Course code Mate2037
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation18.10.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science
The study course gives introduction to the basics of mathematical statistics, emphasizing its importance for studies and application to interpret scientific investigations, experiments and data. Students gain an understanding of statistical methods for obtaining logical conclusions by exploring various kinds of random phenomena. The course covers sampling distributions, and hypothesis testing with emphasis on comparing of mean values and analysis of statistical relationship.
After the study course students will have: knowledge and understanding of the classification and basic principles of the choice of mathematical statistical methods according to tasks of the research (laboratory works); skills to apply mathematical statistical methods for course projects and diploma, as well as professional research tasks (laboratory works, tests); competence to analyse, systematize data processing results and use them for environmental engineering studies (independent work).
Full time intramural studies:
1. The role of statistics in environmental engineering,2h.
2. Random variables and probability distributions,2h.
3. Random sampling and data description,2h.
4. Evaluation of population parameters. Statistical hypotheses,2h.
5. Distributional tests. Normal distribution law,2h.
6. t-test for dependent samples,2h.
7. t-test for independent samples and Fisher's F test,2h.
8. Test Nr.1.,2h.
9. Analysis of correlation,2h.
10. Simple linear regression analysis,2h.
11. Basics of nonlinear regression analysis,2h.
12. Multiple linear regression analysis,2h.
13. Design and analysis of single-factor experiments: the analysis of variance,2h.
14. χ2 as a statistical independence test,2h.
15. Non-parametric statistical methods,2h.
16. Test Nr.2.,2h.
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
2 tests during the course;
submission of independent work results.
During the semester the student has to perform independent work. The work must be written and submitted electronically on the e-learning site.
Cumulative course grade will be determined during as a average score of 2 tests and evaluation of independent work outcomes.
1. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ekonomikā un biznesā. Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 2006. 364 lpp.
2. Smotrovs J. Varbūtību teorija un matemātiskā statistika II. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 136 lpp.
3. Grīnglazs L., Kopitovs J. Matemātiskā statistika: ar datoru lietojuma paraugiem uzdevumu risināšanai. Rīga: Rīgas Starptautiskās ekonomikas un biznesa administrācijas augstskola, 2003. 310 lpp.
4. Krastiņš O. Ciemiņa I. Statistika. Rīga: LR Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2003. 267 lpp.
1. Krastiņš O. Statistika un ekonometrija. Rīga: LR Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 1998. 436 lpp.
2. Kottegoda N.T. Applied Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers. Oxford;Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. 718 p.
1. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Publisher Springer US. ISSN: 1573-3009 (electronic version)
2. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Publisher Springer US. ISSN: 1537-2693 (electronic version)
Professional study programme Environment and Water Management