Course code LauZ4097
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation09.04.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Dr. agr.
LauZ3053, Field Cultivation
LauZ4146, Physiology of Domestic Animals
LauZ4241, Grassland Management
Feed nutrients role in animal nutrition and production. Principles, requirements in the organization and planning of animal feeding. Principles of preparation feed rations for animals. Feed ration composition of different species, age and productivity of animals groups.
Obtain knowledge about feeding of farm animals, feed rations preparation and appropriate use of feed. Successfully written exam.
Students will have the skills to make feed rations for animals and plan the economic use of feed. Successful completion of practical works.
It will be competent to discuss and argue about the importance of feeding farm animals. Successfully written exam.
1. Feed nutrients, protein and it supply. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
2. Carbohydrates, lipids, their role, change in body, effect on product quality, supply. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
3. Process of exchange of minerals, vitamins and other biologically active substances, rationing, supply. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
4. Digestibility of nutrients, evaluation of feed stuffs. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
5. Green feed and roughage, their types, feeding to different species.Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
6. Roots feed, silage, its importance, use. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
7. Feed grains, oilseeds, by-products of the food industry, their meaning and rationing. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
8. Animal products, compound feed, characteristics, use and feeding technique. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
9. Feed processing before feeding, planning of feed production and use. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
10. The digestive tract of cows, preparation of feed rationLectures 1h, practical works 1h.s.
11. Feeding requirements for calves, types of feed. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
12. Beef cattle fattening, requirements, choice of nutrients for fattening. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
13. Biological basics of feeding of pigs, feeding norms, preparation of feed rations. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
14. Horse digestive physiology, nutrients, choice of feedstuLectures 1h, practical works 1h.ffs.
15. Basics of sheep and goat feeding, preparation of feed intake.Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
16. The digestive tract of poultry, feed nutrients for poultry, poultry feeding, equipments of feeding technics. Lectures 1h, practical works 1h.
Successfully did practical works, passed final test.
The student independently studies popular scientific literature
Student can get a successful mark on the test if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly. The practical work performed is evaluated according to the evaluation procedure specified in the practical task. Without the successful completion of practical works student cannot take the final exam.
1.Osītis U. Dzīvnieku ēdināšana kompleksā skatījumā. Ozolnieki, 2004.363.lpp.
2.Latvietis J. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku ēdināšana. 2.izd. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991. 197 lpp.
3.Osītis U. Barības līdzekļu novērtēšana atgremotāju ēdināšanā. Jelgava: LLKC, 1998. 102 lpp.
4.Osītis U. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku ēdināšanas praktikums. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1987. 211.lpp.
5.Latvietis J., Sprūžs J., Osītis U. Normējošie kritēriji un kvalitātes prasības kombinētās spēkbarības gatavošanai. Jelgava: LLU, 1998. 28 lpp.
6.Latvietis J. Lopbarības katalogs. Rīga: Latvijas Zinību biedrība, 1996. 85 lpp.
7.Degola. L., Trūpa A., Aplociņa E. Lopbarības ķīmiskās analīzes un sagremojamība. SIA Drukātava, ISBN 978-9984-48-219-4, 2016. 52. lpp.
1.Latvietis J. Lopbarība. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki, ISBN 978-9984-48-096-1, 2013. 308. Lpp.
2. Lopbarības analīžu rezultātu apkopojums. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki, 2013. 47. Lpp.
3. Minerālvielas liellopiem. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki, 2016. 35. lpp.
4.Osītis U. Zirgu ēdināšana. Jelgava: Proventus Farms Pluss, 2007. 289 lpp.
5.Osītis U. Gaļas liellopu ēdināšana. Jelgava, LLU, 2000. 47. lpp.
1. Populārzinātnisks žurnāls “Saimnieks”. Rīga : TEE BIO, 2004- ISSN 1691-1598.
2. Populārzinātnisks žurnāls “Agrotops” AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164.
For study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Agronomist with specialization in Field Crops