Course code LauZ6096

Credit points 3

Animal Breeding Management

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation28.11.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer


Armīns Laurs

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to acquire knowledge on the possibilities of using cow herd management systems, management systems for functional blocks as well as the practical application of these systems entering new information, processing and replacing of the accumulated information and obtaining of the necessary data.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - on the versions of management systems used in milk farming and their main functional blocks, including the cow herd reproduction and health control system „Herd Navigator” and the corresponding supply equipment: concentrated feed feeding stations, feeding machines for calves etc. Knowledge is assessed in tests.
Skills - to orientate in the construction of modern cow herd management systems, as well as in the possibilities of its practical use, performing information input, sorting and obtaining the necessary data. Skills are assessed in practical work.

Competence - to orientate in the offer of farm management systems. Competence is assessed in practical work and tests.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Importance, structure and historical development of cow herd management system - 2h
2. Cattle identification systems. Combined concentrate feeding stations, calf feeding machines - 3h
3. Structure and operation of a cow milking unit - 2h
4. Structure and operation of cow and calf feeding unit - 1h
5. Structure and operation of cattle herd reproduction and animal sorting units - 1h
6. Structure and operation of technological systems monitoring and animal individual data accounting blocks - 1h
7. Practical work No.1 - 1h
8. Practical work No.2. Test - 2h
9. Alpro Windovs herd management system. General overview. Data handling - 3h
10. Alpro Windovs herd management system functions "New cow" and "Remove cow" - 2h
11. "Milking" function of Alpro Windovs herd management system - 1h
12. Herd management system Alpro Windovs functions "Reproduction" and "Sorting systems" - 2h
13. Herd Navigator Herd Reproduction and Health Control System - 1h
14. Practical work No.3 - 1h
15. Practical work No.4 - 1h

16. Test work - 1h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with a mark. Successfully written tests, all practical works have been completed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Preparation for the test, using the literature indicated in the study program and consulting with the lecturer of the study course.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course exam depends on the average evaluation of the study course tests. A student can obtain a successful assessment of a test if at least 75% of the test questions have been answered correctly. The examination mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the average results of the passed tests.

Compulsory reading

1. Laurs A., Zujs V. Ganāmpulka menedžmenta sistēma. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 120 lpp.
2. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. / J.Priekuļa red. Jelgava: LLU, 2012. 240 lpp.

3. Instruction Book VMSMgmt 2007. VMSClient. Tumba: DeLaval, 2006. 246 S.

Further reading

1. Priekulis J. Lopkopības mehanizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 355 lpp.

2. Laurs A. Teļu automatizēta ēdināšana. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 40 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. Pieejams:
2. Advanced Dairy Management Solutions. Pieejams:
3. The 5 Production Systems. Pieejqams:
4. Farm Management. Pieejams:
5. GEA DairyNet herd and farm management. Pieejams:


Compulsory subject for the sub-program "Agricultural Technologies and Machinery” of the Master's study program "Agricultural Engineering".