Course code MežZ3071
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes8
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation16.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
The course includes land and soil preparation technology and technical analysis, regeneration type, the application of criteria analysis in the context of the stated objectives of reforestation. Throw analyzed tree species, planting/sowing thickness and reproductive material genetic and physiological effects on the quality of restoration success. Highlight the main methods of planting/sowing in protection against biotic and abiotic factors and thinning, to provide for a high level of carbon sequestration and contribute to foster adaptability, persistence.
The study course includes students knowledge on major reforestation and afforestation aspects of applied techniques and technologies. Finishing the course students are competent to choose the most appropriate for different situations reforestation types, species composition, type of planting material, thickness, agro-technical care treatment, appreciate planting stock and planting/sowing protection measure execution quality. Students are able to describe the reforestation relationship with carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems and forest stands adaptation potential.
1. Types of natural forest regeneration, conditions of their use, distribution.3 h.
2. Promotion of natural regeneration: rationale, methods. 2 h
3. Establishment of young stands via planting or sowing: conditions, types of soil preparation, applied equipment. Preparation of the area for planting. 3 h
4. Planting material: genetic and physiological quality, types, preparation for planting. Planting season and types. 3 h
5. Types of young stands, their characteristics. 2 h
6. Density of young stands: choice, influencing factors, establishment methods. 2 h
7. Tree species and their mixture in young stands: selection, justification, creation methods, types. 4 h
8. Protection of young stands against the influence of abiotic and biotic factors. 2 h
9. Precommercial thinning: justification, methods, techniques. 2 h
10. Afforestation of abandoned agricultural lands, establishment of plantations: justification, choice of planting material, specifics of establishment, potential. 2 h
11. Potential negative effects of climate change on young stands: abiotic and biotic factors. 3 h
12. Impact of reforestation on carbon sequestration: CO2 release during mineralization, sequestration in soil. 2 h
13. Possibilities of promoting the adaptation of young stands. Introduction of tree species. 2 h
Timely passed tests, prepared and defended individual assignments
Independently gets acquainted with the latest news available within the scope of the topic of the course, using the basic literature, additional literature and scientific resources available on the internet and indicated in the study program and presentations.
Evaluation in 10 grade scale. Passes, if at least 50% of questions answered correctly. Final grade is cumulative result from the grades of the tests and individual assignment (report and its defence presentation).
Vienvecuma egļu meži Latvijā (J. Jansona red.) Salaspilī: LVMI Silava: “Saule”, 2019. 202 lpp., ISBN 978-9984-14-853-3
Mangalis I. Meža atjaunošana un ieaudzēšana. Rīga: Et Cetera, 2004. 455 lpp.
José G. Borges (2014) The Management of Industrial Forest Plantations: Theoretical Foundations and Applications. Springer. ISBN-13: 978-9401788984
Osman, Khan Towhid (2013) Forest Soils. Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-35196-4
Shepherd, K.R. Plantation Silviculture. Springer, ISBN 978-94-010-8478-9 (publications, indicators, definitions)
Baltic Forestry ISSN 1392-1355
New Forests ISSN: 0169-4286