Course code MašZ4021
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation16.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. sc. ing.
The aim of the studying course is to create and develop geometrical logic, spatial thinking and imagination. The basic method used in course framework is the graphical method. The students get thought to draft and read drawings what is the international graphical method and means of expression of constructive thought.
1. Knowledge - understands the projection method, view, and section view building principles. Knows the type of items and the relevant working documents and the execution sequence. Knows how to explain the drawing and add dimensions and annotations of threads - graphical works, tests.
2. Skills – knows to draw the sketches of parts, axonometric views, design part working drawings, perform drawings and text documentation for it, as well as read assembly drawings and detailing them according LVS, EN, ISO, GOST, etc. standarts - graphical works, tests.
3. Competences – ability to apply professional knowledge and skills of technical drawing in practical work and studies -tests, exam.
2.0 KP (32h):
Laboratory works:
1. Engineering lettering (2h).
2. Point projections (2h).
3. Line projections (2h).
4. Line projections (2h).
5. Plane projection (2h).
6. Plane projection (2h).
7. Change of projection planes(2h).
8. Cutting polyhedral solids with a plane (2h).
9. Cutting revolution solids with a plane (2h).
10. 1.Test work: - projections of basic geometric elements. Projection of the parts in three views. Axonometric views(2h).
11. Sectional views (2h).
12. Representation of threaded parts (2h).
13. Sketching parts (2h).
14. 2.Test work: sectional views. Fillet drawing (2h).
15. Assembly drawing. Bill of materials (2h).
16. Formalize drawings(2h).
Admission to the exam is allowed if the laboratory work graphical works and test works are fulfilled and defended. The examination is carried out by performing the graphic work, then answering the theoretical substantiation of the solutions, the applied methods.
The tasks set in the practical work must be completed independently, in accordance with the conditions specified in the laboratory work. Learn unclear questions from the literature. Presentation of the graphical works takes place after its completion, during laboratory work.
The evaluation of the study course consists of the arithmetic mean evaluation of the graphic works of the study course, the arithmetic mean evaluation of the tests and the evaluation of the exam.
A student obtains a successful grade for a graphic work if the work is defended and at least 60% of the conditions for the development of the work are met.
A student will get a successful mark on the exam and tests if at least 40% of the tasks are properly solved.
1. Čukurs J., Aumale M., Nulle I. Tēlotāja ģeometrija. Rīga: RaKa, 2004. 233 lpp.
2. Čukurs J., Viļumsone I., Nulle I. Inženiergrafika: mācību grāmata. Mašīnbūves rasēšana. Rīga: RaKa, 2004. 256 lpp.
3. Čukurs J., Nulle I., Dobelis M. Inženiergrafika: mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 416 lpp.
4. Čukurs J., Vronskis O. Tehniskā grafika: mācību grāmata. Rīga: RaKa, 2008. 266 lpp.
1. Čukurs J., Vronskis O. Tehniskā grafika: Grafisko darbu uzdevumu krājums. Rīga: RaKa, 2010. 216 lpp.
2. Dobelis M., Jurāne I., Veide Z., Fjodorova G., Auzukalns J., Dobelis V., Veide G., Leja E. Inženiergrafikas pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2003. 180 lpp.
3. Bogoļubovs S. Rasēšana. Rīga.: Zvaigzne, 1990. 303 lpp.
Materiāli e-etudijās.
Forest Engineering (Professional Bachelor's Study Programme)