Course code LauZ4125

Credit points 3

Repair and Safety of Automobiles

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation07.02.2017

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Vilnis Pīrs

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

TraZ4056, Motor Vehicle Structure

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to understand the essence and necessity of machine repair.In this course students acquire in-depth vehicle and agricultural equipment defect types, their causes, diagnostics and troubleshooting techniques. Get acquainted with the techniques for determining the technical condition and repair methods of vehicle parts and elements.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge of the prevention of failures of vehicles and their units, repair options and equipment and materials used in the refurbishment process;
• Skills to determine the technical condition of vehicle parts, as well as the most effective techniques and means for restoring the performance of vehicles and their units;;
• Competence to perform technical maintenance and renewal of vehicles, to select equipment and tools appropriate for these works.

The knowledge and skills acquired in this course will be assessed by 3 tests, 1 independent task and laboratory works and their reports.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The importance and necessity of machine repairs - 2 h.
2. The concept of machine safety and their indicators - 1 h.
3. Defects of parts and determination of defects - 2 h.
4. Engine crankshaft defect and repair methods – 2 h.
5. Cylinder block defecting and repair – 2 h.
6. Detection and repair of motor heads, valves, camshaft – 3 h.
7. Welding equipment, their types. Methods of restoration of parts during welding - 3 h.
8. Types of vehicle bodies and their construction, safety frame - 1 h.
9. Body care, defect, restoration and repair methods and technologies - 2 h.
10. Body repair stands and equipment, determination and control of geometrical dimensions - 2 h.
11. Principles and technologies of surface painting, types of paints, properties and application, painting equipment, anti-corrosion treatment - 2 h.
12. Vehicle windows, their types, defects, repair and replacement technology - 2 h.
13. Repair of plastic parts, repair materials, composite materials, their use in the manufacture and repair of vehicle parts - 2 h.
14. Defects of vehicle control systems, inspection of their operation and repair possibilities - 2 h.
15. Defects of vehicle transmisions and suspension systems, their inspection and repair possibilities - 2 h.

16. Defects of agricultural machinery, basic principles of diagnostics - 2 h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Laboratory work must be developed, defended and completed. All tests must pass a grade of at least 4.
Laboratory work must be developed, defended and credited.
Independent work must be developed and completed.


Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students develop independent work in the form of a concise description of vehicle engine failures, their diagnostics and repair techniques. The topic of the independent work is coordinated with the lecturer.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Test tests are counted if they score at least 4. The test evaluation criteria determine the number of points for each correctly answered test question.
Laboratory work will be credited if developed according to the requirements of laboratory work reports, and they successfully defended.
Independent work is evaluated with a mark.
The examination grade can be posted automatically if all laboratory works, independent work and all tests have been successfully completed and defended. The final assessment consists of the average assessment of the tests, independent work, as well as the assessment of the completeness and quality of laboratory work.

Compulsory reading

1. Galoburda A. Automobiļu remonts. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 239 lpp.
2. Berjoza D, Tupiņš J. Spēkratu diagnostika. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 220 lpp.
3. Tupiņš J. Mašīnu tehniskā apkalpošana. Laboratorijas darbu uzdevumi un to izpildes metodika. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 95 lpp.

4. Galoburda A. Mašīnu remonts: laboratorijas darbu uzdevumi, to izpildes metodika un palīgmateriāli. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 40 lpp

Further reading

1. Krick R. Modern automotive technologies. - Publisher Goodheart-Willcox CO Publisher, 2003.

2. Fisher R. and others. Modern Automotive Technology, Fundamentals, service, diagnostics. Haan-Gruiten, Germany : Verl.: Europa - Lehrmittel, 2006. 688 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Auto Moto Žurnāls. Rīga: Dadzis, Moto Magazyn (Polija). ISSN 1407-0952.

2. За рулем. Москва: За рулем. ISSN 0321-4249.


Compulsory: TF academic bachelor study program Agricultural Engineering sub-programs Road Transport and Agricultural Machinery in full-time and part-time studies.