Finish-processing of silk batik works. - lect. 1h
12. Development of creative work composition. Consistency of materials and techniques. Creating creative work. – lect. 1h; labor.w. 10h
Independent creative work - dress part / interior textiles, creative tablet
13. Analysis of creative works, exhibition. - labor.w. 2h
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Test with mark.
Requirements for passing the test:
1. Attended 80% of classes.
2. Successfully written test (pass / fail)
3. A theoretical study by topic is presented (mark)
4. Developed and defended laboratory works (mark).
5. Successfully defended independent creative works, tablet (mark).
1.Carry out theoretical research on the topic
2. Complete 4 laboratory works started in the lessons.
3. Complete the creative works begun in the lesson for specific tasks (mini-textiles, dress part / textile in the interior, tablet).
A test with a mark is provided at the end of the course.
1.Ability to develop creative works of silk paiting according to the requirements (creativity of the work, idea, qualitative performance of the technique, generalization of design).
2. Presentation skills.
3. Work organization skills - inclusion in deadlines
1. Bartel M. Composition and Design. Pieejams:
2. Karoseviča A. Mājturība. Batika: māc. līdz. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. 246 lpp.
3. Introduction to Silk Painting. Pieejams:
4. Painting on Silk. Pieejams:
1. History of silk painting. Pieejams:
2. Silk painting. Pieejams:
3. Silk painting. Pieejams:
1. Kunst. EE. Magazine of Art and Visual Culture in Estonia. Pieejams: Online ISSN 1406-6335.
2. Studija. Pieejams: Online ISSN: 1407-3404.
3. International Journal of Art & Design Education. Pieejams: Online ISSN: 1476-8070.
Professional Bachelor Study Program "Design and Crafts".
Study course: Silk Painting.
The study course can be studied in English.