Course code MašZ3034
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.01.2016
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
MašZ3033, Fundamentals of Engineering and Ergonomics I
The aim of the study course is to teach to use methods in solving complex engineering tasks. Fundamentals of Engineering and Ergonomics are comprehensive subject, the aim of this course is to provide students with methods of system theory, analysis of Technical systems, students get knowledge’s in methods of information research processing, technical creation and ergonomics design. Methods will be illustrated with examples from sphere of machine design and manufacture.
Knowledge’s: fundamentals of analysis and synthesis of systems; understanding about technical systems development rules as well as system optimization and efficiency estimation methods. Have good knowledge about methods for searching and processing of information; understand methods of ergonomic design as well as have good knowledge in progressive methods and theory’s creation. Assessment - Test 1 - the content of engineering work.
Skills - can to work out the aim and tasks of engineering work, to substantiate actuality of topic as well as to search the necessary information and make analytical report; to work out alternative solutions for engineering task as well as to choose the best solution on the basis of necessary criteria and to estimate efficiency of solution; can make ergonomically evaluation of equipment. Assessment – Tests 2, 3 - Quality criteria in the functioning of the human-machine system; system human-machine, design features.
Competence - is able to achieve and rationally use information; use progressive creation methods and theories in process of design; is able to create innovative as well as to improve products,constructions,technology - students' independent engineering work and practical work.
1. Systems analysis and synthesis in solving engineering tasks, 1h lec.
2. Stages of solving of complicated systemic tasks, 1h lect.
3. Systems and environment, 1h lect.
4. The concept of efficiency in systems, 1h lekc, 2h pract. works.
Test 1 - the concept of efficiency in systems, modeling.
5. Modeling, types of modeling, 1h lect.
6. Innovation, concept, role in national economy, 1h lekc, 2h pract. works.
7. Creative methods for solving of technical problems, 1h lect, 2h pract. works.
8. Convincing presentation, 1h lect, 2h pract. works.
9. Presentation of independent engineering works, 1h lecture, 6h pract. works.
10. Technological developments and its impact on humans, 1h lect.
11. Human-machine system, features and criteria for designing, 1h lect.
12. Human factors in technology, 1h lect.
Test 2 - Quality criteria in the functioning of the human-machine system.
13. Ergonomic characteristics of the human-machine system, 1h lect.
14. Quality criteria in functioning of the human-machine system, 1h lect.
15. Peculiarities of ergonomic design and forms for organization, 1h lect.
16. Basic requirements of rational organization of engineering work, examples of good practice, 1h lect. 2h pract. works.
Test 3 - Human-machine system, design features.
Written Exam. The exam task consists of:
- test on theoretical subject acquired in the course;
- practical assignment on the topics acquired in the course practical work.
All tests, practical work and students' independent Engineering work completed.
If the average mark of tests and independent work is 7 and more, the exam grade can be obtained automatically
To research the literature on the topic chosen for independent engineering work, creates an analytical description, analogues of construction, creates construction in connection with the topic of his work.
Timely completed practical work, successfully written 3 tests, independent engineering work is completed, as well drawn up in accordance with the Requirements and submitted in digital and paper form.
1. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S., Statistika ekonomikā. Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2003. 352 lpp.
2. Pommers J. Studentu zinātniskā darba pamati. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1989. 295 lpp.
3. Wickert J. An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering. Iowa State University. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2006. 398 p.
4. Смирнов Б., Гулый Ю. Инженерно психологическое и эргономическое проектирование. Харьков: Гуманитарный центр, 2010. 379 с.
5. Kanaška D., Metodiskie norādījumi Bakalaura darba izstrādāšanai un aizstāvēšanai studiju progr. Mašīnu projektēšana un ražošana. Jelgava: TF, 2020. 12 lpp., pieejams
1. Kalpakjan S., Schmid S.R. Manufacturing engineering and technology. Jurong: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010. 1180 lpp.
2. Грундиг К. Проектирование промышленных предприятий: Принципы; методы; практика. Альпина Бизнес букс; Альпина Публишерюз, 2007.
3. Варнеке Х., Брулингер Х. Расчёт затрат для инженеров. Альпина Бизнес букс, 2008. 305.lpp.
1. Informācija par inovatīviem produktiem visos pieejamos avotos.
Compulsory Course in Professional Bachelor study programme Machine design and Manufacturing.