Course code MežZ5068

Credit points 6

Forest Geography

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes48

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation22.02.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer


Viesturs Šulcs

Dr. biol.

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to get acquainted with plant geography, flora and vegetation, flora countries. Terrestrial biomes of the world, their classification. Learn the main syntaxons, historical development and geography of Latvian forests.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Know about the versatility of world forests, their dimensional and floristic structure and geographical occurrence depending on ecological conditions, dry land biomes and flora kingdoms, development of Latvian forests in post-ice age, structure and occurrence of forests in landscape areas. Test 1-2.
Skill to evaluate Latvian forests from the forest industry and landscape aspects in the context of world forests; to classify them depending on the floristic contents and structure. Test 1-2.
Competence to evaluate the significance of the mosaic structure of Latvian forests, their multi functionality; to forecast the development of the forest and its rational usage in the changing environment resulting from global warming and anthropogenic effects. Presentation.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Floristic division of dry land. Flora kingdoms - 3h
2. Dry land biomes , their classification - 2h
3.Forest and grassland biomes in the world - 4h
Test 1. Dry land flora kingdoms and biomes.
4. Phytosociologic classification of Latvian forest, syntaxa - 2h
5. Historical development of Latvian foersts - 2h
6.Geography of Latvian foretst from the 20 th -21 st century - 2h
Tst2. Classification of Latvian forests, characterisation of syntaxa.
7. Zones of Europen vegatation - 1h
Practical work
Presentation on biomes - preparing and presenting it - 48h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully written 2 tests and a presentation prepared.
Written exam consisting of the following tasks:
- One question on world forests’ biomes and Latvian forests’ geography,
- One question on flora kingdoms (geography, characteristics, endemic taxa).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Two tests on world forests’ biomes and flora kingdoms and a presentation on forest biomes.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. The tests are assessed according to the required procedure.
2. If the test and presentation grades are 7 or higher, the examination is not compulsory; The examination grade equals the arithmetic mean of the grades of the tests and the presentation.
3. The examination grade is the arithmetic mean of the examination grade and the arithmetic mean of the semester’s grade (calculated as the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained in tests and the presentation).

Compulsory reading

1. Walter Heinrich. Vegetation of the Earth and Ecological Systems of the Geo-biosphere. Third, Revised and Enlarged Edition. Translated from the Fifth, Revised German Edition by Owen Muise. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer, 1985. 318 p.
2. Fukarek F. Pflanzenwelt der Erde. Leipzig, Jena, Berlin: Urania Verlag,. 1980., 290 S.
3. Šulcs V. Latvijas meža tipoloģija un meža ģeogrāfija. No: I. Liepa, O. Miezīte, S. Luguza u.c. Latvijas meža tipoloģija. Jelgava: LLU Meža fak. 66.-70. lpp. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Eihe V. Latvijas mežu ģeogrāfiskais iedalījums. No: Mežkopja darbs un zinātne, I/II. Rīga: Šalkone, 1940. 471.-565. lpp.
2. Strods H. (zin. red. un sast.). Latvijas mežu vēsture līdz 1940. gadam. H. Strods (zin. red. un sast.). Rīga: WWF, 1999. 364. lpp.
3. Dubrovskis D. Meža resursu vērtējums. [meza_resursu_vertejums_DagnisDubrovskis.pdf]
4. Priedītis N. Augu dzīve. Rīga: Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC,. 2008. 68 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Latvijas Veģetācija. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte. ISSN 1407-3641.


The study course is included in the section of optional study courses of the Master's study program in Forestry science.