Course code LauZ5097

Credit points 3

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Drive of Machines

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures12

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes6

Number of hours for laboratory classes6

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation19.11.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer


Ēriks Kronbergs

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to develop an understanding of hydraulic circuit formation and calculations. In this course learn the special purpose hydraulics, hydraulic follower systems and hydraulic hitch systems. Students learn proportional hydraulic drive and hydraulic circuit design and modeling with Fluidsim software. Working Model program is used for hydraulically operated mechanism studies. Hydraulic system diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques are studied. Pneumatic studies introduce in system calculation, equipment maintenance and diagnostic techniques.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - knows the regularities of hydropower design and hydraulics calculations. Is familiar with the construction and operation of special task hydraulic equipment - Laboratory works.
Skills - is able to make the necessary calculations and apply the methods for the determination of the structural elements of the hydraulic system and the choice of variants. Can Use Fluidsim and Automation programmes to design and simulante Hydraulic Systems - Laboratory works.

Competence - ability to use the acquired professional knowledge and skills in practical work and studies for solving engineering problems – Homework.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Hydraulic cylinder piston synchronization - Laboratory work: Flow divider. Lecture 1h, Lab 1h.
2. Pressure boosting equipment - Laboratory work: .Pressure boosting schemes. Lecture 1h, Lab 1h.
3. Proportional hydro equipment. Lecture 1h.
4. Use of computers in the design of hydrosystems - Laboratory work: Fluidsim program. Lecture 1h, Lab 1h.
5. Use of computers in the design of hydraulic systems - Laboratory work: Programm Automation. Lecture 1h, Lab 1h.
7. Measurement of Flow Parameters - Laboratory Work: Pressure and Flow Measurement. Lecture 1h, Lab 1h.
8. Non-stationary piston movement. Lecture 1h.
9. Hydraulic drive diagnostics. Lecture 1h, Pract. 2h.
10. Compressed air preparation. Lecture 1h.
11. Pneumatic equipment - Laboratory work: Research of pneumatic circuit. Lecture 1h, Lab 1h.
12. Air outlet from the reservoir. Lecture 1h.
13. Engineering calculations. Pract. 2h.
14. Selection of pneumatic system components. Pract. 2h.
15. Pneumatic automation. Lecture 1h.

16. Diagnostics of pneumatic equipment. Lecture 1h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with a mark
Be able to explain the proposed calculation method. Individual tasks in the laboratory and practical work must be fulfilled. The homework must be defended.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. Home work: Hydraulic drive design - 30 h.

2. Laboratory data processing - 30 h.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the test includes cumulative assessments of the defended laboratory work, practical and home work.

Compulsory reading

1. Hidraulisko sistēmu izmantošana lauksaimniecībā. Grāmatu sagatavoja Leonardo da Vinci projekta ietvaros un tās izpildītāji Tilburgas Miggen Brabant koledža (Nīderlande). LLU, Lietuvas LU, Priekulu LT. 2003. 219 lpp.
2. Merkle D., Štaiders B., Toms M. Hidraulika: pamatlīmenis. Tulk. G. Birzietis ... [u.c.]. Rīga: Festo, [2000]. 283 lpp.
3. Proporcionālā hidrauliskā piedziņa. Sagat. Midden Braband ROC, Nīderlandē, Lietuvas Lauksaimniecības universitāte un Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte]. Redaktors A. Kaķītis, [B.v.: b.i., 2002]. 112 lpp.

4. Croser P. Pneimatika. Mācību grāmata. Rīga: Festo Didactic KG, [2000]. 219 lpp.

Further reading

1. Parr E. A. Hydraulics and pneumatics: a technician's and engineer's guide. 2nd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann publications, 2006. 244 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Fluid Power Journal ISSN: 107 3-7898. Pieejams arī: Skatīts 28.12.2018.


The study course is included in the academic Master study program in Agricultural Engineering at Faculty of Engineering. 1st study year 2nd semester.