Course code MatZ2035

Credit points 3

Wood Cutting Processes

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation17.02.2015

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer

author lect.

Andis Ābele

Dr. sc. ing.

Replaced course

MatZ2002 [GMTR2002] Wood Cutting Processes

Course abstract

Technological processes of wood processing are related to the machining of wood and one of those ways - cutting. Learning aim of the wood cutting processes is to clarify regularities that characterize the interaction between the wood and cutting tool in the cutting processes. Acquisition of the course creates preconditions for production of wood cutting regimes based on determining of optimum feed speed and choosing the optimal type and construction of the cutting tool and its parameters of active elements, what increases the efficiency of the wood machining.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - to explain the concepts and regularities of the wood cutting processes, to classify and to explain the types of wood machining and to discuss the substance of the wood cutting processes and phenomena that characterize these processes.
Assessment - first test.
Skills - to calculate parameters of the wood cutting regime, to check the suitability of the cutting tool for target of the cutting process and to analyses regularities of the wood cutting processes.
Assessment - second test.
Competence - to develop and to evaluate regimes of the wood cutting processes, to choose cutting tools with the most appropriate parameters to achieve the optimal regimes of the wood cutting processes and to solve problems associated with wood machining.
Assessment - independent work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Processes of wood machining and their classification (lectures 2 h)
2. Cutting tool (lectures 2 h)
3. Bluntness of cutting tool (lectures 3 h)
4. Cutting and feeding motion (lectures 1 h)
5. Parameters of cut-off chip (lectures 2 h)
6. Cutting force and power (lectures 1 h, practical works 2 h)
7. Surface roughness (lectures 2 h)
8. First test: principles of wood cutting processes and machining (lectures 2 h)
9. Machining processes in ripsaw machines, calculation of their cutting parameters (lectures 2 h, practical works 4 h)
10. Machining processes in milling machines, calculation of their cutting parameters (lectures 3 h, practical works 1 h)
11. Machining processes in sanding machines, calculation of their cutting parameters (lectures 2 h, practical works 1 h)
12. Second test: calculation of cutting parameters of woodworking machines (lectures 2 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

1.both tests must be written (re-writing: one time for each test in the period of individual studies and examinations); independent work must be submitted for evaluation and validated.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The task of independent work is prepared individually for each student. The task contains data of the parameters of longitudinal ripsaw machine, saw blade, machined material and sawing technology. The parameters that are not defined in the task should be independently selected by the students. Based on the methodology of the work, the permissible feed speed and the most suitable parameters of the saw blade must be calculated by students for the given workpiece machining. Tasks are issued to students and students submit their solution of task only in an electronic form on the website of the e-studies of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Studiju rezultātu vērtēšanas kritēriji / Criteria for assessment of learning outcomes Answers to five questions about the principles of wood cutting processes and machining must be given in the first test. The answer of each question is evaluated with a maximum of 20 %, but test is evaluated with 100 % in total.
Three calculation tasks for machining processes in the woodworking machines must be solved in the second test. The test is evaluated with a maximum 100 % in total.
The independent work is rated „validated” or „not validated”.
The permissible feed speed for the ripsaw machine must be determined accordingly and the application of the independent work must be designed in accordance with the designing rules to get the „validated” rating. If the independent work is not submitted for evaluation in the timely manner, 5 % of the total percentage received from both tests is deducted at each week delayed until the end of the study semester.
The grade of the study course is determined by the amount of obtained percentage in the both tests. If the independent work is not submitted for evaluation in the timely manner or it is not with „validated” rating, then it is not possible to receive a successful evaluation of the study course (even if the amount of percentage obtained in the both tests corresponds to a successful evaluation).

Compulsory reading

1. Tuherm H., Ābele A. Koksnes griešanas procesi. Jelgava: Balti Group, 2014. 90 lpp.
2. Глебов И. Резание древесины. Екатериненбург: Лань, 2010. 256 с. Pieejams:
3. Ettelt B., Gittel H.J. Sägen, Fräsen, Hobeln, Bohren: die Spanung von Holz und ihre Werkzeuge. Stuttgart: DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner, 2004. 296 S.
4. Любченко В.И. Резание древесины и древесных материалов. Москва: Московский государственный университет леса, 2004. 310 c.

Further reading

1. Суханов В.Г., Кишенков В.В. Резание древесины и дереворежущий инструмент. Москва: Московский государственный университет леса, 2002. 168 c.
2. Sleņģis M.E. Kokzāģēšanas instrumenti, to sagatavošana darbam. Praktiski padomi. Rīga: LAK Amatniecības literatūras apgāds, 1998. 120 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Baltijas Koks, Latvija, Balti Group SIA, ISSN 1407-6667.
2. Holz-Zentralblatt:
3. Timber Trade Journal:, ISSN 1740-701X.


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education study program Wood Processing realized by Forest Faculty.