Course code MašZ4039

Credit points 4.50

Tolerances ans Standartization

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation05.01.2016

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Daina Kanaška

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

LauZ2039, Engineering Graphics

MašZ3010, Metal Processing I

MašZ3032, Measuring Technigue

Mate1030, Mathematics II

Mate2029, Mathematics for Economists

Replaced courses

MašZ4047 [GMAS4048] Metrology and Tolerances II

MmehB020 [GMMEB020] Tolerances ans Standartization

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to get acquainted with the essence of standardization, with the quality theoretical characteristic, with the quality of surface. They obtain knowledge about the united structural conception of fits and tolerances system, principal terms of mating machine members, calculation and selection of fits. Students acquire the tolerances for bearing, for angular and conical dimensions, the tolerances and fits for machine parts mated gears, worm - gears, keys, slots etc.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge’s: about the importance of interchangeability in mechanical engineering, its basic concepts and definitions according to international standards. Assessment - Test 1: on the unified system of tolerances and seats and their application in mechanical engineering - Test 2.
Skills: to use the acquired knowledge in the design of assembly and detail drawings. Assessment - practical work.

Competence: to use the acquired knowledge and skills in creativity, design and production in any field of mechanical engineering. Assessment - homework.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Standards and guidelines: ISO and EN LV standards and guidelines in terminology, 1h lect.
2. Quality improvement. Theoretical bases of understanding the importance of quality, 1h lect.
3. The concept of interchangeability. The essence of SA and its role in the national economy, 1h lect.
4. Basic concepts and definitions according to international standards. SA degrees and types, 1h lect.
5. Functional interchangeabilities. Principle of tolerance selection. The concept of alignments, 1h lect., 4h practical work.
6. Classification of deviations of geometrical parameters. Deviations of component parameters, 1h lect., 4h practical work.
7. Size classification. Nominal dimensions, 1h lect.
8. Interchangeability of surface shape and position, 1h lect., 4h practical work.
Test 1: The role of interchangeability in mechanical engineering, its basic concepts and definitions according to international standards.
9. Surface quality. Surface roughness and roughness parameters, 1h lect., 4h practical work.
10. The concept of tolerance’s and fits, 1h lect., 4h practical work.
11. Surrounding and covering surfaces and dimensions, 1h lect.
12. Interchangeability of smooth cylindrical alignments, 1h lect., 4h practical work.
13. Choice of the fits. Seats with clearance, interference, transition; their application and choice, 1h lecture, 4h practical work.
14. Angular and cone size tolerances, 1h lect.
15. Threaded alignment tolerances and seats, 1h lect.
16. Size chains, their calculation methods, 1h lect., 4h practical work.

Test 2: Unified system of tolerances and fits, their application in mechanical engineering.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam. Exam task consists of:
- test on theoretical subject acquired in the course;
- practical assignment on the topics acquired in the course.

All tests and homework must be included.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Interchangeability of smooth cylindrical fitting, selection and calculation of bearing, groove and groove seats. Submit in digital and document form.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course examination depends on the assessment of the examination task and the cumulative assessment of the study course tests and homework.
The student can successfully pass the test or examination test if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
The homework and examination practical tasks are evaluated according to the assessment procedure set in the homework or examination practical tasks.
Students who have at least 7 marks in this study course may fail the theoretical test and equate the arithmetic mean of the test scores in the course with the assessment of the theoretical test.
The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of two exam tasks and the average grade of the semester, which is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the grade tests and homework.

Compulsory reading

1. Šīrons E. Detaļu ģeometrisko parametru mērīšana. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 344 lpp.
2. Šīrons E. Vispārīgās metroloģijas pamatkurss. Rīga: RTU, 2008. 242 lpp.
3. Šīrons E. Sarežģītu profilu parametru mērīšana. Rīga: RTU, 2011. 224 lpp.
4. Raghavendra N.V. Engineering metrology and Measurements.Oxford University Press, 2013. 546 pp.

5. Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook, 2nd edition, 2010, Media Print Informationstechnologie, Paderborn, Germany, 420 pp.

Further reading

Measuring instruments Catalog. Mitutoyo, 2018/2019/2020

Periodicals and other sources

1. Journal of Quality Technology.

2. Quality Engineerig (Journal).


Compulsory Course in Professional Bachelor study programme Machine design and Manufacturing.